‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Diez y Seis

I was spending Thanksgiving in Maryland, as was Cheyenne, for the first time in my life, I wouldn't be spending it with my parents. However, I would be seeing my grandparents for the first time in about three years, that was a wonderful surprise. For the last several weeks, I have been focusing in on my studies, I applied for college as well. University of Maryland and Towson University only, both were good schools in my opinion, but I was hoping to go Towson, the college my parents had wanted me to go to when I was younger. I had ten years of my life spent living in Towson, and I had wanted to go there since the day college was thought about at my middle school in Washington. Zack also applied to go to Towson University.

As for the relationship I have with Zack, all has been resolved. Zack had indeed been overwhelmed with school, his parents were pressuring him about getting good grades this year. After we talked it out, he agreed that he was spending a little too much time with school work, and he could work in some time to spend with me. Alex and I had gotten in a little trouble for our sleepover that night, but not too badly, my aunt and uncle understood what had happened. For the time being, I am enjoying the Thanksgiving break, even tough when I go back to school on Monday I have to turn in an essay on the book Night by Elie Wiesel for my English class.

I was typing the essay up as I waited for my grandparents to get here; I wanted to finish soon. This particular book I had two times before this year, once in eighth grade and once in ninth; I chose this book for my English essay however, because we were suppose to pick a historical book and the story is captivating. I had just finished saving the paper when Jack knocked on my door.

"Hey, Jack attack." I smiled over at him. "What's up?"

"Just waiting for grandma and grandpa to get here." He grinned. "But I'm bored so I came to see what you were doing."

"Nothing now, I was finishing up my essay for Mrs. Grant, have you even started?"

"Yeah, a little bit."

"What book did you read?"

"Number the Stars."

"Dude, Mrs. Grant is not going to like that you picked that book because of how short it is, you know that right?"

"Yeah, but it was historical, and something that I could understand."

"Well, just make sure your essay is perfect."

Jack sat down on my bed and nodded, I laughed and poked his arm, he looked at me with a crazed expression. He poked me back and I giggled, then I jumped up and ran downstairs, with Jack hot on my heels. I collapsed on the couch, and was attacked by Jack, by him tickeling me to the point that I couldn't breathe. My aunt came out from the kitchen at one point to find out what was going on and walked right back out of the room. That of course put the two of us into even more intense fits of laughter. I composed myself before Jack did, and went to go get Cheyenne, my grandparents would be arriving soon and I wanted to make sure she knew this. Cheyenne opened her door, with a pencil stuck behind her ear and a smile on her face.


"My grandparents are going to be here soon."

As soon as the words left my mouth the door bell rang, and Jack was stumbling, calling out to everyone that he would get it. Cheyenne and I calmly walked out to the living room where I knew my grandparents would be. My grandpa noticed me in the doorway first and his eyes widened.

"Addison Sophia get over here and give me a hug!"

"Hi grandpa!" I said brightly. After hugging him, I hugged my grandma. "Hey grandma. This is my friend Cheyenne."

"Hello, Cheyenne." My grandma said politely. "Honey, what are you doing here? Are your parents here? Is Faye here?"

"Well, I came here over the summer as you know, but then I just really didn’t want to go back to Washington so aunt Michelle and uncle Dan let me stay here, along with Cheyenne. And no my parents and Faye aren't here."

"Well it would have been nice to see them, but I'm so glad you're here Addie." My grandpa told me.

My aunt came out then to tell us that dinner was ready. Cheyenne trailed in behind Jack and I; she had told me earlier that she felt like an outsider today. I assured her that it was fine that she was here, my family really didn't care. She smiled softly and shook her head, I guess I can't understand how she feels because I am with my family. If I were with her family, I'm sure I would feel like an outsider myself.

A tradition in my family is that before we eat the Thanksgiving dinner, we all have to say one thing that we our thankful for. Never had we had one Thanksgiving that went without this tradition.

"I am thankful to have Addie here this Thanksgiving." My grandpa said.

"I am thankful to have such wonderful grandchildren." My grandma said. Jack and I both grinned.

"I am thankful to be alive." My uncle said.

"I am thankful that I can help support my family." My aunt said.

"I am thankful that I have great friends and a family that supports my dreams." Jack said.

"I am thankful that I was able to overcome everything that happened to me this last year." I said.

"I am thankful that Mr. and Mrs. Barakat let me stay here with them." Cheyenne ended.

With tradition out of the way, everybody began to pile their plates high with all the food your mouth waters for but only get it all together once a year. My grandpa struck up a conversation with Jack about the band while my grandma started to talk with Cheyenne and I. Thus leaving my aunt and uncle to talk to each other.

"So Cheyenne how long have you and Addie been friends?"

"Since we were ten or eleven." She said back.

My grandma smiled, she has always liked it when a friendship can last more than just a few years. Conversations started turning and soon everybody was involved in a few conversations each. Next to Halloween, I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because you get to spend time with your family (and friends) and just enjoy the simple things in life and think about everything you are thankful for.
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Short, not very fun, but it was holiday, I had to put it in.
