Status: oh hai morgan!

I Only Want You for One Night

Where Do We Go From Here?

I could feel Tomi moving underneath me. I opened one tired eye.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a soft voice, my eyelids too heavy and tired to be kept open.

“I’m not moving…don’t worry,” he whispered, pressing his cool lips to my forehead.

I was content with that answer, and snuggled up against him more. He was warm and cozy. Gott last night was amazing. And I told him so.

“It was.” I opened my eyes and he was smiling.

“Would it be too early to say I loved you?” I asked, returning my head to his chest.

“No Bill…I love you too,” he whispered.

I looked up at him, the early morning sun coming through the window above his bed. “I don’t believe you,” I muttered, teasing.

“Bill you’re everything to me. I couldn’t live without you.” He hugged me close.

“Oh Tomi, I love you,” I whispered and kissed his sweet lips.

He returned the kiss, feeling him smile. I loved making him happy. I would do anything for him.

“What time is it?” I asked, our lips still tantalizingly close together.

“Six maybe…” Tom replied. “But let’s not worry about that, okay? I just wanna hold you.”

He ran his hands through my hair and I sighed. This little tiny voice inside of my head told me this wasn’t right. But it had to be right. Love is always right.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at me with those eyes.

“Nothing,” I whispered into his chest.


“No, nothing’s wrong Tomi, I’m serious.”

My eyes were getting heavy again. Last night had been really tiring. I wrapped my arms around him and fell back to sleep, sweet dreams of my lover flooding my mind.

I could feel myself being shaken awake sometime later.

“Bill, wake up!” Tom whispered harshly.

“Mm…” I moaned, too tired to move.

The door opened and I looked up quick at Tom, who pretended he was sleeping. I did the same.

“Boys…?” our mom’s voice trailed off and I felt Tom fake wake up underneath me. He pushed me off of him, but just for show.

I opened my eyes too and looked up at mom.

“Why were you boys sleeping together?” she asked. Psh, if she only knew the half of it.

“Oh, Bill had a nightmare, so I let him sleep with me so he wouldn’t freak.” Nice save Tomi.

“Okay…um…it’s time for breakfast.” Thank Gott mom didn’t suspect a thing.

I jumped off of the bed and ran to my closet.

“We should switch clothes today,” I suggested, going through my billions of pairs of skinny jeans with random rips all over them.

“Excuse me?! I’m the only one in this family that can wear baggy clothes.” Tom was right behind me, his breath on my neck. He slipped a hand across my waist and those tingles in my stomach erupted again. I loved that feeling, so much.

I turned my head back a bit and kissed his soft lips.

“Did I ever tell you I loved you?” He hugged me from behind.

“Ja, Tomi…”

“Well I do Bill. I love you.”

“I love you too Tomi.” I turned around and put my arms around his neck.

“How did I ever live without loving you?” he whispered in my ear.

“Boys! Breakfast! Now!” Mom cried outside our door and we let go of each other, though neither of us wanting to.

Tom went to the closet next to mine and grabbed the usual, baggy jeans and some random shirt.

I, though, preferred to take my time in getting pretty. Don’t mock me, you know I do! I put on my The Icon shirt and some dark colored jeans and before Tom pulled me out of our room I managed to put on some eyeliner too.

“What are you doing today?” I asked him as we walked downstairs.

“Nothing really.”

“You wanna watch a movie then?”

“In the den?” he smirked.

“Ja,” I raised my eyebrows and returned the smirk.

We walked into the dining area of the kitchen and mom had cooked us home-made waffles and some sausage too.

Once mom was cleaning up the pans and stuff she picked up her keys from the table.

“I’m going shopping in town today boys. Try not to make a mess, okay?”

Tomi gave me a smirk. I knew what he was thinking. Mess. Gott he was a perv. He was my perv.

“Where’s Gordon?” Tom asked.

“With his band all day.” Mom rolled her eyes. “You know how it is. My boys always away with their bands.”

“But you miss us more, don’t you, Mommy?” I smiled at her.

“Yes, boys, I always miss you.” She gave us both kisses on her forehead and then headed towards the door.

“Bye!” Tom and I called at the same time.

“Bye boys, call me if you need anything,” Mom said and then the door closed behind her.

I stuck my fork into the sausage and picked it up, staring at it and wondering if I should eat it.

So just for Tomi I started to suck on it.

I looked at him and his eyes went wide. “You should do that to my sausage sometime.”

I continued to suck on it, knowing he was enjoying this very much, and bit down on it.

“Yum.” I swallowed the piece and giggled, reaching out with my free hand to grab Tom’s thigh.

“Thanks a lot Bill, you got me all horny now!”

I smiled and got back to my food. I poured tons more syrup onto my waffles.

“Bill I…I told you this already but you were really amazing last night.”

“Why thank you Tom. So were you.” I took a bite of the syrupy goodness.

“I just never knew…” his voice trailed off.

I looked at him and smiled, tilting my head to the side. “That I could be so dirty?”

“Ja,” he laughed. “I mean everyone knows that I am but....I never knew you had it in you.”

“You’re my twin Tomi, we’re quite alike. Besides, I don’t tell you everything that goes in my life.”

He rolled his eyes. “C’mon Bill, Gustav and Georg get more action than you.”

I giggled. “Tomi…” I shoved some more waffle into my mouth.

“No, really, you were always the one looking for true love. I mean you had less than a handful of one night stands and the last real relationship you’ve had was when were like 15.”

I smiled warmly at him. “It feels good to be loved again.”

He returned my smile and leaned in to kiss me. My lips were all covered in syrup. He licked his lips when he pulled away and smiled. “Tastes good,” he muttered.

“Sorry for bringing this up but…I’d really want the fans to know, that I…that I’m in love. But I can’t tell them it’s with you.”

His face went white. “Well then don’t tell them. Because they’ll wanna know.”

“Yeah,” I sighed. Why couldn’t our fans know about us? Didn’t most of them at least suspect it once or twice? But I knew it would mess everything up in this world, so for now it was just our little secret.

When I was done I took my plate and Tom’s to the sink.

“C’mon, let’s go watch a movie…” he took my hand and we went upstairs.

I put in ‘The Notebook.’ Hey I like it! But I knew Tomi didn’t. Whatever, we needed something romantic.

I turned the lights off and closed the door. The den was pretty much the movie room. There was one window but it had huge drapes over it so no light really go in. And we had a huge flat screen in there too. And we had an Xbox and stuff like that in there too.

I sat myself down on his lap and started the movie.

He leaned over to give me a kiss and I kissed him back. Basically watching a movie was our excuse for making out, I knew we could use this when mom and Gordon were home too. Because usually Gordon and mom were doing their own thing (no not like that you perv) and didn’t disturb us.

About halfway through the movie, I only knew that because I’d seen this before, Tom’s cell started to ring.

He let me go for a second and took it out. He tried to hide the text from me but I forced my neck around to see it.

‘hey tom, you wanna hang out today?’ from some girl named Alice.

“Who’s Alice?” I asked, looking at him longingly.

“She’s the girl I met yesterday.” He was too busy texted this girl to look at me.

I wasn’t sorry for the jealously I soon felt.

“And you’re gonna say no, right?” I asked him.

He must have seen the jealous look in my eyes. My eyes told my emotions way too much.

“Bill I should…then people won’t wonder,” he explained.


“I told her we could hang out after I watched a movie with my very favoritest brother and secret lover,” he whispered, pulled me to him so that I laid on top of him.

I nodded, still feeling kinda hurt. I didn’t wanna do that to Tomi. He deserved to have time to spend with people other than me. I really needed to make more friends than Gustav and Georg.

If I let them come over I was sure they were gonna suspect something. They always knew when I was keeping a secret, Georg especially.

So I’m gonna spend today alone too.

I hated myself later for being so selfish. I mean I didn’t own Tomi…even though I liked to think I did, and I had to let him do what he wanted every so often.

When we kissed again it felt like his kisses were now less delicious, less vigorous. But I knew it was all in my head. Tom did love me.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title from breakdown by forever the sickest kids. i was listening to it at the moment i put this up. ha

okay. now listen all you subscribers, morgan isn't gonna update unless you show this story some lovin! we work very very hard on this!