‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


There was a week until Halloween and I can't say that I am not excited; I try to lie as little as possible. Everybody was just as excited of course, Halloween is one of the best holidays, we all agree: free candy. My costume was top secret, just like it has been for the past three years. Nothing could get me to break and tell me what I was dressing up as, not even a bag of Fritos, Capri sun, and two dollars, all of which has been offered to me. Later in the week I was going to get my costume ready.

Zack was going to be here soon, to spend some time with me. Over the last few weeks, we hadn't done anything as just the two of us. What we were doing was a surprise to me; Zack wouldn't tell me. He kept saying that if I could keep things secret, he could too. I just laughed when he said that to me and told him I didn't care, as long as I wasn't going to get harmed. Zack promised me that I wouldn't get injured, or at least, I shouldn't, unless I decided to be a klutz.

My aunt and uncle had left earlier to go out with a few friends, to shop, or in my uncles case, watch football, leaving Jack, Cheyenne, and I alone. Jack was going out with Alex soon, whereas Cheyenne was staying home for once. The two of us confronted Brie the other day, about the possibility of her being pregnant and got her to take a test. All of us were relieved that she wasn't pregnant; she had the flu. Cheyenne and I had taken a step back in our friendship over the last few days as well: we didn't want to ruin anything. Cheyenne started to go out more and more with Kara while I did the same, but with Alex. If anyone noticed this, they didn't say a word about it, possibly sensing that this was what was for the best.

Honestly, I have a feeling that she might get sent back home when report cards come out the first week of November. She was having a lot of problems keeping her grade up in math, I don't even know if she is trying. There are times when Cheyenne tries to charm her way out of things such as getting grounded for having bad grades. This time, she won't be able to; her parents will want to ground her. Maybe I am not having enough trust in my friend, but it's all too predictable; I have seen this scene unfold many times.

"Addie my lovely cousin!" Jack came bursting into my room. I turned in my chair to look at him witheringly.

"Jack, it's not a hard concept to grasp, knocking."

"Sure it is." He grinned goofily. I stared at him for a moment.

"Aren't you going to tell me why you came in here?"

"Oh yeah!" He laughed. "Zack's downstairs."

"Some days Jack, I really do want to kill you." I yelped.

Quickly I jumped up and threw on a hoodie and fixed my hair. I rushed downstairs, running into Cheyenne on the way. Zack laughed when he saw me, all hurried, panting, and crazed. He kissed me softly, causing Jack to gag and collapse on the couch childishly; on the way out, I smacked him. There was a shriek of "ouch" as I closed the door on the house and entered the chilly outside. Zack grasped his large hand around my tiny one, and squeezed it gently, signaling for me to follow his lead. I followed him in stride, taking two steps for every one of his. I noticed this and giggled softly, Zack didn't even notice that I had made a sound. He hadn't brought a car or anything, so wherever we were going, I gathered we were walking there.

"Zack, will you please tell me where we are going?"

"We're not going anywhere in particular Addison." He grinned down at me. "Just walking around, spending some time together."

"So sweet." I smiled. It was just hitting the prime of the afternoon and it was a clear day. Beautiful. "I love you Zachary Steven Merrick."

"I love you to Addison Sophia Rae Barakat." His smile brightened my whole day. And when my day was already bright, it reminded me of all the good that he has given me.

"We need to do something soon." I said. "Not like this. But you and me need to do something."

"What do you want to do Soph?"

"I don’t know." I admitted. "Something exciting."

"A lot of things can be thought of as exciting." He smirked. Knowingly, I slapped his shoulder, admonishing him for his perverted thoughts.

"Not something that exciting Zack. Something, I don't know, something that will give both of us a thrill and not in a sexual sense."

"I have an idea." He smiled. "It's not until November though. We can go to the fair! Just you, me, and some rides."

"I love fairs." I smiled. "Roller coasters, rides that spin uber fast, those things are amazing!"

"Then it's a date." He kissed me, letting my tongue roam around his lips for a moment before denying me, pulling away. "Just you, me, and some rides."

"Sounds like a plan Mr. Merrick." I shivered and instantly drew closer to him. He removed his hand from mine and wrapped it around my shoulder to keep me warm.

We ended up coming to this little trail, one that Zack had been down countless times, or so he said. He took my hand in his again and led me down the dirt pathway. The bushes to the left of me scratched up against my leg, I was grateful that I was wearing jeans. Scratches would have masked over my leg and spots of blood would be painting over them too. Just being with Zack would have made it better. Suddenly he looked down at me and kissed me surprising me and taking care of any thought I had been thinking. When he kissed me I felt as if every worry, problem, thought, all of it went away.

Rain started to fall down and we pulled away slowly to look up in the sky; letting the rain fall on our faces. The two of us laughed, Zack tugged on my hand, running, we made it to the end of the trail. The park. I let myself laugh even stronger and kissed him again, throwing my arms up around his neck as his explored my inner thighs. The world around me was empty except for Zack, I was beginning to drown out the rain as I stayed connected with him.

"Come on, we better get back."

"Aw, why?"

"It's raining." He said in a teasing tone. "Besides we can do more at a house."

"I'm not going to fuck you."

"Why?" he pouted. I almost gave in at the sight of his face, but stuck firmly with a no. "You are no fun."

"I am and you know it." I winked. "I don't want to have casual sex all the time Zack."

"I can deal with that." He grinned. "Just as long as you keep me guessing."
♠ ♠ ♠
Even though it is short.
I love this chapter!
Who can tell me why?
