‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


My aunt and uncle were still at work and Jack was out with Alex and Cheyenne with Kara. Rian was going to be coming over soon to help me on the math homework we both had, because he is a life saver. While I was waiting for him, I was on the computer typing away, finishing up more of a story, concentrating way too hard. It was all about a bulimic girl who was hiding it from her friends and family, striving to be perfect, especially so she can get her brothers best friend, but in the process nearly kills herself. I have been working on it for the longest time and am not even remotely close to finishing.

Out of nowhere, my phone began to ring, causing me to jump in surprise. I glanced at the idea quickly and smiled, finding it was my little sister.

"Hey Faye, what’s up sweetie?"

"Tommy broke up with me." She cried into the phone. I could hear it in her voice; she was trying to keep her sobs quiet though.

"Oh, Faye, he's not even worth it for you to cry over, understand me?" I said soothingly. "Now, why did he break up with you?"

"Brittany Paulson. He found out she liked him and dumped me for her!"

"Faye, honey, he's not worth it, okay? If he's going to be like that then you are way too good for him. There are plenty of other boys out there for you."

"But I want Tommy, Addie! He was my first lip kiss, my first boyfriend!"

"I know it hurts, but it could be a lot worse, right?" she sniffled a yes. "See? I'll tell you what, when I come back for Christmas, you and me will go out and have a girls' day okay? And when we do, we'll find a much better, cuter, nicer, greater guy than Tommy."

"Okay." She giggled slightly. "How are you?"

I smiled, pleased that I got my sister to feel better, and preceded to tell her about what's been going on in my life. Although I am a good six years older than my sister, the two of us are really close; a feat that surprises most people. From what I have heard, occasionally seen, most girls my age hate their little siblings because they are such pains. Faye however, has always been good, keeping out of my business, hardly ever bugging me, and in return I was nice to her, would do things with her, it made my parents proud. Soon she claimed that she had to go because Jenna was coming over to hang out, we said our goodbyes and I promised I would call her again soon.

I went right back to writing more to my story, but this time, I turned on the iTunes and began to sing along to whatever song came on. I had been singing so loud, I hadn't heard the knock on my bedroom door or my aunt enter my room, I didn't even know she was home. She placed a hand on my shoulder and I scream, a terrifying, loud, piercing scream.

"God Addie," aunt Michelle laughed, "Could you have screamed any louder?"

"I'm sure I could have." I said, trying to regulate my breathing. "Did you need to scare me?"

"I didn't mean to, Addie." She laughed. "I just came to talk to you for a minute."

"What did you need aunt Michelle?"

"Reports came in the mail today." She stated.

"Oh my God, did I fail or something?" I started freaking out. "I know I'm not good at math, but I shouldn't have failed!"

"Addison, chill, you didn't fail anything!" she said. "In fact you got five A's and one B."

"Did I really?"

"Yes." She hesitated. "The thing is, Cheyenne got a D in math."

"Oh no." I muttered softly. If Cheyenne failed anything, she would be going back to Washington. "Does she have to go back?"

"Well, she, your uncle, and I, will have to talk to her parents later and see. Since it isn't an F, I might be able to get them to let her stay until semester report cards come out. If she fails then too, Cheyenne will have to go back."

I nodded, understanding the situation, my aunt hugged me and walked out of the room. I grabbed my iPod and put my headphones in my ears, going to flop on my bed instead of continuing to write. I hummed along softly, still lying there, just thinking. Rian was going to be here soon since my aunt was here, it had to have been around six. My math book laid abandoned at the foot of my bed, my notebook on top of it; I dug around in my backpack for a pencil and began to work on my Spanish homework while I waited for him.

"La tarea es joto!" I mumbled.

"Aw why is your homework gay?" Rian asked, entering my room, a grin on his face.

"Because it is so boring." I sighed. "At least Spanish is done. And, now that you are here, my math homework can get done."

"You do realize that I am not going to do it for you, right?"

"Rian you are such a bad friend then!" I giggled, ruining the effect.

"Oh, totally, because I wouldn't be letting you learn anything. I'm horrible."

"Glad you agree."

He pushed me, causing me to fall off my bed. I laid there, on the ground, laughing uproariously. Rian edged closer to the side of the bed I had fallen off and peered down at me, he was giving me the most peculiar look I have ever gotten. I couldn't stop laughing, but nothing was funny. In not time, Rian was laughing along with me, or more likely: at me. When I stopped and climbed back up on the bed we began to work on monomials. Math in my opinion is tedious, and if I could I would rid the world of it.

"Rian, I hate math so freaking much!"

"I think I got that by now." He rolled his eyes. "You say that every time we do math."

"Well it's true!" I sighed. "Math sucks balls."

"Want to take a break?"

"Please!" I fell back, resting my head on the pillow. "Let's talk."

"About what?"

"Anything, I don't care." I sighed. "Zack has been bugging me lately."

"What?" Rian looked shocked. "How?"

"It seems as if he has been avoiding me, I don't get it. Our relationship isn't how it was over the summer."

"I'm sure you're just over exaggerating, Zack loves you."

"Does he?" I sighed. "Some days it doesn't seem like it."

"I'm sure he does." He picked up his book again. "Come on, let's get back."
♠ ♠ ♠
The next one will be longer!
I promise!!!
I had fun writing this one though.
