‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


I hit my alarm clock desperately, hating it for waking me up at such an early hour. Trudging, I made my way into the bathroom I shared with Jack, knowing he wouldn't even be up for another hour and Cheyenne had the small one downstairs. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I sat the clothes I had brought in with me on the counter and stepped into the shower, knowing the warm jet of water would wake me up somewhat. Stepping out of the shower a good forty five minutes later, I felt clean and refreshed; grabbing the towel I dried off and slipped on my panties and bra before clearing the mirror.

Another half hour later, Jack was banging on the door, wanting in the bathroom and I was finishing my make up. Glancing at my outfit one last time before I left the bathroom, I was one hundred percent satisfied that I had made the right choice of what to wear; tight dark denim washed jeans, a studded belt, and a purple and red striped polo, with the collar up, along with a pair of bright blue Nikes. You would think that my outfit wouldn't go together at all, but surprisingly, it did. My hair was straightened and put into low pigtails, my eyes rimmed with eyeliner, a touch of powder, and lip gloss. It was crucial that I make a good impression today: first day at a new high school, during my senior year.

Already we had gotten our schedules and figured out who we had classes with and who we had lunch with. In order of my classes: Jack, Alex, Cheyenne and I had English together; Zach and I had Spanish; Alex, Zach, Brie, and I had choir; Rian and I had math together; Alex and I had creative writing together; and then by spark of a miracle, all of us had science together. As for lunch, we all had it together, everyday; we were lucky I was told.

I walked downstairs and found my aunt setting down two more plates of food. Cheyenne was already sitting at the table, eating hers. I looked her up and down, scanning her outfit: regular jeans, a blue shirt with a red dinosaur on it, and converse. She looked stunning as usual. I took the seat next to her and ate a bite of the waffle on it.

"Good morning aunt Michelle, Chey," I said.


"Morning dear," aunt Michelle said. "Jack Bassum Barakat get down here now!"

"We'll make sure he does whatever it is he needs to do aunt M."

"Thank you Addie. I need to go. Have a great day!"

"Kay, bye!" we said in unison.

The two of us giggled and continued to eat our breakfast; Jack came running downstairs claiming we were going to be late. He noticed his waffle on the plate, hesitated, grabbed the syrup, poured it in his mouth, and stuffed the waffle in it next. I stared at him in astonishment at how he could even think to do something like that. Cheyenne and I dumped our plates in the sink, grabbed our bags, and followed him out to the car. We stopped to pick up Brie on the way, she crawled into the backseat with Cheyenne, kissing Jack's cheek so that he would continue on the journey.

He pulled into a parking space fairly close to the campus and Cheyenne and I followed him and Brie to where we were to meet everybody else. Us four were the last to get there, Zach, Rian, Kara, and Alex were already there, talking animatedly.

"Hey Zachary!" I greeted, pecking his lips.

"Hey Addison!" he mocked.

"Mockery gets you nowhere Mr. Merrick." I giggled.

"Jeez Addie, you're here and you don't say hi to me?" Alex pouted.

"Aw I'm sorry Alex. Hi!" I cried, kissing his cheek and winking at Cheyenne.

Everybody said hello to each other after that and we talked like we hadn't just seen each other yesterday. As we were all standing there talking, I realized that these guys were popular; I knew people knew their name, after all they had played a few parties over the summer, but not to this extent. I soon realized that they weren't the popular kids however, but they were at the same time, if you’re in high school, you must know what I mean. Cliques and me never did mesh. The bell rang and Jack and Alex practically dragged Cheyenne and I to the classroom.

Jack and Alex took the two seats in the back of the room, the door's side; Cheyenne and I sat in front of them. I noticed a slight pattern in the seating arrangements, the jocks and preps sat by the window, academics at the front, the other popular kids (a.k.a. Jack and Alex) here, and then everybody else filled in the gaps. Just as the bell was ringing the teacher walked in, smiling. She was an older woman, late forties, early fifties I was guessing, and let's just say, she would probably not get along with Cheyenne or I.

"Jane Arns?"


"Addison Sophia Barakat?"

"Addie, please, I'm Present."

"Jack Barakat?"

"What's up?"

"Twins, I presume?"


She rolled her eyes and continued on with the attendance. Her class droned on, we listened to her talk about rules and expectations; I was happy when the bell rang. Alex walked me halfway to my Spanish class on his way to math, and then pointed where I needed to go so I wouldn't get lost. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Zach with a girl wearing too short of a skirt and a shirt with her boobs practically falling out all over him. Zach looked extremely uncomfortable, I walked over to him and kissed him.

"Excuse me, who are you?" the girl asked rudely.

"Addison Barakat." I stuck out my hand which she refused. "That was quite rude. Who are you?"

"Sarah Miller."

"Well Sarah," I said cheerily. "You better back off of my boyfriend because he's not interested in a whore like you."

" Zach when you want a real woman, you know where to find me."

"Oh honey," I said with fake sadness. "Getting a boob job doesn't make you a real woman. It makes you seem desperate. Bye-bye now."

She walked off pouting and Zach laughed softly. "That was amazing Soph."

"Thanks Zach."

Dona Rodriguez was a short plump woman, very kind, I already knew that this class was going to be fun. She talked in easy Spanish, and asked us to each to say a few things about the summer, to figure out how much some of us who didn't have her class last year knew. When the bell rang, Zach led me to choir where I sat with Brie in the second soprano section while Alex and Zach sat in the baritone section. Like in my English class, we listened to Mr. Hanson go on about rules and expectations. He was not a normal teacher he swore, he was funny, but he was also serious. Lunch came next. The four of us walked outside and claimed two benches,

"Hey Alex," A girl who looked like Sarah Miller came waltzing up to him. "You didn’t call me all summer baby, why?"

Cheyenne glared daggers at the girl. "Logan, we broke up three months before summer vacation."

"You know you didn't mean that."

"Logan, meet Cheyenne," Alex said, gesturing towards her. "She is my girlfriend, so I suggest you get lost."

"Damn Alex that was as good as Addie telling off Sarah Miller earlier." Zach laughed.

Too quickly, lunch ended, and Rian and I walked off to Mr. Watkins math class. Rian told me that Watkins was pretty chill, he had him last year too. Turns out, he was right, like in my first few classes there were no assigned seats, Rian and I sat next to each other by a wall. We passed notes for the whole period. Then came creative writing with Alex, we sat in the back of them room grinning like fools and earning looks from Mrs. Klein. Then there was science with Ms. Frasier. Jack, Kara, and Zach have all had her before.

"Welcome to physical science," she smiled. "Attendance."

"Paul Aarons?" he raised his hand. "Jane Arns?"


"Addison Barakat?"

"It's Barakat," I said, pronouncing it correctly.

"Jack," she looked up and sighed. "Nice to see you Jack."

"Likewise Ms. F."

Ms Frasier grinned at him and continued taking attendance. "Kara Daniels."

"What up Ms. Frasier?"

"Rian Dawson?"


"Alexander Gaskarth?"

"Alex is here."

Then many names later. "Cheyenne Neilson?"


Ms. Frasier was in over her head with this class. The eight of us spent her class giggling, interrupting and throwing things at each other. No words could express how fun this first day had been. As it was to be expected, people had been whispering about Cheyenne and I all day; I caught bits and pieces of the conversation and hear the guys' names strewn in there many times. The girls had seemed jealous, it was highly entertaining.

"So, good first day?" Zach asked Cheyenne and I as we walked away from the school."

"Hell yeah," I laughed.

"This is going to be one, interesting year." Cheyenne added.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter One.
Who else is thrilled for the sequel?!?
So, not my favorite chapter that will happen.
This story (if all goes right) will be forty chapters.

