Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I'm Feelin Rough I'm Feelin Raw

We were racing down the highway doing well over whatever the speed limit was. It was so exhilarating. I had my head out the window with the wind blowing through my hair as I took in the exhaust fumes mixed fresh air. Get free was blasting threw the stereo and I turned and grabbed Ryan’s hand grinning at him as he turned at the touch and grinned back. I squealed and giggled as we swerved corners making to Ryan’s house in record time. Well someone was eager. I was trying to ignore the burn in my skin and throbbing in my brain for some sort of drug, I tried myself to forget it I didn’t need them, but I wasn’t fooling anyone.

Ryan parked the car and was out before I could open my door. He was grinning stupidly from ear to ear as he raced around to my side just as I had stepped out taking me by the waist slamming me back against the car and connecting his lips straight to my neck up and down my collarbone. I giggled and tugged at his hair trying to get him inside. My cravings were starting to get worse, but this time I craved something more and I was pretty sure once I got the boy drooling on my neck upstairs my cravings would be satisfied. I giggled and pushed him off me reaching for his hand leading him up to the front door of his own house.

Ryan fumbled with the key as I ran my hand up and down his back and under his shirt licking his ear. His head lolled back as the door finally sprung open and we fell in laughing like a couple of drunks. Suddenly things got more serious and Ryan had me in his arms with my legs locking around his waste. We slowly made our way up the stairs – falling twice. Ryan’s embrace was warm and needing and I suddenly felt wanted, more than ever. Everyone was wrong about him, he wasn’t what they thought and if anyone would know this it would be me.

We made it to the last step and just for fun I jumped onto his back as he entered us into his room. “Mmm Ryan your room is very sexy and inviting” I whispered into his ear as I ran my hands through his hair. He gave a small laugh and turned to dump us both on the bed. As he sat up he quickly turned with his arms on either side of me going straight for the neck. “Woah, hormones on hold for a second.” I said spotting something that caught my attention “what is that?” I said with a grin on my face. I hoped up from the bed and moved over to his desk where a large black book was hiding under some dirty laundry. I pushed aside the pants and jacket and picked up the book covered in band labels. I turned to face the boy sitting on the edge of the bed clearly frustrated. Sexually. “What is this? Is this your ‘diary’?” I laughed.

He swallowed and quickly jumped to snatch the book out of my hands turning his back to me trying to find a new place to hide the book. I couldn’t help holding back a laugh as I tried to reach around him, curious to read the book of thoughts. “Aw, come on let me read about your little boy fantasies.” I giggled. Ryan gave a loud groan throwing the book into a corner and spinning around grabbing my wrists. I immediately stopped giggling as he gave me a devilish grin.

He backed us up into the wall not losing eye contact. All of a sudden there was nothing funny about anything just nerves and sweat. His kisses on my neck weren’t teenage boy hormonal but passionate and slow. I ran my hands through his hair and locking my arms around his neck as our lips met. I felt his hands move slowly down my sides as he bent to allow himself to adjust his hands under my thighs and lift me up moving us backwards onto the bed.

Ryan lay over me propped up on his elbows so we could see each other. He looked at me for a while giving off a small smile and tucking my hair behind my ear subtly caressing my cheek. This wasn’t Ryan. This was sensitivity, sure I said he was different than everyone had predicted but this was not Ryan…
Never the less it wasn’t all bad.

He bit his lip as if no one needed to speak, ask anything I just gave a seductive grin and began tearing apart his shirt.
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Because I'm GOOD