‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Veinte y Cuatro

Last night hearing that Zack forgave me made me break down and cry, I was like a raging river, the tears wouldn't stop. He hugged me tightly and kissed me passionately, trying to get them to stop, eventually I had cried myself to sleep. I was overjoyed that he forgave me, it was one of the greatest feelings I had ever felt. When I woke up this morning, Zack's arms were wrapped tightly around me and my head was lying on his chest. I squirmed out of his arms and saw that everybody had crashed in the living room. I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower, getting dressed and returning back, nobody had woken up.

I sat down by the front window and stared out at the snow that had been ruined by the cars, feet, and more, thinking of how that had all looked before. I had always been a sucker for snow, I loved the way it looked, the coldness, the innocence of it all. A hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me to jump, I looked up to see Zack there. He sat down next to me, his eyes piercing into me. Cautiously I looked back over at him and I could see the hurt in his eyes, but also the forgivness.

"Soph, we can move past this." He whispered. "You were drunk, he was drunk, it was unavoidable."

"But it was." I said. "If I hadn’t had all those drinks, none of this would have happened."

"Addie, I kept handing you drinks for the first part of that party." He stated. "Look, let's just block this out, okay? We can start completely over."

"I don't want to start over." I said. "I just want to forget what happened."

"Then let's forget it."

"Somebody better forget soon, before I kill them." Brie grumbled. "It's too early."

Zack and I laughed quietly. He left me there for a moment while he went to go get dressed, he came back, and took me by the hand, leading me outside. Zack was keeping a tight grip on my hand, possibly to get me by his side, knowing I would shy away if he were to let go. Our footprints were making pictures in the snow, a soft crunching sound too, the cold air chilled my face but I loved the aspect of the winter wonderland. The sun had just barely risen, at eight in the morning, but already, it was gone from sight, covered by the clouds. I was hoping it would snow again, I had always loved being caught outside when flurries started to come down from the sky.

The two of us ended up at the park, sitting on the swings that he knew I loved so dearly, swinging back and forth lightly. Zack just sat on his swing, watching me as I went back and forth, slowly, unlike how I usually am. I slowed down even more so that my feet were scraping against the asphalt. Zack was still looking at me, not saying one word. I looked over at him and held his gaze, shocking the both of us.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey." He chuckled.

"What are we going to do today?"

"I have no idea." He was giving me a strange look. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I told him. "You forgave me. I can't forget it but I want to overlook it."

"Then we can do that."

He stood up, offering his hand to me, I took it and he helped me up. Softly he pressed his mouth to mine and circled his tongue around my lips, requesting entrance. Obligingly, I let him in, letting out tongues intertwine for awhile before backing away slowly. I felt a blush creep up into my cheek and hoped that I could pass it off as the cold changing them colors. His smirk told me that he had realized I was blushing, making me blush even harder. A hand brushed against my cheek tenderly before he leaned in for another kiss. Before we reconnected, something cold and hard hit the back of my neck; I whipped around seeing the rest of our friends armed with snowballs. It had been Jack who hit me.

"Take aim and fire at will." I said lowly. "I got Jack."

After deaming that six against two was unfair, we got into teams: Zack, Jack, Brie, and I against Rian, Kara, Cheyenne, and Alex. Seeing the eight of us, must have been a fun scene for the people passing us, hopefully putting a smile on a frowning face and getting a laugh from someone angry. By the time we had all collapsed at home we were drenched, laughing, and muttering curses under our breath.

"Well, I see you kids had a great day!" My aunt exclaimed when she saw us. Her eyes were glistening with delight. "Anybody want some hot chocolate?"

A chorus of yeahs were said back to her. All of us were lying down on the floor, laughing slightly and catching the breath we had lost. It had been awhile since I had a snowball fight like the one we just had; it must have been a good three years ago. My aunt came out once again to announce that the drinks were ready. The eight of us groaned as we got up, the smiles never leaving our faces, as we went to get the hot chocolate and as many mini marshmallows that we could fit into the cup.

"So, about the gifts." Brie said suddenly, trying to act nonchalant.

"Oh, do you actually want one?" I feigned surprise. "I thought you were kidding!"

She threw a pillow at me, "I want my present damn it. Then I can give you and Cheyenne yours."

I laughed and walked into my room, returning with six presents. Cheyenne had done the same. I threw each person their gift and in return, they threw mine at me. The gifts weren't much, just little things that we knew we would like, except for the one from Zack to me, and from me to Zack. I handed him his, and he handed me mine, delicately. From he guys I got a new headband, earrings, a Fall Out Boy CD, a Simple Plan shirt, and a Starbucks card. Then all that was left was for me to open the one from Zack; and Zack had to open mine. Suddenly, he jumped up, telling everybody we would be right back. I realized as he was pulling me out of the room that he wanted me to open his gift in private.

"If you don't like it I can always take it back. I wasn't sure what you would like better so I decided to go for this one, but it will be totally finde if you hate it." Zack rambled.

I opened it up and smiled at the necklace. It was plain, silver in color, and had an outline of a heart as a charm at the bottom. I smiled and lifted it out of the box and held the delicate item in my hands, I held it out to Zack and after he took it I lifted my hair so he could put it on me.

"So you like it?" he asked worriedly. "Because if you're just lying, tell me, because I really will take it back."

"I love it." I reassure him.

"And I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
So this one [because I forgot to in the last chapter]
Is dedicated to Katie [neonXbodyXstyle]
Because she got me my fifth star!
