Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

A Milestone Around My Neck

Saturday morning wasn’t the best morning I had ever woken up too. I had definitely seen better days, but right now I was just glad to be home away from camp, away from Ryan and away from everyone else. As soon as I got home on Friday afternoon not only after having to sit by myself on the bus back, as my friends had gone on a short hiatus until the old Dina came back. But then having to be greeted by two very disappointed parents the minute I stepped off that god forsaken bus, wasn’t exactly the perfect Friday afternoon.

“Dad I thought you were on your business trip?” I asked my dad as we drove home. “I thought I had to come back for this Dina, I mean skipping school, that’s not you.” Dad said. I rolled my eyes and sighed “Dad, missing one camp activity is not skipping school.” I reasoned “Why did you do it, pumpkin? Was it too hard? Were the kids being hard about it?” My mom asked “no Mom, I just… I don’t know. I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” I said slumping back into my seat. “Well I’m sorry hunny, but we’ll be having a serious talk about it when we get home.”

“Dina, how could you miss school like that, Dina? Camp is a very important part of your school curriculum.” Mom asked as her Dad and I sat down in the living room discussing my behaviour and I assume punishment was to come. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.” I said regretfully “yes I know your sorry… Why did you do it sweetie? I mean that’s just what I can’t understand, why did you do it?” Dad asked. “I guess… well I uh” I racked my brain for a lie NO! Dina, that’s what your trying to change, you don’t want to lie to your parents! Since when did I have an inner voice? Am I speaking to myself? Am I going crazy?

“Well?” asked mom “oh uhm I guess I just thought seeing as I had already done the activity on previous camps, I just didn’t see it as necessary, which I was wrong in taking that upon myself to decided and know that now and must have failed to see the punishment it would bring…” I said in one big breathe. My parents just kind of sat there looking at me completely confused before looking at each other “well your going to have to be punished, Dina. I’m thinking grounding?” Dad said unsure to mom as she rolled her eyes. “Dina, your grounded. For two weeks.” She said. My parents never punished me so this was definitely a knew thing for them. “But mom, I don’t go out anyw-” I started before she cut me off “I said, your grounded.”

“Stupid Ryan and his stupid stupidness” I said to myself as I lay crying in my room. I was so angry with everyone, my parents, my friends, Ryan, but mostly myself. There was nothing I wanted to do right now but cry I hated the way I felt and the way people were looking at me let alone what they all said about me. I had gone from the best student in my grade to the most pathetic piece of trash. I sniffed and whipped my puffy eyes and reached for the phone typing in Julie’s number. After the phone had rung out I slammed down the receiver in anger. I didn’t care that she wasn’t picking up her phone I got up and went for my coat just hoping she was home and made my way to my bedroom door before stopping and realising I was grounded.

I contemplated my decisions, I mean I knew I had to stay here stuck in my room but I really needed to see a friend right now. I decided I would just leave to see Julie for a little bit, just to lift my spirits and then be back before Dina. Twenty minutes later I was standing outside Julie’s door still sniffing a little as I knocked on her door and much to my relief she did indeed answer the door. As soon as I saw her I just leaped into her arms clinging to her like my life depended on it. “I’m so sorry Julie, it’s over now. It’s all over.” She hugged me back and we pulled apart she smiled at me “it’s good to have you back Dina. Let’s go.”