‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Veinte y Dos

I woke up earlier than expected this morning, at just shy of seven thirty, but shrugged it off; I always wake up early. After showering quickly and making a quick breakfast of lucky charms and coffee, I went back to my room to relax a little before setting off on my adventure with Faye. The present I had for Cheyenne was wrapped and perched on my desk, a bright red bow placed perfectly in the center of it, a ribbon tying the two together. As always, there was her real present and a gag one; we did this every year.

It wasn't long after I had been up for awhile and flipping through an old diary of mine that there was a soft knock on my door. Happily, I told whoever it was, most likely my sister, to come in. As predicted it was, and she was fully dressed and ready to go, but looked like she was contemplating something.

"What is it Faye?" I asked her.

"Can you help me with make up?" she mumbled.

My eyes lit up at the mention of my baby sister wanting to wear make up. "Of course! Come on, sit down on my bed, I'll help you."

She sat down and bit her lip gently. I walked over to my dresser where I had put my make up bag at and took out four things, powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lip gloss. Faye eyed the make up I had wearily, almost as if bracing herself.

"Why the sudden interest in make up?" I asked her as I popped open the powder, grateful the two of us have the some skin complexion.

"Well, maybe if I wore it, Tommy would like me again."

"That's silly Faye." I said. "He should like you for your personality, and besides without make up you are gorgeous."

"You're my sister though, you have to say that."

"No I don't." I told her. "Want me to prove to you that you are pretty?"

"Yes." She said. "But how are you going to do that?"

"Hold still." I grabbed my phone and took a picture. "Okay, I'm going to send a picture of you to one boy and two girls okay?"

I snet the message to Rian, Kara, and Brie, asking if they thought the girl in the picture was pretty. Then as we waited for them to reply I started to work on putting make up on her. More than she let on, I think she wanted me to help her because most girls at twelve do start experimenting with make up and their hair and new styles. I was almost done when my phone vibrated the last time.

"Okay, you ready to see what they said?"


"Well, Rian said that you're a cutie. Kara said that you pretty. And Brie gave you the best compliment I think; "she is adorable! Is that your sister? She looks just like you!"," I laughed. "See you look like me and I'm good looking so you must be."

She giggled and hopped up to look at herself in the mirror. After studying herself, she thanked me and said I did a good job, I would have to help her the next time I came back to Washington. I promised her that I would, but for now, we should get going before everybody else gets all the thngs that we want from the stores. Mom was up as we were leaving, so we just told her we would be back later, she waved us off, smiling the whole time. Faye and I climbed into our mothers car and drove off, blasting the radio, singing along all the way down the streets.

We stopped by Cheyenne's on the way to the Tacoma Mall and exchanged gifts quickly; she laughed at the condoms but loved the shirt. I laughed at the panties and loved the skirt. Right away, I walked back to the car, not wanting to spoil the day I had planned with Faye with Cheyenne interfering; something she had done before. I think Faye had missed me more than she let on by the way she was talking so rapidly and her smile was wider than usual.

When I am around my sister, I try to act strong, and loving towards her, wanting her to grow up to be a strong person- something I'm afraid I'm not. She didn't ask about anything she thought would be a touchy subject, Marayland, like my parents had; she knew better. At some point today the story will unravel and Faye will be disappointed in me. I didn't want that to happen, I kept my lips sealed, intent on listening to her ramble on about school and Tommy, her friends. I smiled, remembering when I was twelve and all the petty drama that had gone on; I wouldn't go back to that time for anything.

"So where are we going first?" she asked.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Hot topic!" her eyes lit up and I laughed. I had raised my sister well.

"Hot topic it is then." I put my arm around her shoulder. "Let's go."

"Addie?" she asked, as we were shuffling around in the girls' section. "You do know that you don't have to put on an act around me, right? I know that something is wrong."

"You're too observant for your own good." I grumbled. "I’ll be fine, so let's just enjoy the day."

"Okay, but I'm here for you- I won't judge."

"Thanks Faye, I'll keep that in mind, okay?"

She nodded while I kept looking for a certain shirt. This was something I didn't want to talk about with my twelve year old sister, she was still young, and hopefully, naïve. And the tale I would be telling her would be rated ADULT for sexual content, really, is that something that a normal person would share? If Faye was older than me, or younger by a year or two I might have told her but I wanted to keep her thoughts of me pure. Although I am sure she would have heard worse from school- I know I did- the thoughts of sharing my sex life with her is not wise.

"Come on." I said later, around one. "Let's go get lunch. Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere is fine." She said mildly.

"Let's go to Red Robin." I smiled. "Mom gave me money for this, so don't say anything about McDonalds being fine."

"Who am I to argue with that?" She grinned.

And over lunch I let everything spill to my sister, leaving out the sex part. To say the least, Faye was shocked by what I had done, but said that she could understand if I was under the influence. As always my sister was more mature than most girls her age, saying how Zack should take me back because it was stupid of me to have done it and now I am practically beating myself up over it. For the rest of the day, I made it revolve around Faye and teased her when a boy gave her his number, telling her to call him later. Hopefully, that will make her forget about Tommy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I only have to write seventeen more chapters!!
In sixteen days, including today.
Think I can do it?
