‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Veinte y Cinco

New Years Eve had finally come and the boys couldn't have been more excited. All Time Low was playing at Bridgett Grace's house; she was Sarah Miller's second in command. To me it seemed as if the popular kids take turns having a party but all share the same band which would be All Time Low. For the guys it didn't matter where they were playing as long as they were, it was all about the music, not the venue. Aunt Michelle and uncle Dan tried to convince us to stay and celebrate with them but were understanding when we told them the circumstances. They were the most supportive people I could think of, although, Alex, Zack, and Rian's parents could all give them a run for their money.

Cheyenne, Brie, and Kara were all in my room with me, lounging around on the bed and the chairs I had. Brie and Kara had invited themselves over for a sleepover last night, claiming we needed to have a strictly estrogen night: no testosterone allowed. Jack, Rian, and Zack all pouted unremittingly while Alex laughed and claimed that they were a bunch of pussies anyways. Three of us slapped him while Cheyenne giggled herself. Now, the next day, the boys still hadn't returned back to pester us like they usually do. The house was too quiet, we were starting to think that they had left or had killed each other.

"So anyways," Cheyenne laughed. "Did you kill Remy yet, Ad?"

"No!" I shrieked. Remy was a character in the story I had recently started that was horrendous to the main character, he loves her. "I could never kill her! She's my favorite!"

Cheyenne is one of the only people I let read my stories, because she will be dead honest with me, won't sugarcoat a word if she's going to be harsh. The only other person to read my stories had been Faye because I needed somebody younger to read them tos ee if they would captivate her age group; they had.

"Whose Remy?" Kara asked, befuddled.

"Oh, she's the character in my story." I said. "Since I finished the last one I had been working on, I started this one. Michael is in love with her but she is a total bitch to him. Cheyenne hates her."

"One day you are going to have to let us read your stories Addie." Brie sighed. "They sound amazing."

"Thanks, one day I will let y'all read, but not yet."

"That's what you are going to say every time." Kara laughed. "But we still love you. Now come on, let's go see what the guys have done."

"You mean our estrogen night is over?"

"Honey, it was supposed to end this morning and it's seven in the evening."

"But Chey!" Brie whined. "Why would we want it to end so soon?"

"We wouldn't, but we do have to start getting ready for the party." She smirked. "Besides Zack, Jack, and Rian are probably going through withdrawal because you haven't been with them since last night."

"I'm sure they could occupy themselves for just one night." I said. "I mean they can be smart boys."

"Well," Kara smirked. "Rian and Zack can be."

"Hey now!" Brie protested. "Jack can be smart…occasionally."

"Don’t try to argue dear." I giggled. "You're smart enough for the both of you."

Us four girls were greeted by three very distraught boys and one boy watching a movie while eating ice cream out of the carton. We giggled at the sight of Zack, Jack, and Rian pacing worriedly, lying on the ground staring at the ceiling, and sitting there tapping his fingers against his knees. Not to mention Alex watching I Am Sam and eating Ben & Jerry's. Somethings in life are priceless. The three that mattered the most to us glanced up and smiled in a not so discreet way.

The party was starting at ten, All Time Low was going on at eleven, so for the next hour, we sat there watching the movie with Alex. Everyone of us girls had tissues in our laps, wiping away our eyes as we were bawling. Awkwardly, each one of the guys sat there as we cried, but they looked as though they had been tearing up as well. Following my lead, as the credits rolled, me and the girls left to go doll ourselves up for the party, even though the boys were protesting against it.

We got to the party late. And for once it was Rian's fault; he just had to forget a part of his drum kit. However, it was long before eleven had rolled around when we did arrive. Bridgett greeted us with her boyfrind Kyle, whom I know was cheating on her, she was just to "in love" to notice. I stayed clear away from the alcohol, noticing Zack and Alex doing the same and frowned, yet not one word escaped from me. Somebody was messing with a sound system, letting horrible music fill the nonexistent silence. My nose wrinkled in distaste, Zack laughed at me and bowed.

"May I have this dance?" he asked in a mock British accent.

"Why yes you may, kind sir!"

The band performed just moments after we had separated from our dance. Whoever was by the stereo unplugged it rather quickly when they saw the band getting ready to play. Brie and I were standing back against a wall, talking quietly as they performed, unaware of jealous looks being cast our ways and the love stricken looks from two boys on stage. When they came off of it Zack and Jack pounced on the tour of us, to get back at us for not watching them as intentively as we could have.

"There's only a few more minutes of 2005." Zack stated.

"I know, it's almost saddening." I laughed. "In 2006 I become legal."

"So do I." he smirked. "But it will be fun, I promise you."

"This year is going to be great for All Time Low." I told him. "I just know it."

"I sure hope so." He said. "How great would it be if the band made it big this year?"

"It would be amazing." I smiled.

"Yeah, and then when we go on tour, you'll have to come with us Soph."

"Oh, I have to, do I?" I teased. "But what if I don't want to?"

"You want to," he said pulling me closer. "You definitely do."

The countdown had begun. From all around us you could hear the chants of people, fifty nine, fifty eight, I smiled and joined in. Everybody had begun to chant along, as the numbers grew lower everybody got louder. Twenty nine, twenty eight only a few more seconds left before it was 2006 and the year that I think will change all of our lives. Zack was staring at me intently and I was getting lost in his eyes, stumbling on the numbers as I blushed. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. It was 2006.

"Happy New Year, Soph." Zack said before kissing me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter.
Kind of.
