‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


Finally, my favorite holiday has come: Halloween. There's this major party going down over at Jaime Peters house; and as what I think is desperation, to be Sarah's best friend, she got the guys to agree to play. Unlike me and Cheyenne, everyone else chose to tell what they were going to be for Halloween: Brie was a dead Paris Hilton, Kara a witch, Jack a ninja, Rian a gangster, Alex a pirate, and Zack was a vampire. He was under the delusion that by him being a vampire, he would bite me a little bit more than usual. At that, I clucked disapprovingly, and stalked off to talk to Alex; letting Zack know he can't have his way all the time.

As much as I love Zack and all the pleasures I get with him, I still am hesitant about the sex. James had raped me more than a few times which made me more cautious when I got into bed with Zack. I had to be completely sure I wanted it at the time; I didn't want our relationship to be focused on the sex. Just moments later, Zack wrapped his arms around me and murmured an apology into my ear, making me melt and accept it. Alex had just rolled his eyes at us and continued to talk incessantly about the band finally going somewhere. Being the good friend I think I am, I listened to every word, proud to hear that they were picking up more of a fan base and getting one step closer to their dream.

While I listened to Alex go on about the band, occasionally getting interrupted by Zack, I let my mind wonder off to think about what I wanted out of life. All my life I have been writing, and I want to be an author when I grow up, but that seemed so unrealistic; maybe a journalist would be a better bet. If there was one thing that I feared the most, that would be failure. If something were to go wrong with what I choose to be, my whole life would spiral downwards. Out of control. I wish everything would be set in stone for me, or to at the least, know that I was good enough to make it.

"Addie!" My aunt called from downstairs.

"Yes?" I asked when I approached her in the living room.

"Tomorrow you are going to need to call your parents okay? They called earlier and I forgot to tell you…something about college, okay?"


College; an institution of higher learning. A place that I had always wanted to go to, a place to better myself and make me more intelligent. However, I never did see why I had to go to college to become an author, I could just as easily publish a book without a degree in creative writing. But to become a journalist, a degree would be the best bet. For now, I pushed all that away and concentrated on Halloween and putting on my costume. When I had finished I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled selflessly. The costume I had worked on for awhile, tweaking it here, redoing it completely there, it was finally done, and perfect.

A knock came at my door, I opened it and grinned at Cheyenne.

"Dear, you're supposed to wear a costume."

"I am." She grinned. She was wearing a short, tight dress, and on her head cat ears. She would have guys cat calling all night long. "And I love your costume Addie!"

"Yeah? I thought it was only appropriate."

In my red high heels and short skirt along with a tight tube top I resembled a play boy bunny. I had gotten my idea from Sarah Miller the day I first saw her; she would probably love my outfit today. Cheyenne looked me up and down and smirked.

"You are going to turn on a lot of boys tonight; not just Zack."

"Hey I might even turn on a few chicks."

"That you might." She laughed and came in, sitting on my bed. "Anyways we're leaving soon, I think. Jack is having difficulties though."

"It will be longer than that. Alex is going to come over and I bet you anything both him and Jack will try to get me into a different costume."

"True." Cheyenne got up and started pacing around. "You can always try to sneak out now first?"

"Nah, I think I'll take my chances. Besides, you, Brie, Kara, and Zack will all at least be on my side to wear it. Rian of course will be indifferent."

"Such a little tease, huh Addie?"

"Of course I am." I turned around from fixing the shirt and grinned at her. "Zack won't know what hit him."

"Or what attacked him." She winked. "There is no way he is going to be able to keep his fangs off of you!"

Alex arrived soon, followed by Rian, Kara, Brie, and finally, Zack. Cheyenne and I walked downstairs, getting chuckles out of everyone, and as predicted, me getting told to change. I protested and had the rest of them on my side. The protests to get me into a different Halloween costume had been done half heartedly, I'm positive that they knew that there was no way that I would even consider changing. Zack's eyes had grew ten times wider and he kissed me roughly when I reached him to say hello. Jack pointedly looked away, stalking out to the van, followed by Alex. Rian took the keys from Alex and jumped into the drivers seat: he was the designated driver.

The party had barely begun when we got there, Jaime saw us and flirted heavily with Rian, and Sarah soon noticed and began to get Zack. She saw me and her eyes widened slightly, before smirking, and saying something snidely about my costume. Naturally, I shot back about how she was supposed to be wearing a costume. Once more people had showed up, All Time Low got ready to perform for the crowd.

"Hey guys," Alex said into his microphone. "How's it going?"

The crowd called things back in reply. I saw him smile and he glanced over at Cheyenne and I.

"So this song is called Circles! Sing along if you know the words!"

While some people merely sung quietly along, danced, talked, and got drunk, Cheyenne and I had our cups of alcohol and were screaming the lyrics back to the band. Some were giving us odd looks, wondering how we knew the words so well, or maybe confused, wondering if we were crazy. These must have been the kids from another school, the ones who don't know that our best friends happen to be the guys rocking out on stage.

"So this next one is a cover originally by Blink 182. It's called What's My Age Again?!"

I laughed and began to dance around with Cheyenne drunkenly. The guys' set soon ended and I felt Zack press up against me, biting my neck lightly. We fought our way through the crowd of kids and found ourselves in an empty bathroom. I pulled off my heels quickly and pulled off my shirt, as he fumbled to get out of his clothes.

"I need you now Zack!" I whispered seductively.

"Oh God, " he moaned.

Pressed tightly up against me, I felt him grow harder. Ihe went into me and I moaned out in ecstasy, he retreated and then reentered with much more force than he had before. I gasped out, digging my nails into him as his hands found their way into a spot that made my hip bones buck out. Zack bit down on my jugular and I returned the gesture.

"Oh God Addie!" he panted.

"Come on Zack, faster, come on!"

He quickened his pace and we got pressed into the door with all of our movements, I could hear laughter come from the hallway. The pain was hurting so good, my shrieks were beginning to subdue, but my breathing showed I wanted more. I shimmied my way down and peeled off the condom he had on and put my mouth of it. He gasped out and went even harder, I grinned and licked around his entrance, before biting slightly. He cried out and I smirked.

"You like that don't you?"

"Oh, God yeah! Don't stop!"

I kept ons ucking him and ran my hands up his thighs. Then, he came in my mouth, he groaned and I swallowed quickly before coming myself and pulling myself up to kiss him softly.

"That was a great fuck Zack." I purred.

"Don't I know it."

From outside I heard Brie call out to Jack, asking if he had seen either Zack or I. The two of us pulled back on our clothes and exited the bathroom, immediately bumping into Brie. She looked at us skeptically before laughing hysterically; in the mix up Zack's shirt was on backwards and mine was inside out. I blushed a crimson color while Zack hastily tried to fix his shirt, unsuccessfully, he decided just to leave it off.

"Come on." Brie said urgently. "Kara was supposed to be home an hour ago!"

"Oh shit! Why didn't you guys leave without us?"

"Because we couldn't find her or Rian!"

"Did you possibly think that maybe they left?"

By this time the four of us had made it out to the front yard. The guys had already put their equipment away luckily, because the van was gone. I giggled slightly, earning a smack in the arm from Brie; she took out her phone and dialed Rian's number, but right as she finished, Rian pulled back up and waved at us.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

"What the fuck Dawson?" Brie growled. "You couldn't have told anyone that you were taking Kara home?"

"I told Alex."

"Yeah, tell the guy that is probably Dwayne by now and fucking somebody!"

"Sorry…we couldn't find anyone else!"

"Don't you just love Halloween?" I asked randomly, stumbling as I tried to get in the car."

"Sure do!" Jack chirped.

Brie pulled him and went to go find the others while Zack and I stayed in the car, falling asleep due to alcohol substance.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am having difficulty writing this story.
Have the last few chapters been horrible?
