Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I Did Not Chose Him, He Did Not Chose Me

“I fucking hate physics” Matt said joining us at our usual lunch table “which physics class are you in?” I asked taking a bite of my apple “uhm, D21 with Mr. Snitch” he said opening his milk on his lunch tray “hey, Brendon Urie’s in your class, right?” I asked realizing they were in the same class. He looked at me quizzically for a while “yeah… why?” He asked suspiciously “oh, nothing.” I said looking down a bit embarrassed. “Oh my god, you guys Dean’s this party this Saturday night” Julie gushed as Jason and Ben joined us holding their food trays in hand “I still don’t know if I’m going.” I said everyone looked at me shocked with mouths open “what?” I asked taking another bite out of my apple.

“Dina, this is Dean’s party! Dean’s party! This is like the biggest party you will ever go to in your senior year, almost. His house is fucking huge and there’s going to be at least enough alcohol to swim in!!” Jason said exasperated “exactly.” I said. Julie whacked him upside the head for saying something so stupid “look, Dina. It will be fun, I promise you most of us won’t be drinking and you can come back to my place after. My brother will be picking me up after the party at about one, okay? Everything will be fine.” Julie said trying to con me.

I was quickly writing down the methods for Pythagoras’s theory written on the board when the door slammed open and an out of breath Ryan Ross himself strolled into the room taking the empty seat behind me just dropping his bag next to the chair plonking down and putting his feat up on the chair in front of him. The teacher just watched him with a frown on his face “Mr. Ross, what do you think you are doing?” Mr. Noble asked him with his hands on his hips as the class turned to see Ryan’s reaction. “Relax man, I was just taking a stroll and decided to take a detour and come to class and listen in on another one of your exciting lessons.” Ryan said rudely with a playful smile on his face resting his hands in his lap.

There were a couple of snickers as I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. “Ryan that’s the last straw! You play up again, any back chat and your out!” Mr. Noble said loosing his temper as he pointed a shaking finger at Ryan “whatever” Ryan said in defeat taking his feet down and running a hand through his already messy straight hair. He would have had to straightened his hair, no one’s hair is that straight. I thought to myself as I glanced over at him taking out his books from his bag and copy down the work from the board.

“Psst, Dina” I heard from next to me I turned around to see Ryan leaning over to my desk “what?” I hissed back quietly. I really couldn’t afford to get in Mr. Nobles bad books and fail this class. “Ten bucks says you’ve never seen the detention room.” Ryan stated more than asked. “So?” I asked annoyed. What was he, 8? “how would you like to see it?” He asked leaning closer to my desk whispering a bit louder this time.

Mr. Noble quickly turned around from the board to see us both talking. He was already pissed off and it wouldn’t be long until he completely snapped. “Ryan and Dina will you too shut up!” He practically yelled going red in the face and turning back to the board. Ryan smirked at me as I apologized and went back to my work as he leaned back in his seat scribbling something down on a piece of paper. He gasped loudly earning the attention of everyone in the room “Dina! That’s so funny!” Ryan said holding up his piece of paper. I glared confused at him and tried to read what it said when I went pale in the face as Mr. Noble came over to our desks. I lunged for the piece of paper ripping it out of Ryan’s hands as Mr. Noble appeared before me holding out his hand “Dina, give me the piece of paper.” He said angrily. I shook my head in horror holding the paper in my lap. His eyes widened at my refusal to hand over the note. He glared and snatched it from me before I could stop him.

Dear Ryan, you look really sexy right now. I can barely pay attention to anything Noble is saying because you’re just making me so hot. Just thinking of you I want to touch myself, meet me in the bathroom in 2 minutes, I need you right now. Love Dina

Mr. Nobles eyes went twice the size as he went red in the face from embarrassment of reading the note. “Dina to uh detention now.” He stammered not making eye contact with me “but sir, I didn’t write it! It was Ryan!” I pleaded as he scrunched up the note fuming “Ryan and Dina! I don’t care, both of you get to detention now!” He yelled going back to his desk. I felt tears welling up in my eyes; I had never been yelled at a teacher before. I quickly gathered my books and ran out of the classroom. This was so embarrassing.
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i love you