Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I'm Maxed Out Like A Credit Card

I spent my whole weekend in a cloud of smoke. Figuratively speaking and literally.

"I'm not doing something now. I'll pick you up at 8." How cliche. "How did you know I was calling to ask you to do something? I could have just been calling to say hello." There was a long pause and a sigh and when he spoke again I could hear him smiling. "Dina, you would have called Brendon to say hello. You called me because you wanted something more than hello. So, I'll see you soon."

The phone discontected and I had a small feeling in the pit of my stomach, not just upset that I didn't get a goodbye, but Ryan was coming to take me out. Was he going to knock on my front door? Was he going to throw something at my window? Well scratch out the last one seeing as he wouldn't know which window was mine. And it would be impossible for him to climb up to my window as I was on the second floor with no rope, lader, vine, or tree clearly accessable into my room.

Okay, I was putting far too much thought into this. More importantly, what was I going to wear? Even MORE importantly, what was I going to do... Okay first things first. Get dressed. I had to admit, I was a little bit nervous, I mean I was going on a date with Ryan...kind of, wasn't I?

The ringing of the telephone broke me out of trance and I nearly divded to it sitting on my bedside table. "Hello?" I asked a bit too quickly "You ready to go?" "Give me a minute," "alright, were outside." I heard before the dial tone. 'were' outside?

I quietly gathered my things and left my room closing the door behind me. Ryan was an hour late. I crept down the hallway past my sleeping parents and right out the front door. Okay, so maybe I was like kinda grounded but fuck them I can do what I want. Yeah, fuck. I say fuck now. Wow, just like the movies... almost. I quickly threw my shoes on and made my way over to the blue/aqua late 90s convertable sitting in my street. I saw Ryan jump out and two other guys sitting in the car.

"Dina, baby" he said loudly coming over and crushing me in an embrance, he smelt like Dean's party. I gasped as he squeezed the life out of me and planted a sloppy kiss on the side of my neck. I hoped to god I wasn't blushing. He took my hand and pulled and started pulling me towards the car, acting slightly wierder than usual, more relaxed and happy. Before we were within 10 meters in front of the car I saw the guy sitting in the backseat get out and move into the front so I quickly tugged on Ryan's hand pulling him to a stop.

He turned around smiling, "Ryan have you been drinking?" I asked he laughed and kissed my head and threw his arm around my shoulders wobbling over to the convertable. When we got to the car the guys looked a lot older than they had from where I was standing outside my house. The guy in the front seat hopped out and opened the door and pulled his chair back for me to get in as Ryan went around the other side and jumped over the door straight into the seat. As soon as we were in Ryan moved up against me and threw an arm over my shoulder and his mouth went straight to my neck. He was drunk. The guy in the passenger seat spun around and he looked about 19. "Hey, I'm Aaron, how you doin'?" He asked extending his hand. Ryan pulled away and ran a hand through his hair.

"Dina, this is Aaron, Aaron- Dina. And this," He said extending his hand to the driver "Is Michael." Michael didn't turn or say anything he just kept his eyes on the road. I had a feeling that he hadn't been drinking like the other two. I nodded to him none the less and got a grin from Aaron.

When we finally pulled over, we were parked in front of a quite looking house with an obvious glow of light coming from downstairs. We got out and Ryan took my hand as we followed Aaron and Michael into the house. It was a pretty nice looking house, that looked to be empty until we reached the basement. There were a couple of people on couches and spread out across the floor who I had never seen before. There were empty bottles everywhere and an extremely strong smoke smell, that didn't smell at all like cigarettes or burned spaghetti. There were two guys and three girls on one of the couches, two guys each in two armchairs and a guy and a girl lying across the carpet.

We walked down the stiars and Micahel dissapeared as Aaron went straight to the beer carton taking out a drink. Ryan pulled me along to an empty couch snatching up what looked like an Evian bottle with a stick or something sticking out of it. I sat down next to him as he pulled me into him and introduced me to the people in the room. "Everyone, this is Dina. Dina, this is everyone." I smiled and gave a small wave to 'everyone' they smiled back looking like they were falling asleep, was this party really that boring? I turned back to Ryan who had snatched up a lighter from the table and was stuffing some type of crushed leaves into the stick sticking out of the bottle, what the hell was he doing?

I was starring at him completely confused until I realised the stuff he was jamming into the stick looked a lot grass. Only this wasn't grass. I felt my eyes bugg out of my skull as Ryan set the marijuiana on fire and then took a large inhale from mouthpiece of the Evian bottle. He lulled back his head and exhaled the smoke. He starred back at me for a while as if trying to figure out why I was looking at him the way I was. "Dina, what's wrong?" He asked as he passed the bong across to a guy who had just come and sat on his other side. I scoffed at him and shook my head. "I have to go to the bathroom" I said as he stood up too with much balancing problems. "I'll go with you" he said stretching his arms above his head and a seductive eyebrow raise. "No, it's okay I'll find it myself." I said quickly turning around before he could change his mind.

Room with a toilet, this shouldn't be too hard to find. I ventured back upstairs searching for the bathroom until at long last I finally found it, shoving myself in and locking the door. What the hell was going on here? Illeagl drugs!? What was I getting into. I finished up in the bathroom and stumbled out into the dark of the small crammed bathroom and came face to face with Aaron. "Hey" he said grinning down at me "hey" I said as he extended out a beer in his hand. "Want a drink?" I looked down at the beer thinking momentarily before taking it "thanks."

"So, this is the whole group?" I asked Aaron opening my third beer as we sat on the couch in the upstairs living room. He had been giving me the run-down on everyone here tonight and what they all did. "Yeah, well, almost. I mean not including Lux." He said taking my sixth beer and opening it for me and handing it back. "Lux?" I asked confused, what kind of a name is Lux? "Yeah, she kind of started off like you, became a big part of the group. Until she took one to many pills to the head and landed herself in rehab in Florida." I took this in slowly sturggling to maintain a conversation while the beer chemicals swam around and messed up my thinking stability. "Wait, what do you mean started off like me?" I asked him taking a sip "well, started off with Ryan. They were together for like 3 years. Longest I've ever seen him with a girl. They were like inseperable. Then when she left, he moved schools, couldn't handle everything there that reminded him of her. And now he has found you. Suppose your the new Lux."

I heard footsteps coming up from the stariwheel, "Dina?" I turned around to see Ryan standing in the doorway looking confused. I gave Aaron one last look before I got up with my drink and went to Ryan nearly tripping twice.

I supposed if it's the party girls that Ryan likes, I could do that.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the next chapter will be the begging of everything. It took me 30 chapters to actually start this story off. Now I know where it's going and the offical storyline can begin.

So sit back,

and let me blow your mind