Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

And I'm So Sorry, But Not Really

“Ava can you please pass the salt” I asked at breakfast the next morning. She continued to stare at her book as she slowly pushed the salt shaker towards me. She had a disappointed look upon her face and hadn’t looked or even glanced at me all morning. It was like I was just invisible to her this morning. I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour of why all of a sudden she was ignoring me and took the salt into my own hands “thanks.”

“Okay, so were going to this side of you to the rafts and this side of you to the lifeguard drill, okay.” One of the camp instructors said to a bunch of us after breakfast. I was in a pretty foul mood enough as it was none of my friends were in my camp group and I had no idea where Ryan was, and building a raft or pretending to save a life wasn’t really on the top of my list of priorities right now. In fact camp in general didn’t even cross the radar.

“So you pretty much want to be here as the rest of us.” A small shy voice came from behind me as we all walked to the raft camp site. I turned surprised to see Brendon quietly trailing along behind me “Brendon, I didn’t know you were in my camp group?” I said walking besides him “yeah I just got here, I had kitchen duties.” He said giving me a small smile as I smiled back. He did have a nice smile. “Well I don’t really want to be doing anything right now actually” I said crossing my arms and kicking a couple of stones along the ground “what’s wrong?” He asked sounding pretty sincere. “Just stuff, you know.” I said giving him a small sympathetic smile. He nodded and shoving his hands in pockets.

“Brendon, can I ask you something?” I asked he looked at me surprised before nodding “sure” he said “why have you suddenly just started talking to me? I mean, we’ve known each other since like… forever” I said to him. He thought for a moment scratching the back of his neck as he shrugged and gave him a small life “I don’t know, I mean I was always a dork, still am but I guess I just got the courage to talk to you, you were kind of imitating.” He said blushing a bit. “How am I imitating? I mean I’m not popular I’m not captain of the cheerleading team and I don’t drive around in a Limo or whatever” I said laughing he shrugged and laughed with me “I don’t know I guess because you’re beautiful I felt scared to approach you or something.” He said looking down as he cheeks turned bright red. I blushed myself looking down then looking back to Brendon who looked back up to me “I don’t think you’re a dork Brendon.” I said as he gave me one of his huge grins.

We reached the stupid raft building and were greeted by one of the camp directors. “Okay kids, my name is Kerry and I’m going to be instructing you guys on how to build a raft, in case you find yourself in a sticky situation out in the middle of nowhere and need to cross a river or a lake or whatever. Okay so who hasn’t brought their rope?” Kerry asked us everyone held up their own pieces of rope we were expected to bring as I then realised I had left mine back in my cabin I mentally cursed myself and raised my hand “uhm, I left mine back in my cabin can I please go and get it?” I asked “Uh okay, but you hurry back now. These rafts aren’t going to build themselves!” She said with an annoyingly optimistic attitude. I gave her a fake smile rolling my eyes after I had turned my back and went back to my cabin.

“Shit where is it?” I asked myself as I searched through my bag throwing clothes, toiletries, underwear everywhere. Suddenly the left side of my body was collided with a heavy weight throwing me and the stranger to the bed as I gave out a scream to the shock. I desperately tried to worm my out before those famous lips were on my neck and I relaxed knowing exactly who it was. “Ryan?” I asked pushing the person back to see their face smiling when I saw his devilish grinning face. “What are you doing here?” I asked pushing his hair back. “Isn’t it obvious?” He asked going back to my neck.

I groaned at the situation knowing that I had to get back to my group. “Ryan, I have to get back to my camp group.” I said to him. He sighed and pushed himself up onto his elbows “Dina, I get you alone for like five seconds and you want to go running back to your gay activity. Come on stay a little.” He said trying to kiss me as I laughed and continued to push him away “your like a raging bag of hormones” I said giggling “Dina, please. It’s a known fact that guys think about sex every seven seconds. I laughed rolling my eyes as I only accidentally gave in and continued to kiss him throwing my arms around his neck. “Mmm, but only for five minutes” I said against his lips he kept his eyes closed nodding as I laughed at his hormones.

“Dina, are you okay we’ve nearly finished and I-” I heard Brendon say as he walked into the small cabin room stopping dead in his tracks seeing Ryan and I on my bunk. I guess I kind of pushed the five minutes, just a little. “Shit, oh uhm Brendon” I said awkwardly pushing Ryan off me trying to sit up and straighten out my clothes. Ryan stood up next to me throwing his arm over my shoulder starring at Brendon funny as I saw Brendon blush and look down feeling intimidated under Ryan’s glare.

“Uh Brendon, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Brendon…” I said “What? Are you lost or something?” Ryan snarled at Brendon. Brendon looked hurt and shoved his hands in his pockets looking down to the ground where his eyes pretty much were glued too. I rolled my eyes and hit Ryan’s chest. “Ignore him, I’m so sorry I kind of forgot about the rafts, I’ll be out in a second.” I said to Brendon as he nodded and quickly darted out. “You’re a bitch.” I said to Ryan trying not to laugh “I know.” He said I smiled and kissed him before turning to find my rope hidden under my back pyjama pants and raced back out to join Brendon.