‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


The boys were going to be practicing after school today, during which time Brie, Kara, Cheyenne, and I were going to go have a girls day. It was a Wednesday, meaning that my last class of the day was spent with Alex and Alex alone. According to Mrs. Klein we were both talented, when we focused. Currently, she was trying to get us to stop goofing off and playing the little game of hungry, hungry hippos that I had attached to my backpack and focus on the task: a short, two page story pertaining to a part in your life that is very close to you somehow.

This got me thinking, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about, despite the many things I could. Although it sounds ridiculous, playing this game with Alex, could really get my mind thinking about what I am to write about. I can't say the same for Alex, he just seemed to be playing the game out of pure boredom. Mrs. Klein came over, unclipped the game and took it up to her desk; I glared at her slightly, it was apparent that she still hasn't realized that sometimes I think in odd ways.

With the game being taken away (Alex was winning), I started to tap my pencil on the desk in frustration. Soon enough I heard some people groan and felt gazes shift on to me; I shook my head, coming out of a daze and saw the majority of the class looking at me. I blushed slightly and set my pencil down.

"Can't think of anything?" Alex asked me, perplexed.

"No, I can," I said. "I can think of lots of things. I just don't know which one to write about."

"Same here." He sighed. His feet were propped up on the seat in front of him, and he jerked them down suddenly. "Mrs. Klein?"

"What, Alex?"

"Can Addie and I go to the library?" he asked.

"And why can't you work here?"

"Because a quieter work environment might just be what we need to help us with our assignment."

"Just go."

"Thanks!" Alex said in unison. He shoved his things into his backpack and I did the same. On the way out, I retrieved my game from Mrs. Klein.

Instead of heading to the library, the two of us left the school, going to the car instead. I followed Alex, never have I been one to skip school. I had the keys to the car today, I couldn't handle Jack's driving.

"Alex…why are we out here?"

"Because it's cooler out here."

"Alex, I don't skip school." I said worriedly.

"You'll be fine, trust me. Besides you can still work if you want."

"You, dear, are impossible sometimes."

"Yes, but you still love me dearly."

"That I do, that I do."

I climbed into the drivers seat of the car while Alex got into the passengers side. While he kicked back, putting the chair into a laying position and his feet on the dashboard I thought of what to write about. Quickly, before the idea could leave my mind, I began to write about the day my little sister was born. I had been six years old and in first grade when my dad came to pick me up from the school, saying that I had a little sister, Faye Andrea. I could feel Alex's gaze on me as I wrote rapidly, having that sudden burst of creative energy. Soon, the school bell rang, Alex and I vacated the car and walked towards where we were supposed to be. Having the advantage of no crowded hallways to get through, Alex and I arrived first.

"Hey hoe." Brie greeted me.

"Hey slut."

"What, no hello for me?" Alex asked.

"Of course not. I hate you Alex."

"Jack your girlfriend is being mean to me!" he pouted.

"Good going Brie!"

"Zack!" I giggled. Zack had came from behind, scaring me when he hugged me. "Don't do that!"

"Hug you?" he teased. "Fine, I won't kiss you either!"

Laughing, I yanked on his hand, pulling him back to me and kissed him. When we pulled away I noticed Alex and Cheyenne were away from everybody, talking, and by the looks of it, the conversation was serious. I saw Cheyenne hastily wipe away a tear, then nod, and I saw Alex looking sullen. Anybody could figure out what was going on. They walked back to us, but immediately said that we should get going. Jack would ride with Alex over to Rian's and Rian and Zack would take his car. Brie, Kara, Cheyenne, and I got into Jack's and rode off to the mall.

"So you and Alex broke up." I noted, glancing at Cheyenne quickly.

"Yeah." She said softly. "It was for the best."

"How was it for the best?" Kara asked. "You two were like, made for each other."

"No, we weren't. Both of us cheated."

"You did what now?" Brie screeched. "What the fuck?"

"Please, don’t lecture. Addie's already done that."

"Wait a minute. That's why you two were fighting."

"Yeah." I said. "Anyways, what's done is done, right Chey?"

"Yes. Besides Alex and I both left on friendly terms."

"Good, because I don't think I could deal with two of my best friends at each others throats constantly."

The car became quiet for awhile, acknowledging the fact that Cheyenne was probably a little upset over the break up. When she reached over and turned on the radio and started belting out the lyrics, I knew she would be fine. Brie, Kara, and I joined in, and at one point, we were next to a car full of guys, stopped at a red light; we were still belting out the lyrics and they were ogling at us. I made a face at them and drove off through the newly changed, green light. The four of us were laughing hysterically, to us, there was nothing funnier in the world than this.

Oddly, the mall was packed, you wouldn't think so many people would come here on a Wednesday afternoon during the school year, but they do. I parked as close as I could, which wasn't that close at all, and we ran into the building, getting out of the rain that had begun to fall. Once inside the mall, we sobered up a tad and walked into the Zumiez, in hopes to find a good piece of clothing. It's the times like these where I know that I made the right choice for where to live.
♠ ♠ ♠
So short. It's just a filler.
Bare with me.
On another note, thanks so much!
I got my fourth star today!!
