Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

We Feel How We Feel Inside

I absolutely hated the rain. The minute I had woken up this morning it was so overcast and miserable I just didn’t have it in me to go to school, but my parents had a different idea for that. They were being so gay and neither of them could drive me to school and my brother was pretty much too hung over from whatever he did last night to even wake up if a bomb went off outside.

So here I was, walking in the rain as my clothes and hair stuck to my face. Perfect. I had a frown on my face that just wouldn’t change. My lips were tight together and my eyes were glaring and my brows were crossed in an infuriated manner. I had no umbrella and school was still about ten minutes from here. If there were a bird that was killed right now on the road, I would not care.

Suddenly the rain started to stop and I was no longer being saturated. What gives? I looked around as a dark shadow cast above me and I nearly screamed when I saw Brendon standing next to me holding a purple umbrella over my head. He was a bit wet himself wearing a blue third eye blind shirt and his stupid black-rimmed glasses. They were so old and out of fashion that I didn’t understand why he didn’t buy a new pair, a nicer and more fashionable pair of glasses?

“It’s pretty cold.” Brendon said referring to the weather. I gave him a quizzical look “it’s Vegas. Vegas and cold shouldn’t even be in the same sentence together.” I said still walking straight ahead. He stopped for a second progressing what I said before picking up his step to keep up with me.

“You’re not too much of a morning person, are you?” Brendon asked. I had to admit, this was a new side of Brendon I had ever seen. But he was right, I didn’t mean to be a bitch to him, we were friends and all and had been for a long time but I guess I was just pissed off right now, time of month and schoolwork and everything. “I’m sorry Brendon, I am just in a pretty bad mood being forced to walk in the rain first thing isn’t the morning isn’t exactly my idea of a good wake up call.” I stated bluntly still starring straight ahead and holding my arms around my body. Brendon was silent after that, I guess he kind of picked up on the fact I didn’t really want to chit chat at seven thirty.

As we arrived at the school I thanked him for sharing his umbrella and made my way over to my locked. I heard running behind me as I reached my locked and Brendon appeared beside me holding his backpack strap “why are you at school so early anyways?” He asked. I took out my books from my bag and began putting them in my locker “I could ask you the same question” I challenged “musical rehearsal.” He said with a smirk on his face. I looked at him for a second before a small smile appeared on my face “really?” I asked he grinned that I was finally starting a proper conversation with him and shook his head vigorously. “What part do you play in the musical?” I asked as we walked down the empty corridor. “Joseph.”

“Really? So you must be pretty religious then” I asked Brendon as we sat in the empty cafeteria. We had been talking for a while about the school musical Brendon was in. It was a Christian one, I wasn’t religious so Brendon was explaining it to me and I just nodded my head like I knew all these people he was talking about. He shrugged at me question, “yeah, I am. I guess but, yeah I don’t know.” He said “Hilary-Fay would pretty much thinks I’m god’s gift and makes sure I always go to her bible study groups, but really I just want to sing in this stupid musical.” Brendon said sighing. Hilary-Fay was the grade ten Chaplin representee who was strictly religious and her main goal in life was to turn the world to Jesus Christ.

“So are you only allowed to listen to the Christian Rock and Gary Jules?” I joked to Brendon. He looked down with a small smile on his face taking my joke “nah, I can listen to what I want…. As long as my parents don’t find out.” He said smiling as I smiled back. Why was I smiling so much? It’s only Brendon. Geeky dorky lame stupid Brendon. I opened my mouth to say something before the blasted bell rang as the halls started filling up with students. “Well, we better to get to class. I have double physics,” Brendon said pushing his glasses up his face as they started to fall down. I laughed at that and replied “yeah, I think I have home ec. First up.” I said as Brendon smiled and turned around. It wasn’t until a random student in a rush bumped into me by mistake on their way through the crowds of people that snapped me out of my trance of starring at Brendon as he walked down the hall.

Wow, that was weird.