‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


Since Saturday Cheyenne and I had barely said ten words to each other. Now, on Tuesday, everybody was beginning to notice the tension between us and how we tried to avoid each other like the black plague. Nobody however could figure out why the two of us were fighting. More than once Alex has asked me if it was over something tremendously huge which I said yes. Jack has asked me if it is over something stupid; I said no. Zack has asked if it is over something that could be deemed as life or death; I said no. I had promised her that I wouldn't tell Alex what she had done, and despite being the shitty friend I am, I wasn't going to tell anyone else either.

In English class I forced Jack to switch places with me, sitting next to Cheyenne instead of his usual place by Alex. At lunch however, there was no point in even trying to avoid her, I couldn't; we had the same friends. After minutes of an awkward silence between Cheyenne and I, Zack spoke up.

"God, you two are best friends, you need to make up, now."

He turned and left, followed by the rest of them. I glared at Cheyenne and sat down on the bench, crossing my arms over a child, pointedly looking away from her seconds later. I could bet money, and win it all, that she was mirroring my own actions. Finally, she turned to look at me, speaking softly.

"I really am sorry Addison. I was drunk, I wasn't thinking. And I can understand why you are so mad. This isn't some random guy or one you don't like, it's Alex."

"Seriously Cheyenne you need to stop being such a goddamned whore. You know we'll all be there for you when you go through alcohol withdrawal. You also know most of the time you have sex with somebody when you're intoxicated."

"I know." She looked away from me.

"You're not going to stop are you?"

"It's hard! You've known me since we were ten. Therefore you have known that this has been my lifestyle since we were thirteen!"

After knowing that Alex didn't want to be with Cheyenne anymore anyways, there really was no reason trying to save their relationship. I knew that it might hurt Alex still though, knowing that Cheyenne liked him and still cheated. I didn't want either of my friends to get hurt, if I could even call Cheyenne that still, after our fight on Saturday something opened my eyes. When I looked up at her I saw that she was crying again. Cheyenne never cries unless she is really upset, something big has to happen to get her to even tear up. Knowing her for almost eight years I have only seen her cry five times: when her grandpa died, when her parents got divorced, when she almost had an STD, and then on Saturday, and again today.

"I know." I looked her dead in the eye. "And you know that I love you but I just don't understand why you do half the things you do."

"I don't understand myself."

"You're going to have to tell Alex."

"I will."


"I will."

I reached over and hugged her. Something between us was breaking, and I wanted to fix it before it got out of control. She had been my friend the longest, the first person I had met in Washington, my sister, I couldn't just let this screw up our friendship. The rest of them slowly came back to make sure we hadn't killed one another and lunch went on normally.

Later that day, Jack, Brie, Cheyenne, and I were in the car on our way to Rian's, talking nonstop when Brie suddenly clapped a hand over her mouth and motioned for Jack to pull over. When he finally did, she raced to get out of the car and ended up puking in a garbage can at a park. Cheyenne and I exchanged knowing glances as Jack jumped out to go help her out.

"You don't think…?"

"She might be." I said slowly. "They must have had make up sex."

The two of them returned to the car and Cheyenne and I didn’t bring up the possibility of her being pregnant, figuring that we would say something to Brie later. She put her head on the window and sighed miserably. I drew a piece of gum from the pack in my pocket and handed it to her with a smile. She gladly accepted it, wanting to rid her mouth from tasting of vomit.

Brie, Cheyenne, and I sat down on the couch when we got there, noticing Kara's absence right away. Rian told us that she had to baby sit her cousin, so she wasn't going to come to practice. The boys jumped right into playing Circles and we sat back and listend in astonishement about how the guys just keep getting better.

"Hey, girls, shut up!" Alex said playfully. "Here we are, playing your own personal concert and you talk doing it? I am highly offended."

"Alex dear, you guys were tuning your instruments while we were talking." Brie laughed. "Continue playing."

"Well maybe we don't want to now." He chided.

"Alex," I laughed, "If you guys don't start playing again soon then I will take your bassist away from you for not give him back for a long time."

"Love you too Soph!" Zack said, coming over to kiss me.

"Okay, okay!" Alex shrieked lightly. "We'll play, just stop PDAing in front of me."

I laughed and pushed Zack back in the direction he came from, blowing a kiss when he glared playfully. They began to play We Say Summer and I hummed along to the tune, smiling cheekily at Alex when he looked at me. Their "set" was finished with Break Out! Break Out! and I smiled, that was my favorite song by them so far. When the finished Zack sat down his beloved bass and came running over to me, picked me up and sat down.

"That is so unfair Zack!" I pouted.

"Sit down on me Addie!" he laughed.

"What if I don't want to now?"

"You know you want to."

"Nope, I'm mad at you." I stuck my tongue out childishly.

"Aw, but Soph," he whined. "I love you!"

"Don't believe him!" Brie yelled dramatically.

"I don't think I can help it! I am so drawn to him."

"Damn right you are!" Zack said. "I'm sexy."

"I'm sexier."
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this story.
I really do.
But it annoys me.
I have to finish it so soon.
I can't stop writing.
