‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Diez y Siete

December had finally come and in the midst of planning parties for both Alex and Rian, Cheyenne and I had to plan to leave to Washington for Christmas. I hadn't been back to Washington since the ending of June, roughly six months ago by the time I leave here, and while I was ecstatic to be seeing my parents and little sister soon, I was not happy to be going back. Washington had been the state causing my dad's job to transfer him there, the state where James had come into my life; a state that I loathed more than anything. But to see my family I would go back, it wouldn't be for long.

Cheyenne and I were only going to be gone about a week, we were leaving on the twenty second and would be back before New Years Eve. Zack just found out yesterday that I wasn't going to be here for Christmas and got quiet, telling me that he would be giving my gift the day I got back then. That was fine, I didn't mind, presents aren't exactly my forte, I would rather give than receive. Our last day of school before winter break starts is the sixteenth, and all of us are excited to get a break from school.

Zack, Jack, Alex, and Rian have been getting more and more gigs lately, everybody seems to want for them to play. In return they have been practicing more frequently as well, trying to write some mores songs for a new EP. There was one that they have, the title escapes me, but we had heard a rough version of it and it was amazing; just like they always are.

Zack was coming to get me soon, to go to the fair that he promised to take me to. I am extremely happy that he didn't forget about this because I have been looking forward to it for a long time. When Jack found out that I was going to a fair he was upset that he wasn't invited until Brie told him they could go some other day. He perked up at that, deciding he didn't want to go with his cousin anyways. Alex was home sick and Cheyenne was over there to keep him company. Although they had broken up, they maintained a good friendship, something I know Cheyenne had never been capable of and think Alex hasn't been able to do.

"Cheyenne!" I called as I skipped down the stiars. "Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"What do you want, you freak?" she smirked as she came out of her room.

"We have to go over some things for flights and what not."

"Oh, right." She sighed. "We want to leave on the twenty second, right?"

"Yeah and we want to be back before New Years Eve." I said. "So I'm thinking we should come back on the twenty seventh?"

"That sounds good, have some time to spend with the 'rents before and after the holidays and then come back here. Perfecto."

"Touché. So now that we've got that done, we have to talk to our parents about getting tickets so that we're next to each other. We both had to fly alone before, how boring."

"You're right, that is not exactly my idea of fun either." She agreed. "I can get my parents to pay for both of them or something and then have yours pay mine the money for your ticket."

"That might be the best solution." I agreed. Glancing up at the clock on the wall I noticed that Zack should be getting here at any moment. "We'll talk more later, okay? I have to go get my jacket and fix my hair. Zack's going to be here soon."

The moment I took a step off the last stair, there was a knock at the door; Zack. I greeted him with a kiss and we linked hands until we had to let go to get into the car he was driving. The way to the fair we laughed and talked; smiled and sang along to the radio. It was beginning to feel a lot like it had during the first part of our relationship. My eyes lit up with excitement when the fair came into view: all the lights, the rides, the smell, it was all to enjoyable.

"Pretty sight, huh Soph?"

"Breathtaking." I gasped out. "I've always loved the sights of fairs at night."

"Me too." He agreed. "Let's go in."

I took his hand in mine and together we walked to the front gate where Zack insisted that he pay for my ticket. I shook my head and giggled, if he wanted to pay for me then he could, I would just have to buy him something later. Zack and I wandered around for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to go on first when we stopped right in front of the tea cups ride. Ever since I was a little girl I had loved this ride; I remember the first time I ever went on it. I was four years old and had a thing for tea parties, my dad had taken me to this exact fair while my mom stayed home with Faye and he promised me he would take me on a ride where I could sit in a giant tea cup. I remember the intensity of the cup spinning as I squealed for my daddy to spin it faster. The best ride ever.

"Zack," I said, looking up at him with big eyes. "Let's go on it!"

"Anything for you Soph."

I led the way up to the ride, it had already started so we waited in line for our turn. The moment we stepped into the teacup I felt a sense of sentimentality; they didn't have this ride at the fair I went to in Washington. Zack sat across from me in the blue cup, putting his hands on the wheel as the ride instructor called out the safety rules. I scoffed and pushed his hands off, he looked confused.

"I start." I said. "When I get tired, I'll let you take over."

"Okay." I loved how his face showed he didn't think I could spin this fast enough.

Once the ride started I grinned and started spinning. We were going faster and faster, everything outside of the cup was a blur. Zack was amazed and when I let go of the wheel he was right there to keep up the speed. I could hear some people saying "whoa" from the line and I told Zack to stop spinning, the ride was stopping.

"That was amazing." He grinned at me.

"It's my favorite ride." I said. "Nothing tops this ride for me."

"I love that ride too," he said. "But I'm a sucker for the roller coasters."

"Roller coasters have nothing on the teacups!" I laughed. "But they are fun."

"Let's go on one!" Zack gripped my hand and we raced off to the biggest roller coaster at the fair.

We got into the very last cart of the roller coaster, both agreeing that the back was the best and buckled in. We raised our arms in the year and laughed, enjoying every moment of what was going on. As the night wore on, I couldn't help but think about what a great night this had been. It was reminding me of everything our relationship was: fun, cute, romantic.

"Zack this has been one of the best nights I've had in Maryland."

"Really?" he grinned slightly. "Same here."
♠ ♠ ♠
Secretly; the teacups are my favorite ride.
Followed by roller coasters.
I'm falling in love with this story all over again.
