Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I've Got You To Let Me Down

I took my slip and went straight to detention. I didn’t care where Ryan was; he probably took this as his best opportunity to ditch class. He was such an asshole. I cautiously knocked on the door, I wasn’t going to lie I was afraid. This wasn’t right, I didn’t belong in detention! Detention was for people who didn’t respect the school rules or who skipped class to smoke and drink and just didn’t care. Detention was for people like Ryan. I pushed the door in, my face was pale and I was holding my books so close to me as though some ghetto kid would jump out behind a desk and shoot me and my books where my shield.

I walked straight ahead to the teachers disk and handed her my slip. I don’t think she knew me, I smiled at her but she just sighed and scribbled something on the slip before handing back to me. “These need to be taken to Miss Carhen in the gym.” She said in a bored manner pushing a huge pile of books towards me “Uh, what do I do with my books?” I asked she looked at me and adjusted her glasses to pull them down off her eyes a bit and give me a testing look I was extremely intimidated under a teacher’s glaze like this “do I care where you put your books?”

I finally reached the gym, exhausted and out of breathe from carrying the books. I pushed open the huge gym doors and saw there was a volleyball game going, cheerleading practice, and a basketball game. I saw Miss Carhen and quickly made my way over to her before one of the books on the bottom slipped and at once all the books started to slip before suddenly they stopped and I looked over the pile of books to see Brendon holding the other side sending me an incredible smile I don’t think I had ever seen on anyone else. He was sweating just a bit in his gym shorts and gym shirt and if the situation hadn’t of caught me off guard so much I would have laughed at his outfit.

“Here, let me take some for you” He offered kindly. I don’t think I had ever seen this side of Brendon before, I mean he was still dorky freaky weird and funny looking, but in a slightly more cute, sexy kind of way. Kind of.

“Oh, uhm thanks” I on the other hand was never cute or sexy, I was clumsy un smooth, nervous and intimidated. He sent me another smile and I felt myself smile back, something I couldn’t explain. “Why are you delivering books? Shouldn’t you be in class, Dina?” Brendon questioned as we walked across the gym to the small office. I blushed and looked down “I got a detention” I said quietly, but I’m pretty sure Brendon heard it when he burst out laughing I thought he was going to cry.

“You!? You Dina Bishop got a detention!” He asked with humour in his voice. I blushed even more, this was so embarrassing “yes.” I said looking down “that’s just not possible Dina. What did you do, Get a B on your exam?” He joked. I, on the other hand didn’t see the humour in it and looked at him annoyed before he stopped laughing and cleared his throat.

“No really, did you kill a teacher or something? Stab another student?” Brendon asked, joking again. I knew he wasn’t going to stop so I decided to play along “no actually, I spiked all the juice in the cafeteria before I burnt my name into the grass outside Miss Murray’s office.” I replied in my most serious voice. Brendon’s face went white before I cracked a smile and the colour finally came back to his face and he laughed too “see, you can crack a joke or too.” Brendon said nudging me following a grin, which was almost contagious.

We reached the office and put the boxes down and I turned to see Brendon still looking at me. My heart filled rapidly with butterflies and I blushed looking down. “I uh didn’t really do that stuff” I said uneasily he chuckled and nodded “yeah, I know” he said “I was framed. This complete jerk in my class wrote a note saying bad stuff and just put my name on it to make it look like I did it, but I didn’t. Then my teacher found it and sent us both to detention, and the teacher in detention sent me to do this job, and so, here I am.” I said in one whole breathe.

Brendon just smiled and went to say something before someone called my name and we both looked at the gym entrance to see Ryan standing about 100 meters away. “Dina! God are you coming or not, we have a job to do!” He yelled under a teacher approached him and scolded him for yelling across the gym and he disappeared. “I uhm better go. Bye Brendon, thanks for helping me” I said as I quickly ran to the entrance.

And I would be a liar if I said I didn’t look back to see him smiling at me