First Times the Hardest

Chapter 1

Angel sat on the back steps of her new house waiting. She didn't know for what exactly, she just new she needed to wait. This was the third house they had moved into this month. Gerald kept blowing their cover, yeah, sure, he was new, he needed time to adjust, she had the same problems HE did when she was changed, but this was getting out of hand. She had never killed anyone.

"Angel?" Gerald said,walking out of the house. "I'm sorry, I'm really trying."

Sighing, Angel stood up to face him with a smile. She pushed her anger, fear, everything away. Hiding from herself, thats what Bo said, its what she's good at, the only way she new she would, could survive this madness.

"It's okay kid." Angel said. "We all make mistakes, just be careful this time, okay?"

Without waiting for an answer, Angel stood up and walked inside, she loved her new brother, she really did, he was cool, she felt sorry for him, he had been pushed into this then left stranded, no idea what he was, he had spent who knows how long up in those woods.


Angel jumped, spinning around she saw Bo standing by the door way, his beautiful blue eyes glowing softly in the dim light.

"Yeah Bo?" she asked, lazily stretching out on the couch behind her.

"You going to school?" he asked, tensely sitting next to her.


"How about Gerald?"

"You think he can handle it?"

"I'll take him out tonight."

There was a pause, Bo shifted uncomfortably next to her.

"Will you come with us?"

"Bo, please, you know I don't agree with this group thing, its not me."

"Like a lone wolf, always have been, hope it doesn't get you killed Angel."

Bo stood up and left, she knew he was getting Gerald, she didn't like what they did, what she did, but she knew it was necessary. Just as she was standing up, the rest of the pack rushed in, she saw the red hair of her mother and rushed over.

"Clarie, I'm going to school tomorrow."

Clarie looked up, one of her lips curled up.

"Angle. When will you except yourself, its disgusting. Go join Bo and Gerald."

Sighing Angel left, she would go after Bo and Gerald got back. She wanted to be alone, she always did when she hunted. She hated the feeling she got from it, it scared her.

As she got into bed, she heard a fight start downstairs she growled angrily. What was Bo thinking, putting so many of them in such a small house. She sighed, if Bo and Gerald didn't get back soon she would just have to wait to hunt until the morning.
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Well, I wasn't planning on putting up another story until I finished Degrees of Hate, but...
I am bored and I am happy. (and I can't sleep)