Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Lights Will Guide You Home

We all squeezed out of Ben’s brothers car and checked our appearance, even the guys, before making our way up the driveway to the huge mansion. ‘Keep on Rollin’ by Limb Bizkit was blasting through, and it was just like all the parties I had seen on TV, the huge mansion, the extremely loud body grinding music, the kids pouring out from every corner of the block of land. It was insane. We entered into the house, single file all being led by Lucy. As soon as we were in, not only did the music escalate by 80 percent but we were immediately separated. I tried calling out to Julie who was behind me but she didn’t hear me as she followed Ava and Ben to one side of the room and Lucy went to the back to probably chat up the new quarterback and I had completely lost Matt and Jason. This party sucked already and some weirdo was starting to grind up behind me. I had to get out of here.

I searched the crowd to see if I knew anyone, when I spotted him. Ryan was casually leaning against a wall at the top of the stairs with a red party cup in his hand talking to Lisa Kenny one of the sophomore cheerleaders. It looked like they were doing more than just talking. I didn’t realise how long I was starring at them until Ryan looked down and spotted me winking and making his way down the staircase. I rolled my eyes and pushed through the crowds of people until I ended up in the kitchen. There were people making out on the counter, some guys chugging a whole keg of beer and I was all by my lonesome. I turned around and some guy thrusted a red party cup into my hand before pushing past me and nearly knocking me too the ground. I regained my balance and looked down into the cup.

“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you, sweet cheeks” A voice from behind me said, taking the cup I spun around to see no one other than, Ryan Ross. I snarled at him not even meaning too, but whenever he was around he just made me so agitated like I wanted to wack the smirk of his dumb face. “Give me my drink back Ryan” I said not in the mood for his games “So what, you can drink it? Dina do you even know what this is” He asked. I scoffed and then looked down “no” I said “exactly, and neither do I.” He said pouring into the sink “we better get you something real to drink, that won’t kill you by the end of the night.” He said putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me out of the kitchen.

“Ryan, get off me!” I said to Ryan pushing him off me. I could hear ‘The bad touch’ by bloodhound gang blasting in the background and my head was spinning. Ever since Ryan had taken me from the kitchen it had just been drink after drink and the alcohol was really starting to get to me. “Dina, come on you need to sit down” Ryan said putting his arm around my shoulders but I pushed him off “I don’t need anything from you Ross! Get lost!” I screamed and then started laughing hysterically realising that Ross and lost rhymed. Ryan was looking uneasily at me and tried to push me over to the couch to sit down but I kept pushing him off me and screaming for him to get off me until I saw Matt Julie and Lucy coming towards me.

“What the fuck is your problem, Ryan?!” Lucy screamed shoving him “fuck off and don’t ever come near Dina again, look at what you’ve done!” Lucy yelled at Ryan pushing him again as Ryan shook his head annoyed and disappeared into the crowd of kids. I was falling over before Matt caught me taking my arm and draped it over his shoulder. I had no idea where Julie went but I saw Lucy walking away with a guy I knew as Dean as he kissed her neck and led her upstairs. “Okay Dina, sit here and don’t move, okay?” Matt said sitting me down on the couch as he disappeared into the crowd of people. My head was throbbing and I was feeling extremely tired I just wanted to go to sleep.

I was brought back to the room by someone shaking my shoulders “What the helll” I slurred opening my eyes to see Matt and Jason. Jason was shaking my shoulders and Matt was holding a glass of water. “Oh my god, Dina I thought you had like died for a second” Jason said worriedly. I rolled my eyes and took the water from Matt drinking it quickly, making me slightly more sober. Soundly ‘Dem jeans’ by Chingy came on and I jumped up excitedly “oh my god, I freakinn love this song!” I yelled pushing past Matt and Jason running to the centre of the dance floor just grinding up against whoever was next to me before someone lifted me onto a table and I started dancing while everyone cheered and screamed. I was completely out of it and just danced until I heard a faint voice calling my name. I was being pulled down off the table by my hand until I pulled my hand back which caused me to stumble a bit until I hit my head against the chandelier above me and collapsed off the table.

“Dina, come on Dina” I heard quietly as someone patted my cheek. I squinted my dead and saw darkness and the faint outline of a blurred figure. “Am I dead?” I asked quietly as my voice was horse and cracked. I heard a small chuckle and squeezed my eyes shut before opening them fully again “Ryan?” I asked confused. He took my hands and sat me up. “Where are we?” I asked looking around and seeing a set of swings and then a big house with loud music a couple of hundred meters away. He shrugged “I have no clue. You were dancing on the table and I tried to pull you down until you stumbled, hit your head and fell and then I brought you out here away from all the shit” I thought for a moment trying to take in everything he had just said. My head was hurting enough as it was and now he was trying to feed me his life story. “Why?” I asked confused and tired looking sideways at him. He shrugged looking at me with a small smile and then looking straight ahead.

I smiled for a short while before vomiting and empty everything in my stomach. I heard Ryan sigh as he pulled my hair back. “Come on Dina, I’ll take you home.”

the past is only the future with the lights on.