Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I Dare You To Move

“Dina what the fuck is up your ass?” Lucy quizzed as we sat outside waiting for our rides home. “What? I have to have a motive to be happy?” I retorted defensively “uh.. yes.” Lucy said in a ‘duh’ tone “aw, come on Lucy. Just because you’re a sour bitch doesn’t mean Dina can’t be happy every now and then” Jason said avoiding a punch from Lucy. We all laughed minus Lucy when I saw Ryan throwing on a hoodie walking over to his motorbike putting out a cigarette before turning and winking at me. I rolled my eyes as Matt laughed at me. I turned to him and glared until he stopped “What is so funny??” I asked as I could hear Ryan speed off down the street “oh nothing. Just, if you hate him so much why do you blush every time he looks at you?” Matt asked smugly. I gasped “I do not blush you douche!” I said starting to turn red from the accusations from my friends.

“Yeah, you kind of do Dina” Ben said trying to hide his laughter. I was so annoyed with everyone not believing me. I did not blush every time Ryan stupid Ross looked at me, I hated him. I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag going back into the school. As I could hear everyone yelling after me about how they were just joking, but I just ignored them all and went to retreat to the library.

Walking down the hall to the library I passed the music room hearing the faint sound of an acoustic guitar playing ‘in the middle’ by Jimmy Eat World. Whoever it was, they were pretty good. The halls were empty, kids were gone and I was pretty sure no teacher would be staying after school to sit and play Jimmy Eat World. I pushed the door open quietly to see Brendon sitting cross legged on the ground strumming and singing along to in the middle. I smiled without thinking and felt my feet tapping along.

“It just takes some time, little girl you’re in the middle of the ride, everything everything will be just fi- Holy shit Dina, what are you doing?” Brendon stuttered immediately stopping his music as soon as he noticed my presence. “Don’t stop, you’re so good.” I said walking over to him and kneeling in front of him. He gave me a small smile “do you play?” he asked I shook my head. He grinned and passed the guitar to me “here” he said I gave him a surprised look “what?” I asked “take the guitar, Dina.” He said. I looked down at the instrument in front of me and took it into my lap. “Okay, this is A” Brendon said taking three of my three fingers and placing them on the guitar “this is called the second fret, and you’re fingers go here, like this.” He said positioning them and then strumming the strings for me. “There, now just strums these strings like this.” Brendon said showing me. Guitar was way cool.

“Okay, one more time” Brendon said as we took our guitars into position. We had been playing for nearly two hours, and I think the school might have accidentally locked us in the school. “She don’t care about my car, and she don’t care about my money, and that’s real good cause I don’t got a lot to spend, but if I did it would mean nothing- what’s that ringing sound?” Brendon said stopping his guitar. I stopped too and listened for a second before nearly screaming and tossing my guitar aside

“Crap! My phone!” I yelled running over to my backpack and digging through it until reaching my phone 12 missed calls “Oh my god! My parents are going to kill me!!” I exclaimed gathering my stuff together “thanks for the lesson Brendon, I’ll uh see you round” I exclaimed not even giving him a chance to speak before dashing out of the music room and outside to wait for my parents.