Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Your A Part Time Lover And A Full Time Friend

My hand fumbled on the door knob quickly trying to enter the class unknown and unrecognized, but was unfortunate when much to my dismay, the whole class stopped and turned to see who had just entered the classroom. I mentally cursed myself for being late and began to blush under the unwanted attention.

"Miss Feigh? Why are you late?" Mr Myers asked me as my cheeks flushed red and I tried to think of a legitimate excuse. "Uhh, I'm sorry Sir, I had some locker problems, my lock, for my locker was locking- broken! my locker for my lock, i mean my lock for locker was broken-" I rambled not making any sense "I'm sorry, it won't happen again" I was no good at lying. He sighed and returned back to the white board before answering me "just find a seat please, Dina."

I blushed even more, though thankful the glass had gone back to whatever it is they were doing. I searched the classroom and stopped dead in my tracks, as did my breathing in my throat as I came face to face with Ryan, who not only conveniently happened to be in the same home room class as me, but also next to the last remaining empty seat. Why couldn't I have been on time?

I slowly approached him clutching my books close to my chest as he leaned over onto the left side of his body while carving something into the wooden desk with a small pocket knife. A nervous wave ran through me as I put my books down and tried to ignore his presence.

“Alright, this unit we’ve completely dropped materialising, and were focusing more on ‘parenthood.’ The government has issued all state schools to take up the new program ‘Teenage parenthood 101’ where pretty much you lot are paired up, boy girl of course-” Mr Meyers explained before he was interrupted by a kid up the back, “yeah too bad Damien” Sam Crown called out from the back of the classroom throwing a scrunched up piece of paper at Damien’s head. Sam was such an asshole. “Hey, watch it Sam or your out of here.” My Meyers warned him, continuing with his story.

“Now with your partners, you will have to share the ‘child’ between both of you. Which is just this doll here,” he said pausing to hold up a small white baby doll with a nappy on. This was stupid. “And you’ll have to look after it like a real kid, feed it, change its diaper, and pretty much assist to it’s every need. So if any of you find yourselves in this situation, you should have a vague idea of how to deal with your already screwed life.”

The thing I liked about Mr. Meyers was that he was realistic. Our teachers were paid and instructed to be kind and considerate and caring and make the dumb kids feel like they were intellectual, but Mr Meyers wasn’t interested in misleading rubbish like that. He and I both knew a pregnant teenager means trouble.

“Alright, well if your not already sitting next to someone of the opposite sex can you please raise your hand.” Whatever good things I said about Mr Meyers, I take it all back now. I groaned to myself as I wouldn’t be one of those lucky people, I had to be stuck with Ryan. I didn’t want to look at him, but ignoring my mental protests I turned slightly to see him smirking at me and glared back at him.

“Ryan, I need you to take it this afternoon, I have to write my English paper and it’s due in a couple of days!” I groaned as Ryan and I stood in the parking lot after school debating on who was going to look after the baby tonight. “Dina, I can’t! I already told you I have a game on tonight, and besides its not like I would look after it anyway, it’s just a fucking doll.” Ryan retorted folding his arms over his chest and flicking his hair out of his eyes. I groaned out loud and stomped my foot. “You have to look after it! I know it’s not real! But I don’t want to fail and so we have to work together!”

“How are they even going to know if we just like leave it here, in my locker?” Ryan questioned trying to think of a way to get out of this.” He was such an idiot. “Ryan! It has a censoring device, every time you forget to do what it wants, or don’t get to it in time one red light goes off on the bottom of the doll, and if you screw up three times and three red lights go off then we fail.” I said watching his expression as he processed what I said and gave a small “oh.”

I rolled my eyes and picked the doll up off the ground rubbing my forehead in frustration. “Look, fine, whatever. I’ll take the doll tomorrow, and you call me when you can take care of it.” I said quietly shoving the doll under my arm and picking up my bag.

“Call you tonight then” I heard Ryan call from behind me.