Status: -dead; hiatus-

Do You Believe In Reincarnation?


The crowd had been chanting non-stop excitedly for 10 minutes already, and I watched, amused, from my spot within the moshpit. Even the flying balloon-like condoms weren't enough to distract the crowd from the band. I waited patiently amid all the jostling and squeezing.

There was a roar from the crowd, as the band finally came on stage.

Gerard grabbed the mic stand and lifted it into the air with both his arms, posing proudly like some kind of a rock-god.

The crowd screamed in response. Without saying anything else, the band started playing their first song, House of Wolves, and Gerard sang, danced and jumped together with the fans.

Gerard screeched into the mic.

The lights were turned on, and Gerard pranced on the stage, gazing at the crowd, before announcing...

"Awww... You're all so beautiful!"

The crowd went wild.

I giggled.

Typical Gerard.

It was amazing really, the level of influence that he had over the crowd, and how everyone was so hyped up and letting their hair down. It was infectious. The band started to play their second song, Cemetery Drive. Gerard began to wave his hands in the air, as the fans started to sing and clap along to the song. I grinned as Bob started up the chorus, and Ray screamed the back-up vocals into the mic. Even Mikey was rocking out, and he opened a water bottle, tossing its contents onto the crowd, before flinging the empty bottle out to the crowd.

I finally turned, reluctantly, staring at the person that I had tried not to look at, but I just... couldn't help it.

Frank Iero.

I watched him as he bobbed his head to the beat, his fingers flowing over his guitar so naturally, it was almost as though it was a part of his body.

He was amazing.

Mind-blowing really.

As usual.

I felt myself wince, feeling my heart ache in response.

He was so happy.

But only when he was playing on stage.

Only with music.

I knew that he had never been truly happy ever since he had made the decision to be with me.

To be changed.

To give up everything.


His friends...

His life.

I watched as he began to play his guitar solo.

Playing with his heart...

His soul.

I knew, deep down, that if he had never met me, nothing would ever make him give up his wonderful life.

I knew it a long time ago.

I just didn't want to face it.

Music was his life.

I couldn't take it away from him.

And I knew that if I wanted him to be happy, I had to erase his memory.

So I had to take myself out of his life.

For good.

There was no going back ever again.

I knew I would never forget him.

But he would.

I hesitated, selfishly wanting to prolong the last few moments of which he would still have memories of me.

Wishing that I could convince myself somehow that I didn't have to do this.

Trying to hold on to the last few seconds before I erased his memory completely of me.

Of our love.

Of the times we spent together.

Of the memories we shared.

Of what we had gone through together.

I didn't want to do this.

But I had to.

I didn't know how i was going to survive.

Without his goofy smile.

Without his silly laugh.

Without his voice.

Without his kisses.

Without his hugs.

Without his love...

Without him.

Yet I knew the decision I was going to make, what I was going to do next was right.

It was the best...

The best for him.

For Frank.

I love him.

And I would do what was the best for him.

"We are fucking you guys so hard, you won't be able to walk tomorrow!"

The crowd responded, cheering loudly.

Gerard continued to speak.

"The next song's dedicated to a friend of mine. But this time, i won't be the one singing it."

There was a slight uproar as Gerard stepped aside.

I watched, slightly stunned, as Frank walked up to take Gerard's place at the main mic instead.