Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Jesus Christ That's A Pretty Face

“No, definitely this one.” Lucy said holding up a black mini skirt and pick singlet top “ew, are you serious? This one, definitely” Julie said holding up a pink dress “yeah, if she was like five” Lucy said in regards to the item Julie had picked for me to wear. It was the day of the party and Julie and Lucy wanted to take me shopping. In fact the whole group decided they had to see this and so the whole seven of us were at the mall picking out an outfit for me. Well actually everyone but me was picking an outfit for me.

Lucy said I wouldn’t know what to pick seeing as I had never been to a party before so I just tagged along looking at all the suggestions. “Well I’m sorry I’m not dressing her up like a slut.” Julie said Lucy rolled her eyes and put the outfit back on the shelf “whatever lets go. This is hopeless.” She said

“Hey guy, what about this one” we faintly heard Ava call from the back of the store. Julie Matt Ben Lucy and I all made our way to where we found Jason holding up a short strapless navy dress “oh my god, it’s just my colour!” He gushed. I laughed and snatched the dress from him and held it up against myself in the mirror “are you kidding? You can see my knees! Its way too short.” I said handing the dress back to Jason as there was a round of ‘no’s’ and ‘try it on’ “No way Dina, you have to try on this little number” Jason said pushing the dress back to me.

I bit my lip and looked at it again the mirror before sighing and heading into the change room followed by a round of cheering and applause by my friends. I stared at the dress hung up in front of me. I had never really worn a dress before. Not a dress like this. It was definitely different to the denim shorts and low cut converse I was wearing now. I sighed and gave in started to undress out of my old clothes and into this new dress.

“Okay, I’m coming out and if anyone laughs, I swear to God…” I said pulling open the change room curtain. My friends who were once talking and laughing amongst themselves as I dressed all suddenly went quite as I felt extremely uneasy under there gaze and wrapped my arms around my body “okay, it’s terrible thanks a lot” I said as I turned around to go back into the change rooms “No Dina, wait” Julie said pulling me back and directing to the mirror.

I nearly gasped at my own reflection, I did look completely different although I don’t know if it was a good or bad thing “holy shit Dina, I didn’t know you were a girl” Matt said “or had boobs” Ben added Lucy hit them both. “Dina, you have to get that dress” Jason said “yeah, and its only like…” Ava said trailing off reading the price tag “uhm… 100 dollars…” she said meekly. “What??” I said spinning around trying to read the price tag.

“Okay no way, forget it. 100 dollars for a dress! Are you kidding me??” I screeched “but Dina! Look how good you look. Trust me, it’s worth it. You have to buy this dress. If you don’t were all going to have to chip in for you.” Lucy said turning back to the group, where I expected them all to laugh at how ridiculous them paying for my outfit sounded when they were all nodding and agreeing with her. “Guys come on, it’s just a dress. Maybe I’ll just wear that mini skirt and this top, or make something?” I said “okay, now she’s gone delusional. Someone just buy the fucking dress before she starts knitting us all matching sweaters.” Matt said as the rest laughed “okay. Fine, if you guys think I should I’ll get it” I said as they all screamed and cheered as a very angry shop assistant approached us telling us to keep our voices now or leave the store.

“So remember, wait fifteen minutes until all the lights have turned off, and you are sure everyone is asleep. Then put your shoes in your bag, make sure to put a pillow at the bottom of your bag then toss it out the window, followed by of course you.” Julie recited to me on the phone. Dean’s party was in just under two hours and I was still fiddling through my makeup “Julie, I don’t know about this, I can’t even do my mascara!” I whinned “don’t worry, I’ll do it for you when we pick you up.

Now focus, so you follow your bag and once you get to the ground take out your pillow and put it up the tree and we will be there shortly Ben’s brother is nearly at my house and your next okay?” She said as I started to assemble all my things into my bag “okay, I better go now my mom will be coming in to say goodnight” I said “fifteen and you still need your mommy to tuck you in.” Julie said “hey, I need her to think I’m asleep.” I said as I heard my mom walking down the hall “shit, okay I gotta go my mom is coming. See you in a few.”