Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

One At A Time

I was 15 when the new kid came to school. Everyone wanted to meet him; he was young, bad, good looking and dangerous. He was 'The new thing.' He arrived out of an old black Audi and glared at everyone. Girls swooned, guys stared wide eyed as he ignored them all and carried his backpack up to the reception desk with a middle aged man trailing behind him. He ran a hand through his hair and almost looked my way. Almost.

After a couple of weeks people started to get over him, some of them. Every social group invited him in, even the jocks. But he rejected them all and chose to sit by himself, every class and every lunch time. He didnt do what the teachers told him, he rarely showed up to the detentions and he burnt things for fun.

"Hes so good looking" Julie sighed dreamily as we sat at lunch in the cafeteria glancing over at him burning a pencil. "What do you think Dina?" Jason asked flicking his black hair out of his face "who cares. I don't even know him, and he burns things." I said as Matt chuckled at me and threw a fry at my head "hey hey hey, you did not just throw a ball of grease at my head." I said to Matt. "Oh no Matt, fuck dude your in for it now. She might just take off her top and start dancing on the table, if were lucky" Ben joked "or unlucky" Jason snickered as everyone laughed. I glared daggers at the lot of them and stood up with my tray and stormed out with a hmph sound like the child I was.

"Dina! Hey!" I heard from down the corridor as I was at my locker. I turned my head to see Brendon Urie running down after me with his stupid glasses holding his stupid music book that he took everywhere. I quickly shoved my books in my bag, maybe if I hurried fast enough then I would be able to outrun him and get to class before he noticed me. Well obviously that was a stupid idea seeing as he already spotted me as he called me name out. I was just swinging my shoulder bag over my shoulder and slammed my locker shut to see Brendon grinning next to me. "Hi Brendon."

"So you see, thats why I'm partially smell sensitive! Because I had a jolly crayon up my nose when I was four!" Brendon said telling me his life story, yet again as I pretty much heard nothing he said but just let him drone on. I was a bitch too him, but too mean to crush his feelings and tell him to go away. Besides, he wasn't that bad just a little obsessed with me and weird. He and Matt where in the same music class together, and that was how Brendon and I knew each other. He never came out to parties, just stayed at home and studied and played on his instruments, I hear he plays quite few.

"Okay, well this is my stop. I'll see you later, Brendon" I said with a smile he grinned sheepishly and ran off to his class. I waited till he had turned the gone and was completely out of sight before I sighed out of relief and headed for the other direction. "A bit of a freak, isn't he?" A voice said behind me I turned and saw 'the' Ryan Ross leaning against the wall of the corridor with his back pack sitting next to his foot with one foot leaning against the wall casually holding a cigarette in his right hand. His hair covering his eyes, his black skinny jeans and black The Cure shirt, was that his band or something? "What?" I asked looking disgustingly at the cigarette in his hand. He pushed himself off the wall with his foot and came over to me.

"That kid, who follows you everywhere. I've been here for a total of, what, 3 weeks? And I can already tell hes in love with you, and a freak." He said. I glared at him not really having anything better to say. "How is he a freak, because he wears those glasses and is always in the music room, or because he likes me?" He took another intake of his cancer stick before shrugging and smirking at me "both." This guy was pissing me off. Who did he think he was? "Smoking kills, you know." I said crossing my arms having nothing better to say

"I know." He said before handing the cigarette to me. I rolled my eyes and pushed it back to him "No thank you. And if you don't mind, I have to get to class. It was...meeting you." He smirked and chuckled a bit and i mentally kicked myself for being such a klutz with my words. "It was meeting me, huh?" He said cockily. I almost laughed, god this guy was playing with my mind! "I have to go. It was no pleasure meeting you. "I said picking up my bag. He took one last long whiff of his cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stomping on it and then blowing the smoke right in my face "pleasures all mine."
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Okay this is confusing, just a bitt im new and still getting the hang on everything
what i would tottaly love right now is to put in a layout