‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Diez y Nueve

Rian's birthday had finally come and once again, we had to throw a party. He had already opened his presents from us earlier this morning and was now drinking a bottle of beer and swaying to the music with Kara. Zack was talking animatedly with Jack and Brie was off somewhere with Cheyenne while Alex was sitting alone on the couch with a cup of whiskey. He glanced up at me and smiled unsurely as I sat down next to him, holding my own drink.

"What's been up with you Alex?" I slurred. For once, I was completely drunk.

"Not much." He said back, slurring himself. "You know what you said on my birthday hurt?"

"What? About me liking you?" I giggled. "Come on, let's go somewhere!"

He nodded, taking my hand in his and we walked up the stairs and into the bathroom where he unzipped his jeans and pulled them off as I took off mine. Groaning he pulled a condom on and went inside me. I moaned intensely and gripped into Alex, allowing him to go deeper inside of me as we banged up against the door.

"Oh, God," I whispered. "Keep it coming!"

"I will Addison, oh, I will!" He said into my ear before moving so his tongue explored inside my mouth.

When he pulled out of me again and ran his hands up my shirt I grinned mischievously and ran my hands up his erection. His moans got heavier, more intense and he was panting. Then I stopped.

"Addie, stop being such a tease."

Something inside me had clicked. I smacked Alex, hoping the shock would get him to sober up because I sure as hell had. For once luck was on my side; he started asking me what the fuck did I do that for? then he got quiet, realizing that the two of us had just had sex.

"Fuck," he mumbled. "What did we just do?"

"Oh my God." I moaned out. "I just had sex with my best friend. I cheated on my boyfriend!"

"Zack is going to kill me."

For the first time, Alex felt remorse for having sex with a girl, even while drunk. He looked at me, regret filling his eyes as he just stared at me. I could feel tears start to drip down my face, hastily I tried to wipe them away. It wasn't just that I had cheated on Zack, it was that I had cheated on Zack while I was intoxicated, and with one of his best friends. After this I would have to stay in Washington forever, how would I ever be able to face him again? Once I had gotten fully clothed again, I exited the bathroom alone, it was easier this way, maybe then nobody would suspect that I had done something with Alex.

I had two options: one, I could tell Zack what happened, or two, not telling Zack what happened. If I did the first one, he could easily break up with me, call me a whore, hit me, yell and if I did the latter, he would never know but the guilt would eat me alive. Already, I knew which one I would have to do, but it would be better not to tell him here, I would have to at some other time. Preferably right before I left to the other side of the country. I wouldn't blame him if he never spoke to me again, same with Alex. Although, this extravaganze taught me one thing; I did not like Alex in a romantic way.

"Hey, there you are Soph!" Zack said, laughing. I thanked God that he was drunk right now. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Well you found me." I faked a smiled. "Come on Zack, let's get you into your bed, okay?"

"Only if you stay with me."

"I'll come back right after, okay? I'm going to break up the party after I get you there, okay?"

"Sounds good to me babe."

Sighing, I got him into his room, found Brie and Kara both sober and with the help of them, we got the party to break up. Rian was buzzed, never one for heavy drinking, I think that he was relieved that this party had come to an end. Since I wasn;t anywhere near tired, I began to pick up stray cups and bottles that littered Zack's floor, soon joined by Rian, Kara, Brie, and Jack. I tried to keep my mind busy, talking to them, anything to get my mind from straying back to Alex and the events that we went through.

After awhile, everyone else dropped out of cleaning to get some sleep, except for me. I kept on cleaning, too ashamed to go join Zack upstairs in bed. I had just finished tying together a second garbage bag filled with trash when I heard a creak on the stairs, I whipped around to see that it was Alex. Sighing, I grabbed another bag and threw more cups into it. He came up next to me, taking his own trash bag and silently began to pick up the trash. Neither off us offered up a conversation, instead just silently picking up the trash, keeping on our respective sides of the room, since he retreated to the other side.

"Addie," he called after awhile. I looked up to see him still picking up bottles and cups, bags of chips too.


"I really am sorry, you know. I never intended for something like that to happen." He said to me. "I mean yeah, I did like you at one time but I love you more like a sister or something and, well, yeah."

"I understand Alex." I said softly. "It was me too. We were both intoxicated, what could we have done about it?"

"Nothing I guess."



"You know I have to tell Zack, right?"

"I know."

"How do you think he's going to take it?"

"I honestly have no idea Addie." He said after awhile. "He'll probably be disappointed."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

The conversation we had started ceased as the two of us grew tired and more focused on sleeping than talking. I laid down on the couch and tried to think of anything that could keep my mind off of tonight's events. I knew that everybody would find out about this, something I was even more afraid of. Zack was who would be worse, but then Cheyenne, I slept with her ex, that is not a smart move. Jack would be disappointed in me and Brie and Kara would call me a whore. Rian would shake his head and wonder why I did it. Why he did it. I guess all my relationships get fucked in the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
Raise of hands- who hates me?
Personally, I am in LOVE with this chapter!
