Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

We Had A Promise Made, We Were In love

“Dina, where are you going?” A muffled voice came from the bunk above mine. I looked up to see Ava rubbing her eyes and squinting down at me “I’m going to the toilet” I said. It was about 10 at night, just after lights out and I decided I was going to confront Ryan. About everything. “Oh my god” she gasped “your going to see him!” She said in a yelled whisper. I threw my hand over her mouth and held a finger to my mouth signally for her to be quite “Shh! I am not, I’m going to the toilet, I’ll be back in like 5 seconds” I tried to convince her “yeah Dina, whatever.” She said rolling over onto her other side.

I was a bit nervous leaving the cabin by myself, worried I might be caught by a teacher or something and then they would phone my parents and send me home and I would be in so much trouble. Oh my god, maybe I shouldn’t do this. “So are you coming or not?” I heard from behind me “I don’t want to get caught” I replied slowly turning to face Ryan who had started a habit of creeping up on me. He laughed and walked past down to the lake. I didn’t want to follow him, but I didn’t want to stand here by myself.

“So what’s your story?” I asked as we sat down under a tree at the lake. It was so peaceful here at night, it was like a huge black sheet that was sparkling under the light from the moon. “No story, I swear. Just the truth” He said surrendering his hands “oh wow that’s a change.” I said sarcastically. “It came as a shock to me” he said. I was sick of his games, I had to just flat out ask him “what are you doing here Ryan?” he gave me a bit of a confused look before shrugging and picking at the grass under his feet “probably the same reason as you and everyone else, you know it definitely wasn’t my idea to come but seeing as it was pretty much compulsory and the school would probably have me suspended or even expel-” I sighed cutting him off “no Ryan, I mean what are you doing here in this town, well back home. I heard about the break in and the… uhm the shooting thing” I said almost sympathetically.

He looked down as his hair fell into his eyes “oh, that” he said regretfully. I looked away I almost felt bad for bringing it up, but I needed to know “I’m sorry, I just need to know” I said looking at the dirt as I ran a stick through it just drawing patterns “right, I get it. You want to know if what your parents gossip about is true, you think that I don’t know what people say. I don’t give a shit what your friends say or your ‘mommy or daddy’ but whatever Dina, I thought you were different.” Ryan said standing up. “Ryan I’m sorry, it’s not like that. But come on, you’re a bad influence you do some bad stuff, but you also do some good stuff I mean you were there for me at the party, even if I cant really remember it. Please just tell me.” I pleaded

“Yeah well someone did nearly get shot, and just so you know princess because it bothers you so much it was my brother, Reece. He kind of hasn’t been the same since. He kind of freaked and has been getting into some shit like coke and heroin so I guess you could say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. He needed my help in doing a drop off with his dealer and I hate helping him but its like neither of us have a choice, he cant get off the stuff and I hate to see him suffer because he’s all I have. You just can’t get help for these kinds of things” He said leaning against the tree with his left arm sticking his right hand into his pocket.

Now I really did feel bad. “Ryan, I…” I didn’t know what to say “don’t worry about it. I like you Dina, and I’m sorry you feel that way” he said shrugging “feel what way?” I asked confused “you know, the same as everyone else. Once you find out the truth about Ryan Ross you just want to bail and not get caught up in a fucked up life like mine I’m sor-“ it was so sudden I nearly fell, leaning forward to kiss Ryan wasn’t exactly what I had in mind it just sort of happened like my mind kind of blanked and my feelings for him took over. There was something about him and I didn’t think that about him. “I don’t think that about you…” I said quietly looking up at him. He smiled taking my face in his hand kissing me again.