Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Like Flesh In My Bones

“Dina!” A harsh whisper came to me in my sleep. My dreams were fading and I was being brought back to reality. It was cold and dark and somebody was shaking my shoulder. “Dina!!” The shaking grew more vigorous and the whispers were louder. “what?” I groaned into my pillow which was barely audible. “Dina, get up now! I have something to tell you” An alarmed yet nervous voice came from Ava as I slowly rolled over blinking my eyes several times and rubbing them as they adjusted to the small light she was holding from the glow of her torch.

She was crouched down next to my bunk with a worried look on her face. “Ava? What? What is it, what’s wrong?” I asked groggily struggling to keep my eyes open. She looked around nervously behind starting to fumble with her torch “well, uhm its like well you see I was in the kitchen and I was just, well you know I had that kitchen duty and I was in the kitchen right and well I uhm I kind or well I guess I sort of-” She stutted and mumbled nervously. “Oh my god Ava, what?? Spit it out!” I said getting frustrated with her. It wasn’t her fault, she didn’t do good under pressure.

“They know you went missing Dina, and they know Ryan was with you.” She managed to say in one breathe. “I overheard Mrs Gnarlberry talking with some of the camp directors and they mentioned that a girl, Dina went to get her hat and then never came back and then some of the rest were complaining how a boy named Ryan never showed up and they think you two have been skipping camp activated and such together, only its worse Dina, they think your like Ryan…” She said trailing off worried of what I might say.

“What is that supposed to mean??” I questioned getting angered with the situation. “Well, you know…a bad influence” she said meekly. Me? A bad influence?? I could nearly laugh. I wasn’t a bad influence, I was a straight A student, I ran all the community aid meetings I was captain of all my clubs and Ryan… Ryan and I were two completely different people. So why wasn’t I shit scared about being caught?
I scoffed and rolled my eyes “Ava, relax. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You know I’m nothing like Ryan.” I said reassuring her.” She sighed and nodded looking at her flash light. “I wish I did, Dina.” She said quietly before turning off her torch and climbing up to her own bunk. Whatever that meant.

The next morning people were giving me weird stares, like they knew something was coming for me and I was the only one who didn’t know. It was like Monday morning all over again, almost and I hated it. Walking into the dinning hall even the teachers were giving me disappointed looks. I felt ashamed under their gazes and I needed something to distract me. I searched for any of my friends before I spotted Julie and Ben walking in. I quickly headed for them talking Julie in a hug so that I could whisper in her ear without anyone seeing.

“Julie, everyone is starring at me funny and I hate it, what did I do?” I said. She sighed and took my hand taking me outside. I followed her around the corner and behind the shower block where there were no kids or teachers in sight. “Look Dina, you’re my best friend, and you know I love you, right?” She said with a hint of regret in her voice. I studied her for a while getting nervous “…right” I agreed. She nodded slowly and took a long sigh “well, its just… people have been saying stuff. You have to stop hanging around Ryan, Dina. Please, people think your into drugs or something and you two ditch camp activities to get high or some stupid rubbish and I hate it, I tell people its not true but it’s gone too far beyond my control to convince everyone when your not doing to much to support yourself.” She said

“W-what?” I stuttered. I never knew anything was this bad. Why had no one told me anything? She gave me a regretful look and threw her arms around me hugging me close “Dina, you will always be my best friend and I know deep down you are still in there but I just need you to come back out, I really need you Dee.” I stepped back “wait Julies what do you mean ‘still in there’? I’m right here! In front of you, this is still me people just have the wrong idea about Ryan and I.” Julie sighed

“No Dina, there is no you and Ryan, there can’t ever be a ‘you and Ryan!’ There’s just my best friend Dina Feigh who never use to swear, studied hard and got straight A’s respects school rules and herself, would never have gotten completely wasted at some stupid party. Come on Dina, is that really you?” She said. I opened my mouth to say something when Mrs Gnarlberry appeared behind her. “Dina, could I please see you for a moment, Julie please report back to the dinning hall.” Julie looked at me sympathetically before looking down and turning around to head back to the food court.