Piece of Cake

Queen of Dares

“Ok Kayla, Truth, or Dare?”

“Dare” I didn’t even think twice about the question. I always chose dare, what fun was truth when you could lie and no one would ever know? Besides I was with my cousin Lori, and her boyfriend Georg in a five star hotel, it didn’t get much better than this.

“Alright…” She looked toward Georg, seeking help in finally putting my daring streak to an end. So far I had licked a toilet seat, flashed an old lady, and faked an orgasm in the lobby. Did that ever get a few stares…and I think some guy pulled out video camera.

“I dare you to…-” She had begun before getting cut off by Georg

“Steal Tom’s boxers” I rolled my eyes.

“Piece of cake” I got up and headed toward the door.

“Wait!” I turned back to face them “The one’s he’s wearing” I felt my heart drop. That’s impossible! I’m not sleeping with him for a pair of boxers! All right…I couldn’t show any signs of weakness.

“Be back in a sec” I casually replied…although I was screaming on the inside. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I freaked!

“How the fuck do I get them off of him without him knowing!? Shit fuck shit fuckity fuck!” I whispered. Wait a second…. they weren’t going to actually see me take the boxers off of him! So it’s like the truth rip-off. I smiled to myself. Damn I was a genius.

I crept across the hall and into Tom’s apartment. Hm… I had been expecting the smell of sweat and feet to smack me in the face when I entered, but it actually smelled pretty nice. I gently closed the door behind me and crept over to Tom’s bedroom door. I hadn’t heard any noise so I was guessing he was asleep, which would only make my task that much easier. I could feel my heart thumping hard against my chest as I poked my head inside.

Nothing. He wasn’t even there! And his dumbass left his front door open! He deserved to have his boxer’s stolen, then some. I happily skipped over toward his dresser, grabbing a pair of blue, silk boxers from the second drawer.

“Oooh somebody’s got taste,” I mumbled, examining the underwear. I just might keep them, I mean all mine were cotton. I shrugged. “Now…where is your kitchen?”

I sat the boxers inside the microwave and set in on 10 seconds. I watched as the little green numbers counted down.


“One” I jumped, spinning around to find Tom, standing right in front of me with his arms crossed. I looked around nervously, squeezing my eyes shut as the microwave beeped. I turned around and grabbed the boxers out.

“Well! I see your back! No need to thank me for watching the place for you, I’ll just…be on my way then” I smiled and headed toward the door when Tom’s hand reached down and swooped the boxers out of my hands. “No!” I cried, jumping to retrieve them

“Kayla…why are you cooking my boxers?” He kept moving so that I couldn’t get them back. I giggled a little as I noticed a pair of dark red ones, poking up from his baggy pants.

“It was a dare!” He smiled, as I jumped up again. Damn him and his…tallness.

“Yeah I’ll give them to you…on one condition” I sighed and crossed my arms.

“What?” I saw him flip his tongue ring…uh oh.

“Kiss me” He gave one of those, mischievous smiles and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“No way!” He stepped closer and I backed up, against the counter. He was so close I could feel the warmth from his body against mine. I felt my heart speed up and tried my hardest to contain my breathing but it wasn’t helping.

“Why not?” He was getting closer and closer and his boxers, and the dare were the last things on my mind.

“I don’t like you that’s why” I retorted. He laughed and I could actually feel his breath on my neck. Dear god save me.

“Kayla?” I shut my eyes. The sound of his voice saying my name sent a shiver down my spine. I took a deep breath.

“What?” I whispered. He reached his arms up, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into him.

“You’re a liar” Before I could object his lips pressed into mine, the coldness of his lip ring tingling my tongue. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his did my waist. My shirt was lifted up over my head and I nearly forgot what I had come for.

“Here you go!” I mumbled in a singsong voice as a tossed the boxers down in front of my cousin and Georg. They both stared, literally opened mouth at the boxers. I plopped down on the bed lying down on my stomach.

“But…How…no! You were supposed to cave! Give up!” My cousin shrieked, standing up and throwing the boxers across the room. “Alright! You win Kayla! You are the queen of dares…Shit!” She stood up and left the room, Georg following. I rolled over on my back, placing my hands behind my head.

“Yes I am” I sighed, looking over to where she had thrown the boxers. They had landed near the sofa, wrinkled, warm, and as red as they were when I had first spotted them from behind his shirt. I heard a door slam from across the hall, breaking the silence.

“Kayla!!” Tom screamed.
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This one was a rather exciting to write, and I had to add a touch of humor at the end, I couldn't help it. All in all, it only took about a day to write! So i'm happy now.