First Times the Hardest

Chapter 3

Walking into her first class, Angel found a seat in the back. She sat uncomfortably as the other students rushed in. Just as the bell rang, the teacher walked in, he closed the door before taking his place at the front of the class.
“Good morning class. I am Mr. Botanga, and this is Algebra II honors, if you are not supposed to be in this class, leave now.”
There was a pause, and when no one stood, Mr. Botanga smiled
“Good, glad to see everyone made it here safely. Now, row call… ”
By the end of the day, Angel was exhausted, No one had really talked to her or even seemed interested. Sighing, Angel waited at the front door for Gerald.
Gerald walked out of the building looking white and strained.
“Hey Gerald, everything go okay.” She asked, starting to walk away from the school.
“How can you do this, control yourself everyday.”
“Practice mainly.”
“Angel?” Gerald asked, shifting from foot to foot.
“Well, I was talking to Bo, last night, while we were hunting, I asked him what your story was, he wouldn’t tell me, but your like me, I mean, you were left alone?”
Sighing, Angel stopped and faced him.
“Gerald, do you know why normally so many of our kind don’t live in a group?”
“We fight, and the alpha thing”
“Yes, but another thing.” Angel sighed again and shifted her gaze to the trees behind Gerald.
“What?” Gerald asked, turning to look in the direction she was looking.
“Diseases, there was an out break, about twenty years ago, I was left orphaned, I had already learned to hunt, my pack did not leave me by choice, they died.”
“I thought Clarie was your mother?”
“Bo and her adopted me, I spent along time alone. There were hunters, I, I’m not very good with people, or others like use, or feelings for that matter, but I learned how to control myself, complete and entire control, I had no choice.”
“Do or die?” Gerald asked.
“Yah, both of use are kind of similar.”
“You didn’t eat people though.”
“You had no training, it’s a shock you only killed two people.”
“I don’t remember anything from before Bo and you found me, how did you find me?”
“Have you talked to Bo about this.”
“No… but…”
“Come on Gerald, when Bo takes you out tonight, ask.”
“Why don’t you hunt with us?”
Laughing, Angel turned to him.
“Why do you ask so many questions?”
♠ ♠ ♠
mwahaha, poor Angel... I feel sory for her, all alone like that =[
so sad...
you may find out more about her later....