Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

Even I Can't Save You From Yourself

I had never hated a certain object so much before in my life. Pacing my room I continued to glare at the white cord phone sitting on my bedside table. Even though I was in control of whatever, or whoever I was going to call next, that little white phone still managed to give me anxiety as I continued to make up my mind. Secretly, I knew who I would end up calling. That's why I wasn't so sure why I continued to pace pretending to think up pros and cons towards both the people I was expected to call. I hated this, this was dumb.

Fate came to me just in the nick of time the other day. Left standing face to face with Brendon and Ryan, aunt Sheryl was nearby mentally hearing my plea for a saviour and when the phone rang that very moment i had the reciever to my ear in less than a minute.

"Yes aunt Sherryl, I'll tell her right away," I said "No aunt Sheryl we don't need any," "Okay, thank-you aunt Sheryl." I hung up and tried to hide my grin as I mentally formed my plan. I turned back to my mutal face as I turned to face the two boys.

"That was my aunt, she's coming to pick me up." Lie "for our family gathering, I completely forgot and my mom forgot to tell me." They both stood there looking at me as though waiting for me to go on. I paused for a moment thinking what else I could use as a lie to fill the awkward silence. "So... I guess I'll you later." I guess I wasn't specific enough because they both turned and looked at each and then looked back at me. I sent them a smile and moved forward to usher them out of my house.

Who would have thought? A call from aunt Sherryl would save the day.

God works in mysterious ways.

I managed to get Brendon out the door, feeling as guilty as hell as he trudged down the stairs clutching his math books. Thought Ryan seemed to lingered behind just a tad and moved to closer to me once Brendon was out of sight.

"Your not very good at lieing you know, Dina. You may be able to fool glasses over there, but I know better." He said smoothly and I could feel his breathe against my neck as he pulled back, winked and left.

And so here I was. Alone in my bedroom starring across the room at the phone my mother had given me when I turned eleven. And I knew who I was going to call, I just wanted time to try and change my mind.

I guess I didn't need anymore time because at that moment I heard a door bang shut and muffled loud voices coming from downstairs. Mom and Harry were home from soccer. I used this as an excuse to get out of my telephone calling and went downstairs to the kitchen were mom was unloading a bag of groceries and harry was raiding the fridge.

I settled down on the bar stool and Harry settled on a carton of milk opening it and drinking it straight from the carton. I made a discusting face and my mom rolled her eyes at him and gave him a small smack upside the head. "How was the game?" I asked pretending to seem interest in Harry's game. He stopped drinking and starred at me for a while with slightly narrowed eyes trying to see through my question. I never asked about Harry's games.

"Fine." He said wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and placing the carton of milk back in the fridge door. "Since when do you care?" Harry asked leaning on the counter in front of me. I shrugged and played it off as a joke "I was just asking, seeing as your still going even after eleven years so you must be doing something right."

My mom turned from putting away the milo in the cuboard and stood hands on hips shaking her head. "That Ryan Ross though, I tell you. He was giving the coaches what for. Obviously no one ever taught that young man to play fairly. When your out, your out."
"Intercepting the ball doesn't mean your out mom, it's just that he more tackled the kid than intercepted and was red carded."

I excused myself from the kitchen and retreated back to my room. Maybe it was safer in here. Not that being downstairs changed anything, unfortunettely I knew who I was going to call and they probably knew it better than I did.
I stood leaned against my door chewing on my nail before marching over to the phone and snatching up the reciever punching in his number. I waited until the ringing stopped and there was a voice on the other line.

"Hey, it's me." pause "what are you doing tonight?"