Sequel: Is It Still So Wrong?

I Love You, Is That So Wrong? Unfortunately, Yes

Paintballs, A Rock, and Confessions

“But then she loves it when she listens to you doing your thing with the guitar while you love it when you hear her do her thing on the piano, so it kinda balances out things a bit, so don’t worry about it Ray, you two will work it out soon enough.” Bob said.

“You guys are talking like Mikee and I are a fighting couple, not fighting cousins.” Ray pointed out, we laughed, glad to hear that we lifted his spirits up a bit.

“Look um, not to ruin this or anything but, shouldn’t we go look for Mikee too?” Frankie asked.

“Oh shit you’re right! Bob, Frankie, you two go with me, Mikey and Gerard… just stay behind, maybe she’ll just come back on her own.” Ray said, without time for Gerard and I to react the three were out of the house like a bullet. I turn to Gerard, the two of us were finally alone, but we don’t know how much alone time that’ll be. Mikee could just burst into the room anytime just like what Anna did.

Suddenly Gerard gets off the chair where he was sitting and sits down next to me on the couch, I start to feel him get closer to me, making me just turn to him and look into his eyes again.

“You were trying to tell me something a while ago when we were in your room, what was it?” he asks gently.

“Are… are you sure? What if… the guys… or the girls…” I say, trying to keep my composure and not stutter.

“They won’t, we’ll be able to hear them because of the doorbell.”

“What if they don’t ring the doorbell?”

“Stop worrying bro, just tell me, what has been bothering you?” I stare at him for a bit, maybe I should tell him, I was going to tell him before if Anna hadn’t come into the room.

“Gerard… I think… I… I—“I wasn’t able to finish when Gerard placed his finger on my lips, smiling down at me.

“It’s okay, I know already, I just wanted to tease you.” he said. The finger that shushed me was removed from my lips as that hand moves to caress my cheek, feeling his warm skin on mine. I didn’t know what to do but just sit there. He then closes his eyes and leans in as I prepare for what’ll happen next, that I know too much of. I feel his warm lips on my own, not on a coffee mug but my own two lips. His lips were soft and smooth, warmer than I had expected them to be. The kiss was gentle, as if he was asking me to deepen the kiss myself.

But then… I don’t know…

Everything’s just happening so quickly… and… I’m scared…

What if we get too into the mood and someone from the band actually sees us? We’d get into real trouble, and I don’t want that to happen to either me or Gerard.

I know I’m going to regret this soon.

“Gee… I’m sorry but…” I say as I break away from his kiss.

“Mikey? I don’t understand, I thought you felt the same way.” he said in a hurt tone, and it hurt me even worse to hear him like that.

“I… I do but… it’s just that… I don’t know… Gerard I don’t know if…” I heave a deep sigh. “I need to be alone for a minuet…”

Gerard’s POV:

As soon as I kissed him he pulls back, now I watch as he leaves the room for a while and goes into the kitchen to probably get some coffee. I fight the urge to follow him; I know if I did I’d probably just make him feel uncomfortable. I can understand that he feels confused right now, but there’s really something that’s making him doubt if it’ll be all right to be together, even if it’ll be a secret relationship only between him, me and Anna, who found out.

Mikey’s POV:

I don’t get it at all. I love him but I’m so scared of what’ll happen if I do, that dream was telling me a message… and I don’t like the message at all. It’s wrong to love another guy, especially if that guy is your brother. I don’t know what to do right now, there’s no one I could talk to. Well, there’s Anna but then she’s out looking for Mikee. When he kissed me I felt relieved that now I know that he liked me back in the same way, but then it also opened my eyes into a realization that our relationship is not right at all. But then…

Oh dear Lord, I’m confusing myself.

Gerard’s POV:

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang; the guys are probably back, or the girls, or maybe just Mikee.

Either person, I get up to answer the door when Mikey comes out the kitchen and gives me a glance that says he’ll answer the door. So I just sit back on the couch as he opens the door and greets the person there.

“We’re baaaaaaaaaack!” I hear Frankie say as the guys and girls flooded back into the living room. Mikee looks like she just cried, and surprisingly, so did Ray. I guess they had some touchy cousin moment or something.

“Oh great, and I was enjoying the peace and quiet around here.” I said.

“Sorry Gerard, but since we’re back and Mikee and Ray-ray settled their fight.” Nadine said.

“Let’s start the paintball wars!” Bob said enthusiastically. I glance at Mikey, but it seems that he’s trying to avoid my gaze this time.

And it hurts.

Still Gerard’s POV:

Everyone was divided into two groups; one group had four members while the other group had five. I was in the group with four members, along with Ray, Anna and Abi. The other group was composed for Mikey, Nadine, Frankie, Mikee and Bob.

We just started the game and every one of us was already covered in different colors of paint.

It was amazing that Ray hasn’t gotten paint on his hair yet.

“Hey, when are we going to stop hiding behind the bushes and attack them?” Abi asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to get any paint on my hair.” Ray said.

“Mimi’s right, you are too hair conscious Ray-ray.” Anna said as she was playing with a balloon that contained pink paint.

“It’s a good thing everyone brought enough clothes.” I stated. As we just sat there behind the bushes observing the other group, it seemed it was just Mikey actually trying to look for us. The other four were socializing in pairs, Nadine and Bob and Frankie and Mikee.

“Hey Abi, I think your uncle’s hitting on Nadine.” Ray pointed out.

“And your bandmate is hitting on your cousin.” Abi pointed out too.

“That’s just disturbing…” Anna muttered.

“And Bob said hitting on any of you girls would be ‘too fast’… tch, hypocrite.” I say. Nadine turned to our direction suddenly; it seemed that she had heard us whispering about them. She goes up to Mikey and they call up the other guys.

“Uh-oh… I think they found us out…” Anna said.

It was true, since now they were aiming their paint balloons at our direction. We prepare our own balloons, ready to fire at them the same time they do.

“GO!” Mikey shouted, we all charged at each other hitting any member of a different group in different colors.

Mikey, being the clumsy ass he is, doesn’t notice a rock in the middle of the crossfire and trips. Just as I run to him to prevent him from falling, I end up falling with him. Resulting for us to end up in a… position where he is on top. We just stare at each other at first, both of us probably hesitating to get up.

Mikey’s POV:

How did I get myself on top of Gerard?

The rock.

Thank you rock… I get to be seme for once.

But the guys will start getting ideas if we stay like this too long.

“Um… we should probably…” Gerard says.

“Get up?” I say, he nods. Just when I was about to get off him we hear a squeal coming from the right, we turn to see it was Mikee with a delighted look on her face.

“Can you guys stay like that until I get a camera?” she asks eagerly, the yaoi fangirl she is. But then for just standing there all vulnerable and all she was bombarded with blue paint by her own cousin. “GAH! RAY-RAY YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!” she said in an angry-playful way, we get up as she tries to get a good shoot on her cousin.

Anna was right behind Ray with that pink paintball that seemed she was saving for something I’m sure was nothing but trouble, I watch the scene when Ray gets into Anna’s shooting range, too busy focusing on Mikee to focus on Anna.

That was when she hit the pink paint directly on his hair.


“Aw… Anna!” Mikee said.

“We wanted to do that…” Nadine said as the two pulled disappointed pouts.

Gerard’s POV:

“That has got to be one of the best paintball wars ever!” Frankie says as we guys get to use the bathroom in my room while the girls use the one in Mikey’s. We were all done taking separate baths and changing into clothes, except for Ray who was still in the bathroom, probably trying to get the paint off his hair.

“You say that every time we end a paintball war.” Bob said.

“But there were more people!”

“What difference does it make that there were girls this time? Is it because you got the chance to hit on Ray’s cousin?”

“I wasn’t hitting on her! We were just talking! What about you and Nadine huh?!”

“We were just talking too, so don’t go accusing anyone.”

“You started it!”

“Okay you guys, no arguing.” Mikey says, stopping the two from arguing over something not that worth arguing about. Ray finally comes out the bathroom, still with some paint on his hair.

“There’s still some on Ray.” I tell him honestly. He groans in an exhausted way as he gets back in the bathroom to continue to get all the paint off, I’m tired of waiting for him. “Guys I’m just going to go back to the living room, maybe the girls are done.” I say.

“Yeah, sure.” they chorus as I let myself leave the room, as I go back down to the living room I could hear the girls talk from the hallways.

“… Bob’s a nice guy and all, but we’re only friends.”

And they’re talking about us! Curious, I just stand there in the hallways to eavesdrop on them. I’m a bad person to be doing that, I know.

“Eeeeh, you say that now, but then before we know it you guys start dating.” Mikee teased.

“Maybe I should start calling you auntie.” Abi said.

“That’s never going to happen; he was just being friendly with me.” Nadine said.

“Stop denying Nadine, plus it’s not like it’s just Bob trying to make a move on one of us.” Anna said.

“Yeah Mimi, what were you and cousin Frankie talking about?” Nadine asked teasingly as payback. I could just imagine her blushing right now.

“We were just properly introducing ourselves to each other… that’s it…” she said.

“Oooooh right… don’t worry Mimi! It’s a good thing Frankie’s short too so you won’t have any trouble kissing him!” Nadine said.

“Waaaah! Nad-nad you mean! I’m not sure if I really like him yet!” Mikee protested.

“But you do don’t you?! You’re just denying!” Nadine said.

“How do we know you’re not denying about liking Bob?!” Mikee said back.

“I don’t like Bob! I like Mikey!” Nadine blurted out, that was surely not on purpose. She likes Mikey? Wow, I feel jealous. Soon the room filled with teasing noises from her friends. I look back to see that the guys were coming out of the room, Ray’s hair finally paint-free.


“Ssssssshhhhhhh!!!” I shush Frankie before he makes any noise to blow my cover.

“Ah! Shut up you guys!” Nadine said.

“Nadine! I never knew you’d like someone like Mikey!” Anna said.

“Well now we know.” Abi said.

“Indeed.” Mikee agreed. When the guys heard this they seemed to have gotten the message that I was eavesdropping and didn’t want to be found out by the girls, soon they joined in with me.

“Nadine actually likes Mikey?” Frankie whispered.

“That’s what they said, didn’t they?” Ray said. Mikey and Bob said nothing, Bob not having such a happy expression on.

“Well now that you guys know who my crush is, I want you all to give in and confess! It’s unfair for me! Anna you start!” Nadine said.

“Ooh… this is going to be good…” Frankie commented.

“Uh… I don’t exactly like anyone…” Anna said.

“Liar!” the other three said accusingly to her.

“Honestly, would I lie to you guys? It used to be Gerard but—“

“Ooh, Gerard?” Mikee said.

“What do you mean ‘used to’?” Nadine said.

“What happened?” Abi asked. I have mixed emotions at this, I am surprised to find out that my ex-girlfriend’s sister had a crush on me but then I was also anxious that she might spill about me and Mikey.

“I just didn’t like him anymore, I mean, he’s my sister’s ex-boyfriend, you get what I mean.” Anna said, I sigh in relief.

“Oh I get it, you wouldn’t want your sister to think you’re backstabbing her by having a crush on her ex-boyfriend, okay we get what you mean.” Abi said.

“Moment of truth Mimi, your turn.” Anna said, there was silence for a while until the other girl sighed before talking.

“All right, I’ll admit… I think I do like Frankie…” she admitted, all us guys turned to the said guy. He seemed that he wasn’t listening, Mikee was lucky. We heard Nadine squeal and I took a peak to see her hugging Mikee.