Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I Walk With Shadows

“And what the hell was all that about?!” My mom screeched at Harry in the locker room after most of all the team mates had left and mom stood in front of Harry lips pursed tight together with his hands clenched in fists on either side of her hips. As Harry held a bag of ice to his eyebrow. Harry ignored her and looked down to infuriated to say anything. Mom scoffed and threw her hands in the air just as a women came in with a bag of ice.

“Here Jill, some more ice for Harry” the lady said pushing a bag of ice toward my mom. She rolled her eyes reluctantly taking the bag and thanking the woman. "Harry I'm so mad at you, I don't even think you deserve this ice." Mom said started to turn to ridiculous punishments. "Don't worry mom, my eyebrow's pretty numb enough as it is." He said moving away the already melted bag of ice in his hand to show a forming bruise and red cut across left left eyebrow.

"Maybe you could give it to the other kid" the young lady who had given her the ice said while still standing there. Mom and Harry both turned to give her dirty looks when I suddenly snatched the bag of ice from Harry's hand and hurried out the door with a quick 'I'll do it' hoping my mom wouldnt notice. Much to my dissapointment I heard her call my name in a rough manner but I ignored it and bolted out before she could get too mad.

I searched across the field trying to see Ryan but I wasn’t having much luck. I then spotted him leaning against the back of the bleachers wrapping something around his hand. I started wealking briskly over to him when the ice began to melt in my hand and numb it so I started running towards him.

“Oh, look who literally came running back.” Ryan said smirking at me and adjusting the bandage around his right hand. “Your brother hits pretty good, but he sucks at his game” he said. I ignored him and simply just handed him the bag of ice. He looked from the bag to my eyes and then back to the and then back up to me slowly taking the bag and holding it up to his left purple eye.

“What? No lecture, no ‘stay away from me Ryan this time I totally mean it!’?” He queried with that smug look upon his face. I just shook my head and lowered my back pack down from my shoulder and onto the ground. “My mom will probably be looking for me soon. Once she’s done tending to my brother, who you hit.” I glanced up at him to see him smile a little “why did you do that anyway” I asked crossing my arms.

He shrugged and pulled the ice away to put it into his other hand and shake out the water from his right. “He hit me first” Ryan said fixing the ice back to his eye. I scoffed and rolled my eyes “very mature, Ryan.” I said smiling just a little. I suddenly remember the doll in my bag and I lowered myself down onto my knees to search for the ‘baby.’

“By the way,” I said pulling it out “if you have time, between not going to school and nursing all your injuries, here’s another priority.” I said standing back up and handing him the doll. He chuckled a bit and turned around to throw the bag over his shoulder. “Impressive Dina,” he said examining the doll in his hands “what the fuck did you do to it?” He said “I didn’t do anything! I didn’t know what it wanted, I mean I tried everything and then when I offered it milk it just stopped crying and the little red light appeared, it’s not my fault!” I said defending my terrible teenage parenting skills.

He rolled his eyes and tucked the doll under his arms “right, and is that the excuse you’re going to use everytime when you have a real baby, or are you going to get a bit more creative and say that it was the kids fault it couldn’t walk to the fridge itself?” he joked. I rolled my eyes and felt the corners of my mouth twitching into a smile “shut up.”

“Dina! Get over here now! You, go home!” Came a screeching sound from behind us as I turned to see my mom calling for me and pointing a deadly finger at Ryan. “Oh shit, I think that’s my cue to leave.” Ryan said quickly grabbing his sport bag and giving me an irresistible crooked smile that had blood instantly running to my cheeks. He quickly darted out of sight right before my mom had time to tug my arm pulling me out of my trance and back to the car.