First Times the Hardest

Chapter 2

Wind blew through her long hair, she shivered and slowly began to strip. Crouching behind a bush she allowed the monster to slowly take over her…
The deer was tense, it sensed her near, it was scared. She paused, relishing the feeling, then attacked. As her teeth connected with the deer, she became aware of someone else attacking th deer. It had to be someone else from Bo’s pack, no one else would jump into a kill with a stranger, so obviously this wasn’t a stranger. As soon as she felt the deer die, she released her bite on the neck. Hackles raised, she slowly approached the other wolf. The wolf raised his head, eyed her slowly, then lazily stood, his muzzle dripping with blood. Slowly they circled, his form lazy, her tense. She didn’t recognize him, he wasn’t from Bo’s pack, which meant he was a stranger, probably recently changed, probably left to fend for himself like Gerald was. He lunged, she felt his fangs dig into her shoulder, but she didn’t move, didn’t try to defend herself. The wolf released his grip, took a step back and stared at her, surprised and unsure of what to do now. She stared at him, then turned to the deer and began to eat, watching him form the corner of her eye. With hesitation, he also began to eat, and they both relaxed, enjoying the food. She watched his dark brown fur blowing in the wind, she could see his ribs. Who was this wolf?
Angel arrived at school late, she hadn't slept well, thoughts of the other wolf were on her mind all night, causing her to toss and turn. When she got up she watched everyone carefully, no one asked about her hunt last night, no one mentioned a mysterious lone wolf. Sighing, Angel entered the school, she saw a few glances at her, but nothing major, this was a very laid back town, no one had questioned them when they moved here, which was odd for a small time, why they usually avoided them.

"Hey Angel!"

Angel looked up surprised, then angrily as she watched Gerald rushed through the crowed of people.

"What are you doing here?" she snapped, grabbing his elbow.

"I can handle it, besides, you don't have a say, Bo said I could come."

"What ever, just stay out of my way."
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wow... didn't expect that huh?
hehe, it gets better...