Dina Stay Asleep In Bed

I've Been Awake For Quite Some Time

“But you can still come right?” Julie said on the other line. “I don’t know, Juls. They were extremely mad when I got home; I had been at school for two hours and hadn’t phoned them.” I said flopping down onto my bed with the cordless phone “What were you doing at school for two hours? We though you just went back inside to get your books or something, you know we were totally kidding Dina” Julie said “yeah I know, I know I was just in the music room playing guitar..” I said trailing off a bit kind of not wanting Julie to ask question about me playing guitar, seeing as everyone knew I didn’t play guitar.

“You were playing guitar? You don’t play guitar who were you playing guitar with?” But I knew her too well to know she would ask questions. “Uhm, Brendon” I said quietly “Brendon?” She said “Brendon, like the kid in Matt’s music class? What were you doing with him?” Julie quizzed. I shrugged even though I knew she couldn’t see it “I don’t know. He’s really nice… and cute” I said giggling a bit “Dina, your like in love with Brendon.” Julie said laughing at me. I sat up right on my bed “I am not! He’s just nice, and taught me she likes me for me by third eye blind, I have no idea who they are, but there one of his favourite bands.”

I said babbling on about what Brendon and I had talked about this afternoon “Whatever. You love him. Now come on Dinnaaa, this is like the party of the year. Everyone is going you have to come, please!” Julie said as I heard my mom calling me to come downstairs. “I don’t know, I’ll try. I have to go, mom wants me” I said “okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Julie said before I hung up the phone with one last bye and went down stairs.

I came downstairs to see my mom making my dinner as my dad was reading the newspaper at the dinner table and my brother was sprawled across the couch watching some MTV show. Yep, this was my family. “Harry, for heavens sake get you’re feet off the couch!” My mom screeched at my brother. Ah yes, my mother. One of Vegas’s most loveable step ford wives. She attended all the community meetings, which she basically ran and organised herself as she was president of all of them, and nearly all the women’s clubs.

She never missed my brother’s soccer game, my fathers meetings or my parent teacher interviews. She was a pretty good mom, stressed to the max and a bit clueless when it came to me dating, I think she thought I had been around with a lot of guys or something. I hadn’t, and I had no idea as to why she would think that. “Dina, go help your mother.” My dad subconsciously said as his eyes stayed glued to his newspaper.

“So Dina, we’ll need to go shopping for camp this weekend. When is it, two weeks time?” My mom asked as we ate dinner at the dinning table. “Next week” I corrected. Mom’s eyes widened as she was drinking her glass of wine “Next week?? Gosh we better get a move on, we have to get a sleeping bag, some trainers, flash light, cutlery, a blow up mattress…” My mom rambled on as my dad turned to my brother and changed the subject onto his new school. “So Harry, when’s your camp?” Dad asked “Oh, uhm ours is next week… also” Harry said “Really? Well! Now everyone has to go shopping this weekend, Steve is there anything you need while I’m out this weekend?” Mom asked flustered and turning to my dad

“No Jilly, don’t you worry about me. I have a business trip next week. Los Angeles, remember?” Dad asked taking another bite of his chicken stew. Suddenly the room went silent and everyone looked at mom “…what? So… you mean I’ll be all by myself in this big old house??” Mom asked in a soft voice. She hated being left alone. She always needed something to do, and that something was taking care of us. She never had time to worry about herself. “Mom, this would be perfect for you, you could go out to lunch with some friends, get your hair and nails done, throw another benefit for something.” I suggested.

The benefits were mom’s specialities. It was were all the men and women of moms clubs would dress up and come to this party mom had thrown and if they liked it they would donate money to the charity the party was hosted for. Last week she did a benefit to raise more money for the pee wee hockey. Which pretty much consisted of seven kids all under 5 meeting up at some shack and some random off the street coming to coach them, some of them didn’t even know what hockey was and one of the kids ended up breaking an arm because they were told that hitting the other players with your hockey sticks, was okay.

“B-but I…” mom sobbed as her chin trembled and she tried so hard to hold in her tears before bursting out and running upstairs to her and dad’s bedroom quickly mumbling an ‘excuse me.’ Harry and I turned to dad “Well. Who wants to do the washing up?”