Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I'm Scared I'll Get Scared

Monday morning felt weird. People were starring at me and talking about me and giggling as I walked down the hallway. I couldn’t find my friends, and the one person I really wanted to see was probably wagging today. I don’t think I had ever felt so alone. “Hey Dina, how about another table dance?” “Dina, do you need another drink, or did you get enough Saturday night to last you a lifetime?” “Dina, please, I have a girlfriend I cant sleep with you right now” Everywhere I went people were making jokes at me. I wanted to run to the bathrooms and just cry but that would have to wait as I saw Julie and Matt enter the hallway. Julie was looking around desperately and Matt was looking pale and tired. Julie spotted me and tugged on Matt’s shirt to grab his attention as she came running towards me nearly knocking me over as she embraced me so tightly I could barely breathe.

“Oh my god Dina, I have been so worried! How did you get home? I thought you had been raped or something! I called like a million times, did your phone break or something? Did Ryan hurt you? What the hell happened?” Julie said flooding me with questions “what? No, Ryan took me home.” I said to both of them “what? Ryan who got you completely wasted as was at near raping when we found you ‘took you home?’” Matt said “near raping? Ryan wasn’t going to rape me, what the hell are you guys talking about, Ryan was helping me. And then he kind of stayed with me for the night…after we kind of kissed.” I said blushing a bit “What?! You kissed Ryan? Dina what are you thinking getting involved with a guy like that??” Julie said stopping as the three of us walked down the hallway “Julie, you were the one going on about how good looking he is when he first came to school” I said “yeah, but he’s still bad news.” Julie said “just, stay away from kids like him Dina, they really are bad” Matt said as the bell rung.

I couldn’t really deal with this day anymore. It was only eleven oclock and already kids had made my day a living hell. I had been starred at, giggled at, some jackass had even thrown a paper ball at me and it felt as though my friends were judging me. I was becoming extremely paranoid. There was only one person right now I wanted to see. I remembered that kid I saw Ryan walking with one day and realised he was in my English class. Luckily enough, he happened to be friends with Jason.

“Jason, I need a favour.” I said to Jason in the free period we both had “this better not have anything to do with me having to wear girl clothes again, because I swear that was a strictly one time thing.” He said “where can I find Trevor? You know that blonde kid who’s tall and skinny and is in my English class” I said “yeah yeah I know who he is. But you don’t want to find him” He said crossing his arms. I groaned putting my hands on my hips “and why not??” I said getting frustrated “because, he hangs out with that Ryan kid, and I’m on strict instructions to keep you from him.” He said.

“Jason, I can look after myself, okay? And at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter if you tell me or not because I’m going to find out one way or another, but without your help will only take longer and I seriously have a shit load of chores that won’t do themselves if I want to make it in time to watch saved by the bell.” I said in one huge breathe. “Well babe, you’re just going to have to wait until the end of the day, because my lips are sealed.” Jason said giving me a huge grin. I gave a huge groan and threw my hands in frustration.

“Is everything okay, Dina?” Mom asked as we drove to watch Harry’s Friday afternoon game. I just shrugged and continued to stare out the window wondering when this whole Dean’s party incident would blow over. While trying to maintain my studying and homework. I wish I had never gone to that party. We arrived to Harry’s game just in time for the start. I couldn’t really concentrate on the game or anything besides having to face everyone at school, or even my friends ever again. I began to lose myself in my thoughts when I noticed out in the distance a small little skatepark covered in graffiti and broken wire fence. There were a couple of kids actually using the park, some of the others where just sitting around in groups smoking, drinking or painting there own graffiti when I noticed a familiar face.

I knew surely it couldn’t be him and I shook the thought, just wanting to see him had made me delusional everyone had started to look like him. I tried to focus on the game, but the more I thought about it, the more I assured myself it was him. I excused myself telling my mom I was going to the bathroom as I made my way over to the skate park when I had a clear view, it was him.

“Hey, are you Trevor?” I asked this tall skinny blonde kid sitting with a group of kids talking about some band I had never heard of. “Yeah” he said turning to me and standing up “uhm, I’m looking for Ryan Ross, some people said I might be able to find him here.” I said shoving my hands in my skinny jeans pockets as the wind blew and messed up my long brown hair. He chuckled and crossed his arms “let me guess, you guys hooked a couple of times, and now he won’t return your phone calls? Take it from me, forget about it.” I scoffed at the thought he already had of me and ran a hand through my hair “it’s nothing like that, trust me. It’s about his brother.” I said grabbing his attention as he gave me a more serious look. “oh, well I haven’t seen him around in a while. He’s been acting kind of strange lately. Sorry.” I thanked him and went back to Harry’s game. I wondered if I really was just one of Ryan’s ‘hook-ups’ that he ditches a couple of days later.