Trashed And Scattered

Welcome To The Black Parade

I looked around the bare street once more. The pale moon light was the only way I could see a thing on this corner.

I scurried back into my ally to grab my hat. Once taken, I walked back to the corner and kept my box out. I took my guitar that I named Derelect. It means forsaken in some language. Since it was only about 8:00, I could still manage a few pennies.

I started playing to a tune that I had herd on the radio of an apartment above my ally-way. I think it was called Welcome to the Black Parade? But I couldn't be too sure.

I did the best I could do for a song I hardly knew. I was actually lucky to get a dollar from a nice elderly couple, otherwise I got one too many glares.

"Caitlin." I herd my name from behind me. I instantly reconized it, I froze in terror.

"Answer me bitch!" Kyle shouted while coming up from behind me. He lifted my up from off the ground.

Kyle was from a gang farther down in Brooklyn way. I have no idea why, but I'm one of his favorite people he hurts. He would hurt me mostly when he was drunk or something annoyed him that day. Which was daily, may I add.

I got the common punch to the stomach and a bloody nose as he left my crumbled form on the sidewalk. Everyone gave me a look of disdain, just pure hatred towards me.

Was it because I had no home? I was beaten? They should help someone like me. Was all that ran through my head.

I grabed Derelect and my few things of change and limped over to my box that I had claimed as shelter.

I woke up with the sun blaring into my eyes. Just another average day.

I decided to beg before I start to play with Derelect again. I crawled to the corner with my empty can of Spagettie-O's. Yeah don't laugh it was the only can I could find.

After a good hour I wasn't making good progress, I started to play the song that was in my head. The one I played yesterday.

Some people must have reconized it because I got alot more change than usual. But thats when I noticed a couple walking down the street hand in hand.

The boy had longish black hair and striking hazel eyes. He wore all black and a pair of black converse. The girl had black hair also, but was pulled back into a pony tail. She had on bright red lip stick and I could have sworn they both had eyeliner on.

They were talking and laughing quietly. They looked so happy. But what were they doing on the streets of Brooklyn? Especially over here, this is a bad area. Many gangs and murders happen over here, I'm planning on getting out of here myself.

I kept playing with the notes that I believed were apart of the song. I zoned out and I didn't even notice when I started to sing.

After the song had finished I looked up to see the couple staring at me in awe.

"You like that song?" The man asked me. My eyes grew wide but I nodded. The girl smiled along with the man who grinned.

"Where are your parents sweetie?" The woman asked. My eye grew even wider if possible. You do NOT trust people here in New York, especailly if they talk to you about your parents. But there was something about them.

"I..I do not have any Miss." I replied shaking unnoticably. They both frowned.

"I apologize. Is there anything we can do to help you?" The man asked quietly. I shook my head and smiled weakly.

"No theres not much you could do. Thank you though."

"We could give you some money if you would like?"

"That would be nice."

"Okay here you go hun." He said and started to walk away. He had handed me a fifty dollar bill. I stared at it in awe. I never had this much money in my life.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I squeeled and I ran back into my ally-way.

This money is going into good use.
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more good is going to happen =]