Run Away From Me

Katheryn and Damien were meant to be together ever since they had first met. Which was, just to let you know, 1320 A.D.. They've gone through millions of lifetimes together only to be torn apart by fate, time and time again. Now the year is 2008 A.D. and this time, it is looking less and less likely that this pair will be together again.

Katheryn is a 22 year-old Teacher's assistant with a haunted past and a future that is uncloudy. Damien is her 28 year-old teacher who reconises her for his one true love. But this lifetime has teached Katheryn many things, and one of them was that love was something that was just another 'santa-clause- mythos. And while she is having dreams of a man shrouded by mystery, a man who sends her long-dead heart pounding, she finds that it is not Damien who she sees, but someone entirely different, a man that had once been her ultimate enemy.