‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Veinte y Siete

Two major things were happening today: first semester grades were coming out and it was Cheyenne's eighteenth birthday. Now, the importance of the first one deems whether or not Cheyenne will be staying in Maryland for senior year. The second thing is obvious in what is major. The party for Cheyenne would be held at Alex's house, after the small shindig my aunt wanted to put on for her. For all eight of us, we were thankful for the distraction of semester break, just a mere three weeks after getting back into school, we had a four day weekend. February second was the date and tomorrow we would be back in school for the last so many months of the last school year that we were obligated to go to.

Cheyenne, for her part, was worrying about her grades, if she didn't get at least a C in each class, she was going to be forced to move back to Washington. The rest of us had told her not to worry, we were positive that she was doing great, she had been cramming over each assignment and for each test, to make sure she didn't fail. Besides, she couldn't spend her entire eighteenth birthday worrying over something like this. When Alex had found out that her birthday was on Groundhogs Day, he had gotten a kick out of teasing her about it until she just shrugged and said At least I'm better looking than a damn groundhog.

"We're gonna party like it's nineteen ninety nine!" Alex shouted.

"Like we're what, eleven?" I questioned.

"You will." He smirked. "Rian and I were twelve."

"Oh yeah," I said sarcastically. "Big difference."

"Totally." Alex grinned. "Don't be jealous."

"And why would I be jealous of you, Gayskarth?"

"Yeah, because I so haven't heard that one in awhile." He rolled his eyes.

"I want to party like I'm three years older than I am." Cheyenne clucked. "Not seven years younger."

"Is there a reason why we have a huge party for everyone's birthday?" I asked.

"Because it is important to celebrate?" Jack offered.

"Well, I hope y'all know I don't want to do this for my birthday." I stated.

"We'll talk about that later." Zack said, shocked. "But for now we got to celebrate Cheyenne's!"

"And we all know I love to par-tay!" she exclaimed.

For now, it was just Cheyenne, Alex, Jack, Zack, and I in the house; my aunt and uncle working, as well as Rian, Kara and Brie were at home studying for a rather large test in their math class tomorrow. I sighed and rested my head against Zack's shoulder, my feet, resting on top of the coffee table. Jack was sitting on the other side of me while Alex opted for a chair and Cheyenne was lying flat on her back, on the floor, mindlessly tossing her iPod into the air and catching it. Her face held an expression of boredom as she did this, but she was too worried to get up and do something yet; waiting for the grades. We heard a car pull up and she jumped up to peer out the window before dashing out to the mailbox that had just been abandoned. Moments later she came in, tossing me my grades, and Jack his, along with the rest of the mail. The three of us ripped open the envelopes and peered at the pieces of paper. I glanced at mine; A, A, A, B, A, B+. Not to shabby, my grades were almost perfect.

"How did you do Cheyenne?" I asked. Throughout this time, she had remained speechless.

"I passed all my classes!" she squealed. I jumped up and we started jumping together, holding hands and shrieking. "I get to stay in Maryland!"

"Congrats." The guys cheered.

"Did you fail anything Jack?" I asked when we had calmed down slightly.

"Nah." He grinned. "Aren't you proud?

"Der, Jack attack." I ruffled his hair.

When my aunt and uncle arrived home, they were pleased with all three of us for passing our classes and decided to take not only Cheyenne, Jack, and I out to eat as a "family + birthday girl" dinner, but the whole lot of us. Remembering their manners, they all tried to protest against it, but they insisted. Dividing into two cars, my aunt and uncles and Alex's we arrived to the resteraunt my aunt and uncle insisted we go to since Cheyenne was being "difficult" as they put it and picking out a "cheap ass" restaurant. She kept trying to convince them otherwise, especially after seeing how fancy the place really was; she was embarrassed by this since this wasn't her family.

"Consider this as part of your present from us, Cheyenne." Aunt Michelle said. "Your parents are helping pay for this, so don't worry."

You could see her visibly relax after hearing that. Cheyenne was never one to take money from someone and would insist on something being too much for her, like she was doing now. I also noticed, when she ordered, her meal was one of the most inexpensive entrées on the menu. Typical.

After dinner and Cheyenne getting embarrassed that my family was buying her birthday presents, we left for her party. She told me it was different if my mom and dad got me a present, because her parents did the same for me, but this was my aunt and uncle who hadn't even known her a year. At the party, Cheyenne let loose, downing a cup of vodka straight and laughing, proclaiming this was just what she needed.

I hung back from everything, glaring when I saw Sarah, Bridgett, Jaime, and Logan looking at me and laughing. Slinking away, I found Zack and Jack talking to a boy I noticed as a freshman, Adam, I think his name was. Instead of joining in on their conversation, I found Kara instead, who was standing alone, no doubt waiting for Rian to return from etiher getting drinks, or the bathroom.

"Hey Kara," I said.

"What's up Addie? Not hanging round Zack?

"Nah, he's talking to a kid I don't know."

"Oh, well want a drink? Rian's in the bathroom, so he can come find me over there."

"I'm laying off alcohol." I smiled weakly. "Thanks though. Any idea where Brie is? She wasn't with Jack and I know what you and Rian are going to be doing when he gets back."

Kara laughed, telling me last she saw Brie was walking around aimlessly with Alex. I thanked her and left, just as Rian came up to us. From what I saw of the entire party, Cheyenne had a ball, and the guys even performed for her; dedicating The Party Scene to her, before conducting a round of Happy Birthday. The smile on her face showed me all I needed to know: she had a great eighteenth birthday.
♠ ♠ ♠
Three things:
1. I have thirty subscribers, oh my god. Thank y'all.
2. Who knows where Adam came from? Think hard.
3. I only have eleven chapters of this left to write!!
