Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Tear Me Apart From The Inside Out

I was happy and relaxed when I woke up. Rolling over and stretching with a smile on my face as I realised it was Saturday, no school, sleep in.

That was about twelve seconds ago.
Good feelings gone.

I groaned and nestled back under my sheets and quilt and hopped all my problems for the day would just drift away and I could stay in bed all day and never had to face them. I still hadn't figured out what to do about my double book over while Brendon and Ryan. They both still thought I was going to be studying with both of them today, at the same time, on the same day.

This wasn't going to be pretty.

I did manage to call to Brendon last night but I could barely get a word in. He was about to leave for his cello lesson, he had re-scheduled. His cello lesson was normally on a Saturday but just for me he had changed it to that Friday afternoon. I felt awful. What was I supposed to say to him?

"Oh no Brendon its okay, you don't have to change you're lesson anymore because I'm going to ditch you for Ryan tomorrow." I don't think so.

It just helped entirely that they both happened to only be available between the hours of 12-3. Before that Ryan had soccer, Brendon had church. At 4 Brendon had a wedding he had to go to, and at 3.30 Ryan had to go to the hospital for some reason which he didn't seem willingly to elaborate on.

"Dina, breakfasts on the stove heat it up if you like, I'm off." My mom called to me in a monotone voice as I slowly made my way down the stairs rubbing my eyes seeing her apply her mascara at the mirror in the hall as Harry sat the kitchen counter eating his own cereal. It took me a while to register that I actually needed her to not leave, not right now.

"But mom, I need you I need a lift today" I said to her in my raspy just woken up voice. "Well Dina, I'm sorry but I have to go." She said sighing and putting her mascara bottle back in her bag and walking towards the door. I scoffed and spun around trying to follow her "Mom, I need you okay what am I supposed to do, I can't drive!" I begged stomping my foot and causing a scene. She turned to me sharply with her lips pursed.

“Dina! That is not my fault! You will have to find your own way there!” She said with anger laced in her voice. I narrowed my eyes at her and scowled at her for a minute or two as I began to realise what this was actually about. “Look mom, you have to stop being mad at me, okay? He’s my friend!” I said before she scoffed and lifted her hands in defence.

“Right Dina, innocent Ryan Ross is just your friend! Well, no you know what he’s not! I told you I didn’t you hanging out with that boy and you disobeyed me. And you continued to disobey me every time I see you two ‘talking’ together. So Dina, I can’t deal with this, I have to go.” She said quickly retreating to the door opening and closing it with a loud bang.

I stood there for a second taking it all in. The sound of Harry’s shallow crunches somewhere in the distance behind me, the low sound of the morning comedy sitcom on the television as there was laughing and applause. I expelled an enormous frustrated groan stomped my foot and ran up to my room banging the door myself.

When I returned to the same place I had earlier endured a frustrating argument with my mother – I was fully dressed and ready to take on a more calm and reasonable approach to today. I flicked back my hair that was hanging out down around my shoulders and looked to the clock in the kitchen.


Both Ryan and Brendon were supposed to turn up in about twenty minutes, and I had still no idea what to do with either of them. I sat down at the kitchen counter and planned what I could do in the short twenty minutes I had. I assumed that Ryan, naturally, would be the last of the two to show up. He never made an effort to anything, and I didn’t think that I would be any exception.

Brendon on the other hand would possibly be earlier, prominent, on time, organised. Sweet innocent dorky Brendon. That gave my the perfect opportunity to tell him that I was too sick, and I tried calling him only I couldn’t leave my bed and I would have to take a rain check on our study date.

Only I didn’t think I would be able to bring myself to lie to Brendon like that. In which continued to bring me back to square one. I glanced back up at the clock


WHAT? Where did all the time go!? And as I expected, there was a quiet knock on the door. I had no idea where my brother had gone so clearly I was going to be the one to face whoever was on the side of the door. I took a deep breathe and hoped up from the barstool slowly stalking over to the door as though I was afraid of what was on the other side. Which in actually fact, I sort of was. In a way.

I opened the door slowly and looked up to see Brendon bring his head up to match mine as though he had been starring at the ground until the last minute. He gave me a breathtaking smile which I didn’t think he could do. Brendon wasn’t so supposed to make me feel like this.

It was his warm comforting smile that made all my worries disappear and I looked back up at him mirroring his smile. And then glancing down to the books he was carrying in his own arms wiped the smile right away. “Hey” he said grinning. I swallowed and put on a fake smile and opened the door wider for him to come him to come in “hey” I said back.

Brendon followed me into the dinning room where he put down his books on the table and leaned against the back on one of the dinning room chairs. We stood there for a moment as I racked my brain for anything to say. I meant to say something about the sticky situation I had gotten us into it but somehow “would you like a drink?” came out instead.

He chuckled a little seeming more comfortable about the situation than I was. “Nah I’m good.” he said I sighed a breathe of a relief somehow Brendon being here, even though he wasn’t supposed to, made the situation a whole lot more relaxing. Just having him near me was relaxing and made me feel better.

“So, where did you want to start?” He asked turning around to face his text books as he spread them out and looking back at me “uhm, well there’s been a kind of problem, a big problem actually.” I said sheepishly. He gave me a small smile as though he almost thought something like this would happen. “What kind of problem?” He asked “a kind of mix up…” I confessed before there was a more abrupt knocking at the door.

We both looked back at the door and Brendon looked back to me giving me a confused look. “Uh, I’ll uh, get that…” I said trailing off and blushing moving swiftly to the door. I swung the door open and looked up and my jaw immediately dropped without my permission. Ryan stood there in all his ‘glory’ leaning casually against the door frame with a smirk on his face. He began to stroll into the room calling back to me

“Oh baby I hope your ready for a day full of - the fuck?” his tone began mischievous and seductive and then sharply turning to shocked and irritated as I assumed he had come face to face with Brendon.

Oh dear
♠ ♠ ♠
Mh blood and sweat went into this chapter so there better be rattings
it's not even that special really, well
compared to whats to come in the next chapter...