Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Twenty Ways To Start A Fight

The rest of the week flew by pretty quickly. It wasn’t too different; you know the usual gossiping, new assessment, kissing Ryan.

Wait, what?

“Dina! Oh my God, thank you so much! Fuck I thought you had already left!” Jason gushed as he held some papers in one hand and his bag strap slung over his shoulder in the other. He stood panting against my locker which I’m guessing he had run straight to from whatever class he just had and now was out of breathe.

“Dina, I’m so screwed, have you studied for this physics exam?" Jason panicked running his hands through his hair and waving around his sheets of paper. "I just got our practice test back and I got a twelve percent!" He said. I took my books and looked at him "Jason, I don't do phsyics, you'll have to talk to Ben." I said giving him a sympathetic smile. He groaned and ran off to find Ben calling back a muffled 'thank-you."

I smiled back at him even though he was long gone and gathered my books walking down the hallway to Home room. Just before I was at the door, I was stopped yet again by another boy, couldn't I just get to class this morning without any interuptions? There was a small tug on my elbow and I spun around to see Ryan, of all people smiling back at me carrying a couple of books. That's funny I didn't think Ryan actually owned any stationary but just made an appearance at school every now and then.

"Ryan," I said politely gretting him then turning to retreat into my classroom he followed me in anyway, I forgot we were both in the same class. I took a seat at the back of the classroom with Ryan trailing behind me like a lost puppy. He took the empty seat next to me and spun around in his chair to face me "Dina, I need your help-" he said before I spun around to mirror his image and cut in "how's the kid?" I asked smiling smugly at him.

He gave me a small smile and turned around to reach into his bag and pull out a doll. It looked... fine. He set it on top of his desk and I studied it and seeing no immediate damage, he had actually done an okay job. There was no longer that little red light and I took the doll off his desk to examine it myself.

"What happened to the light?" I asked still looking at the doll. He shrugged "guess I just took extra good care of it and it errased all damage." He said with a huge grin that had blood rushing to my cheeks and I looked down putting the doll back on top of his desk.

"So, like I was saying, Dina. I need your help." Ryan said looking straight into my eyes. It was hard not to feel intimidated under his glare. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked back up into his burning eyes. He opened his mouth to continue with his pathetic little plea when Mr Meyers burst through the door mumbling apologies that he was late because his car broke down. Ryan groaned and reluctantly coiled back into his seat and I sat up straight almost too eager for his lesson.

After class I wasn't too eager to deal with Ryan so I grabbed my things and sprinted out of the classroom retreating to my locker. As soon as I got there I fumbled with my comvbination and threw in my books. I looked to my timetable which I had convieniently glued to my locker and saw that I had Math next. I froze dead on the spot, my eyes bulging out of my head. We had a math exam coming up and I was completely screwed.

This was just great. Failing a math exam, I was usually okay at Math but suddenly... just not so great. I was pulling out the last of my books when I heard a loud bang and turned to where there were two people down on the ground both scrambling to pick up a mess of text books and stationary. A boy and a girl. A brown haired, thick rimmed glasses wearing dorky boy, to be exact.

I grinned to myself as Brendon blushed thrusting the books into the girls arms continuing to mutter apologises to her as he blushed and pushed his glasses furthur up the bridge of his nose. I sauntered over to him clutching my maths books close to my chest. "Hey Bren" I said in a happy chirpy voice, if I was going to get my way I had to pull out a little manipulation...

He looked up at me and blushed a little giving me a small crooked smile. "Hey Dina," he said quietly "what's up" he asked. "Oh nothing, I was just kind of wondering, well I mean I have a math exam in about two weeks and I haven't studied at all, and well I was kind of wondering if you would maybe tutor me?" I asked in a sweet little voice giving him a smile. He smiled back and nooded his head a bit too quickly and scratched the back of his neck

"uh sure, we can uhm get together this saturday, uh tomorrow?" he said. Tomorrow was Saturday, I didn't have anything on, perfect! "Sure," I said smiling at him again "see you tomorrow."

These days there was no sound sweeter than the lunch bell. I was almost too eager to escape my math class whn my teacher called me back to have a little chat about the obvious downfall in my grades. It wasn't pretty. After the depressing little lecture I huffed out of the room knowing I most likely missed out on all the good food and therefor would be left with whatever scraps my friends decided to spare me.

I was a little bit too entranced in my thought for food when my right arm was suddenly yanked into a dark room and I let out a little involentary yelp. The room was small and pitch black, and I was not alone. I opened my mouth to scream before there was a fumble with a switch and then there was light.

"The janitor's closet? Wow Ryan do you want to get anymore breakfast club?" I remarked taking in my surroundings, and the boy in front of me.

"It's only so we can have these moments together, Dina" he said sarcastically raising his hand up to my face. I snorted and pushed his hand away "what do you want, Ross?"

"I needed to talk to you, remember?" I gave him a look reffering to the room we were in and he rolled his eyes. "Look, in all honesty I need your help and I didn't want you prancing off to your friends, because I'm serious here..." he said trailing off. This was a little different, Ryan was never... 'serious'

"What is it?" I asked geniunly concerned, stupid mistake. "I need your help, with English." He stated blntly and straight forward. I took a step back giving him a funny look "what?" I asked bewildered

This wasn’t like Ryan. Ryan he was aggressive, straight forward, arrogant, annoying, bitchy, mean, tormenting, evil… Never vulnrable, naive, serious, worried- in need of someone else's help...

"Yeah, whatever. Your the best in the class, and I'm kind of failing and I know normally I wouldn't give a shit, but I kind of need this. And I need you to help me" he said in a deeper voice taking a step closer. My breathing became hitched as he ignored it or simply didn't notice and continued to ramble on about how he needed my help.

Why was Ryan now all of a sudden being careful of my feelings? Being... nice almost? Was it that he didn't want to get the wrong idea about helping him with his studies? Where I might interprety 'english tutoring' as 'Ryan hitting on me' when in fact it might just mean... english tutoring? Unless Ryan had completely lost interest in me, that was my worst fear. Just because I couldn't be with him, didn't mean I wanted him to forget about me.

He was still rambling on about his stupid stuides when I pushed myself into his chest my hands flying up to rest on each side of his neck as my lips plunged into his. He stumbled back a little before throwing an arm around to the small of my back to regain his balance. It was a little awkward at first, then i realised this was the first time I had been the one to kiss Ryan, to initiate it.

I realised he wasn't going to kiss back after a while and quickly tried to pull back before some life came to his lips and he was finally kissing me back.I felt him smile against my lips like I had finally given into the Ross charm. I felt like an idiot, I wanted to be mad and I wanted to stop kissing him, but I couldn't. Instead my arms wound around his neck pulling myself to him tighter and his arms ran down to my waist pulling me into him as he tilted his head and I felt his tongue on my lips.

There was a small moan and when I realised it hadn't come from me I pulled back with a flushed look on my face. I looked up into Ryan's which was glowing under the small crappy light, he looked almost angelic which made it all the more hard to not kiss him again, but I pushed him back muttering a 'I have to go' and felt around for my book bag. I brushed past him with a smirk on his face as I turned the handle and stumbled out of the room.

"So Saturday then?" Ryan asked from behind me as I walked down the corridor. I nodded my head to see him leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, and a pleasant smirk on his face. I nodded absentmindly not even knowing what was going on. I was dizzy.

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I've come down with some cold slash flu thing and I have been really sick for four days straight so I'm sorry for the late update, I sort of hand a thing going where I updated nearly daily which was cool, but then sickness...

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