Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

What We See Is Not Always What We See

“I don’t want to go home” I said falling off the swing and just lying on the ground. I was feeling much more real as whatever was in my stomach was now out and it had been about three hours since my last drink. Wow this wasn’t good. “let’s walk” I said laying on my back starring at the stars “how about you go home” Ryan said from the swing “I don’t want to. I just want to lie here forever” I said “cool. Well, see ya” Ryan said standing up from the swing. He started walking down the hill with his black hood up and his hands shoved in his hoodie pockets “wait!” I called jumping up and then holding my head from jumping to suddenly before running down the hill and nearly completely running into him.

“I’m freezing” I said wrapping my arms around my body. We had just been walking aimlessly down streets as we gradually reached a small diner. “Go in here” Ryan said ushering us inside. We found a seat in a booth next to the window as an elderly lady came over with her pen and paper to take our order “uhm, just some chips thanks” he said “I didn’t know you had manners” I said resting my head on my hand smiling. “Whatever” he said “why the sudden change? What happened to asshole Ryan?” He snickered a bit and shrugged his shoulders leaning back into the couch spreading out his arms. “where did goody-goody Dina go? The Dina I know would never have even stepped foot in a place like that, let alone drink what you did.” Ryan said I shrugged and copied his previous gesture “whatever” I said as he smiled

“Come on, which street?” Ryan asked as we climbed up a hill near my house “I don’t know, its pitch black I don’t even know where I am!” I said exasperated. After we left the diner Ryan and I had just been strolling around town talking about anything and delaying actually getting me home. “Where’s your little bike anyway?” I asked as we reached the top of the hill “I came with a friend, she’s probably passed out on some couch or gone home with someone else” He said trying to read the street sign “oh” I said a bit disappointed Ryan looked at me trying to understand why I had suddenly become so quite before laughing “she’s not my girlfriend” he said. I blushed a bit feeling just a little embarrassed.

We continued aimlessly down the streets before passing a strip club which was still open and livid. This is Vegas. There were a couple of cheap hookers outside leaning against the ‘hooters’ wall smoking on some cigarettes and counting the cash they had made that night. As Ryan and I walked past they all seemed to stop talking amongst them selves and stare at us until some of them started to approach us “Hey big boy, why don’t you come inside? I’m sure we can arrange something for you” Some sluty blonde said to him rubbing his arm. “Not tonight Hannah, I’m busy.” He said to her. I starred at him, gaping my mouth, he actually knew these women?

“Ryan, baby how you been? Lets go inside and chat for a bit” Another blonde said. I couldn’t believe this. “Hey baby, where’s your big brother? Haven’t seen him around here in a while” Another girl said “Ryan come here, come talk to me, we miss you” “Ryan, give this to your brother for me” “Baby call me, maybe we can get together sometime” “Ryan, don’t be a stranger. Call me, sexy.” Ryan tugged on my arm suddenly pulling us into an alley and away from all the strippers. He continued to walk normally back down the route to my house. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open and wide eyes.

Ryan finally stopped and turned to see I wasn’t walking with him and turned right around to see me standing there “Dina come on lets go, its like fucking four o’clock” Ryan said “what the fuck Ryan? Are you going to tell me what all that was about??” I nearly screamed. Ryan rolled his eyes looking pissed off and walked back over to me “who cares it was nothing, lets get you home so I can fucking go home” he said taking my arm and turning around but I ripped it out of his grasp. He stopped and chuckled to himself “Dina. Lets. Go.” He said starting to get really pissed off

“Ryan, why did all those whores know who you were? And since when do you have a brother?” I screeched. “Oh my god Dina! Shut the fuck up okay! It’s none of your business.” He nearly yelled. I was taken aback but what he said and immediately shut my mouth. Ryan sighed and ran a hand threw his hair “look, I’m sorry. It’s a long story okay, I just know them through my brother, yes I have a brother but he’s in jail, okay? There life story can we go now please.” Ryan said in a much quieter and calmer tone. I nodded my head and followed him home.

The rest of the walk home was a silent one, I felt bad for prying into what was obviously a delicate part of Ryan’s life, but at the same time I still wanted to know the story behind it, badly. After what seemed like an eternity we finally reached my house, which meant no more Ryan. Even though we hadn’t spoken much, I liked being in his presence I felt wanted and important and safe. “Look Dina, I’m sorry for yelling at you or whatever before.” He said shoving his hands into his pockets, like he actually looked genuine about his apology “Ryan, will you stay with me” I think we were both most surprised at my question. It was what I wanted to ask, but I didn’t actually think it would make it all the way out of my mouth. “Look Dina” Ryan started and trailed off “please Ryan” I asked moving closer to him. Suddenly you couldn’t hear the crickets anymore or the few speeding cars a couple of streets away. It was just Ryan and I standing a couple of centimetres apart and it was starting to get really hot.

It didn’t seem like much before Ryan stepped forward to mirror my action as I felt myself back up against the front wall of the house as we stood on the porch. My breathing lowered and I felt Ryan’s hand come up to rest on my face as his lips slowly came down to mine. I didn’t know what to do, I just sort of got lost in the moment as my hands slowly went up his chest and around his neck as the kiss deepened. Ryan moved more towards me as we were both now pressed up against the wall. My eyes were closed and my head starting to spin, kissing Ryan was the best feeling I had ever felt in a long time and I never wanted it to end.

But it did, suddenly there was a creaking sound coming from inside the house and a light turned on from inside. Ryan and I quickly raced around the side of the house as he pulled me along by my hand. We jumped behind the willow tree as the light turned off and we both laid there laughing. The thrill of nearly being caught was exciting and intense it was like being on a roller coaster when your slowly coming up to the top and then you drop. Being with Ryan was like the drop, and it was a feeling I liked. I liked it a lot.

i only wanna be a part of your breakdown