Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I Confuse The Two For Love

As I walked up the stoned pavement a wave of nausea washed over me, I had never been to Ryan's house. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but I knew I needed to see a friendly face. I took in a deep breath and walked straight to the front door knocking four times. The door was swung open by a tired looking guy probably in his twenties wearing jeans and a white singlet.

He yawned and ran a hand through his messy bed hair. "hi" I said simply. He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to go on. "Uhm, is Ryan here?" He slowly stepped aside opening the door to reveal the rest of the house. He turned up the stairs and yelled out "Ryan you got a babe waiting for you." He turned and walked away down the hall before looking back over his shoulder at me and then dissapearing into another room.

Ryan appeared at the top of the stairs and smiled down he saw me at the front door. "Hey" he said coming down the stairs. Before I had a chance to open my mouth his was covering it as he had me up against the front door closing it shut. When he pulled away my lips were tingling "nice to see you too"

He smiled and leant an arm against the front door "so, Dina, what are you doing in my house?" he asked leaning down to plant kisses on my neck. "Well, I kind of just needed to see someone, you weren't in school today." I said as he stood up and smiled drapeing an arm around my shoulder. "Well come upstairs and tell me all about it."

Ryan's room was surprisingly neat compared to something I would expect from him. He opened the door revealing an old double bed in the centre of the room, computer desk on one side of the room with a guiat leaning next to it. Band posters covering the room and drawers on the other side. A couple of clothes lying around and empty glasses and papaers here and there

He glided past his desk swipeing up a packet of cigarettes and a lighter selecting one, lighting up and taking a long drag and exchale. He sat down backwards on his swival chair turning it around to face me as he rested his arms on the top of the back. "So, DIna, tell me child, what's on your mind?" I gave a small smirk and dropped onto the edge of his bed. "I pissed off Brendon, my friends and then I just left. I threw out my books left school and came straight here."

He nodded his head slowly taking in what I was saying before taking another drag off his cigarette and scratching his chin as he thought. "Well, Brendon's a dick, your friends should be your friends no matter what, and school is overrated anyway." He took one last long drag on his cigarette and abandoned his chair and came and sat behind me. "Is there anything else I can help with?" Ryan cooed as he pushed back my hair and began kissing the back of shoulder up to my neck.

I couldn't hold back giggling as he kissed my ear and took off my jacket. I turned around and kissed him back pushing us back onto the bed. I felt Ryan's arm wrap around my waist and pull us up to the head of the bed. Soon they were under my shirt and touching the skin around my stomach. I ran my hands through his hair as his mouth left mine and down to my neck.

We rolled around until Ryan was on top and his hands were moving higher until there was a vibrating sensation coming from my left pocket. I jumped at the feeling and then it took me about a minute to realise it was my phone. Ryan sighed and rolled off me to lay on his side and I sat up and took my phone out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I asked "DIna, where the hell are you?! School just called saying you didn't show up for any of your remaining classes! Have you left school? Where are you I'm coming for you right now." I rolled my eyes and turned over to Ryan. 'Mom' I mouthed, he gave a small nod and then rolled off the bed taking off his shirt and throwing it in a pile against his dresser. "No, mom I'm fine I just wasn't feeling good" I lied "so you decided to leave school? DIna, you know you can't just walk off because you were feeling il!! If you are sick, and you need me you call me, okay?" I sighed and moved to the side of the bed "okay, I'll be home soon." I said and quickly hung up before she could argue with me.

"Do you have any money for a bus?" I asked Ryan as he came out of the ensuite pulling over a hoodie. "I'll get David to take you. My cousin, who answered the door." He said opening the bedroom door.

You can't spell 'families' without lies.
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I need your help!! My goal is to get to 200 readers (with the first chapter) and I only need 30 people! So if you like what you read written by me please help me to promote it as many ways as you can, blogs, websites, polls, friends, ANYTHING!!

Please help, I write this story for YOU yes, I'm talking about You. So please please help!

You know i love you. xx