‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Veinte y Seis

Winter break had ended and now, I was sitting in my seat in English class, wanting the day to end. Alex and Jack were behind me, jabbering away about a video game while Cheyenne was doodling in her notebook, ignoring everything. I sat there, tapping my pencil against the desk, in attempt to rid me of a tiny bit of the boredom I had. All as it did was get Mrs. Grant to glare at me. Sighing I stopped and looked up at the clock; ten minutes left. I turned around to face Jack and Alex but was told to turn back around as I did.

The bell rang and I dashed out of the classroom, ready for Spanish class more so than ever. For once I got there before Zack, I sat down in my seat and waited for him to come sit by me. When he did, I heard Sarah Miller try to throw herself at him, and Zack cshrugged her off with a short, "Hi." I smiled to myself, picturing Sarah's pouting face to Jaime now that Zack was in the seat next to me, not paying any attention to her. A light kiss was placed on my cheek and I smirked.

"You missed." I laughed.

"Well, I guess I will have to try again." He smirked. Placing a quick kiss on my lips he grinned, sitting back.

"That was much better." Casually I turned a little so I could see Sarah Miller's jealousy taking over her face.

"Senorita Barakat, Senor Merrick," Dona Rodriguez admonished. "No besar."*

"Arrepentido."* We chorused back.

Dona Rodriguez was smiling though, her eyes were bright, we both knew she didn't really mind if we kissed, just not while she was trying to teach. She talked throughout the whole class period, something she rarely does, and when the bell rang I was happy to be out of there. After a good two weeks of no school, going back seemed like a horrible death. Although I actually like school, coming back so soon seemed horrendous, or maybe it was just because I was slacking off for once on my work and was feeling bad about it.

Lunch came around and I was lying on a bench, when Cheyenne came over to sit on top of me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see her smiling at me. She batted her eyelashes, I rolled my eyes and tried to push her off of me.

"Cheyenne, my love, please, get off of me."

"Now what would be the fun of that?" she pouted, getting off of me anyways. I sat up and looked at her. "What?"

"Where is everybody else?"

"They're coming, they walk so slow sometimes."

"I am so bored." I sighed. "School is boring."

"Oh my God, it's the end of the world." She said sarcastically. "You're becoming normal!"

"Hey now, I 've always been normal." I laughed. "You're just so weird you never noticed."

The two of us looked at each other, busting into laughter right as everyone else came into view of us.

"Whatever they're on," Brie whispered, "I want some."

"Yeah, come on, share with us!" Kara exclaimed.

"We're high on life!" I giggled. "Squee!"

"Oh God." Zack muttered. "Soph, what are you on?"

"Nothing," I said. "Just bored of school so Cheyenne and I started to get all crazy because she thinks I'm just now becoming normal."

"Trust me," Alex called. "Both of you are far from being normal."

Cheyenne and I giggled as we smacked him lightly. Lunch was interesting after that to say the least, with two of us being random, saying things that don’t make sense, and the rest of them letting looser like us, we earned ourselves some pretty odd looks. Once the bell rang, we had to stop what we were doing and calm down for class

Rian and I walked into math class with smiles on our faces. However when Mr. Watkins sprung a pop quiz on us, my smile turned to a frown instantly. I already hate math and Mr. Watkins was beginning to make it on my list with all the pop quizzes he likes to give. I sighed, my pencil tip was being bitten slightly in frustration as I tried to figure out the problems. Sighing I worked the problem out on paper, the way I thought it was supposed to be done; I wouldn't be surprised if I failed this. I turned in my test and glanced at Rian who had turned in his fifteen minutes ago: he was looking at me teasingly. He ripped out a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbled something down before crumpling it up and throwing it at me.

You look like you are going to a funeral

Shut up Dawson. I think I just failed that test!!

Oh come on Addie, you're not bad at math, well not as much as you think

Says the math genius

He grinned cokily and shoved the note in his backpack, nodding the the clock. While I couldn't see the clock, he could, so during testing situations, that was his way of telling me class was almost over. Casually, I threw my pencil in my bag and shifted so I would be able to just stand up when the bell rang. I waved goodbye to Rian and walked into my creative writing class around the corner, being greeted by Alex Gaskarth sitting in his usual seat. Suddenly I was nervous: I hadn't spent anytime alone with him since that night. And now, we were alone. From the look on his face, I could tell he was finding this situation would be awkard as well.

I slid into my seat and smiled at him slightly. As if by some miracle, Ms. Klein dedicated the whole class to teaching so Alex and I barely had any time to talk. However, as we were walking to science together, both of us learned that we were fine, we could have a decent conversation together. Zack greeted me warmly in science and even gave Alex one of those weird hugs guys give each other. I wondered how they got past this, was it easy for them or did they take it like I had? Something's I will never know.

"Hey Addie!" Jack called, leaning behind Brie to see me.

"What Jack attack?"

"We're not going home after school."

"Pray tell, Jack," I said, rolling my eyes. "Where are we going?"

"Rian's we decided to have band practice."

I nodded and turned back to the conversation I was having with Zack. He was talking about how Alex had apparently written a new song, I couldn't wait to hear it, I was sure that it was going to be amazing; as his songs always were. I smiled and told him I couldn't wait to hear it. If only I knew what it was going to be like.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Miss Barakat, Mister Merrick, no kissing.

So, this chapter was fun to write.
I am so happy right now; this story is going to end on time!
