Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

You Say You Want To Hurt

“Dude, I can’t believe camp is tomorrow.” Lucy said as the seven of us sat around the abandoned skate park. “Dude I can’t believe you have to go a week without your straightener” Ben said to Jason as I laughed watching him pout. Jason was the biggest man whore and his life revolved around his sidekick, straightener and eyeliner. I had gone a whole week without seeing Ryan. In fact everyone had gone a week without seeing Ryan due to the fact he had wagged a whole week. I took this as proof that my verdict had been assured. I was just another hook up in Ryan’s books. But he didn’t need to blow off school just to avoid me.

“Hunny are you sure you have everything? I packed some snacks for you, seeing as the food there might be a bit scarce, but if you are having any second thoughts, any at all we can go back home right now and you can just stay here with me!” My mom rambled a little to giddy. She was losing it, she really didn’t do too well by herself. “Mom I will be fine, you will be fine. I hope” I said. We still hadn’t even left from the car, I wanted to get rid of mom ASAP worried that she might have a mental breakdown if she got out of the car. “Me?? Oh sweetie, I’ll just be fine.” Mom said followed by a forced giggle “you know, in this big old house, by my self well I’ll just be fine.” She said sniffing. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my shoulder bag “okay Mom, bye. I love you” I said as she lunged over to the passengers seat crushing me in a hug “bye sweetie.”

We arrived at camp Dawson within 3 long hours. There’s only so much you can do being stuck on a bus with Lucy and Ava and a billion other sweaty and smelly boys and girls. There were about three buses and I was paired, more so ‘threesomed’ with Lucy and Ava in a million degree bus. It was pretty much a race with every man for themself, to get off the bus and into the fresh air, which wasn’t really that different in temperature. We all eventually squeezed off pushing and shoving our way through to be greeted by nothing but Mother Nature in all her glory. I didn’t mind so much but behind me I could hear Lisa Kenny and all her friends moaning and groaning and all their boyfriends or whatever complaining about gay the whole thing was. Our bags were thrown into a huge pile and as soon as I spotted mine four more bags were just dumped on top of it. I rolled my head back frustrated and studied how I was going to get this thing out. I dug my hands down into the pit of bags and eventually grabbed hold of it pulling it out until it suddenly just ripped out. I didn’t even know my own strength, until I realised I had had some help. “Oh than-“ I said turning to the person who had helped me. Kind of stopping mid sentence in my thank you speech.

Holding my bag in front of me was none other than Ryan Ross himself. In all his glory. Wearing a smug smirk I snatched my bag from him and giving him the dirtiest look I could before shoving him and storming off. “Dina, look I’m sorry okay” he said jogging after me and tugging on my arm to get my attention. I took him off guard a bit as I turned sharply to face him back “sorry for what Ryan?” I snapped actually genuinely wanting to hear whatever pathetic excuse he had thought up.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair “whatever you know, I haven’t been at school because I had to help my brother with something, and it kind of went on longer than I expected” he said shrugging. “Whatever Ryan, I could care less about your pathetic little wagging holiday.” I said throwing my bag over my shoulder and turning to find some of my friends “yeah you could” he said I turned around confused as to what he meant “what?” I said “you could care about my wagging holiday, and knowing you, you do.” He said playing games with me “what??” I asked getting even more confused “meet me, at that lake tonight, okay?” he said winking and picking up his bag “Ryan what the hell, I’m not meeting you at some stupid pond” I nearly yelled after him as he just dismissed me with a small hand wave.