‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Veinte y Ocho

Zack and I were going to spend the later part of today together, it was Valentines Day. The rest of the day was spent with Cheyenne helping Kara, Brie, and me plan out what we were going to wear for our dates tonight. As for the boys, they had a meeting with Hopeless Records today; they were so excited. And we were all excited for them too, this could be their big break, just what they needed to get noticed in the world. Their meeting was scheduled for four, Zack and I had dinner reservations for seven, both of us hoping that when the time came, he would be here, smiling because he was taking a pretty girl out, cue blushing, and because the band got signed.

For the time being, I was lounging in my room, typing furiously, Remy was threatening to kill herself if Michael didn't leave her alone. My homework lay on my bed, finished, and my phone lay on my desk, silent, I wished it would ring. Music came blaring from the speakers on the computer, I smiled maliciously as a shot rang through Michael's ear. Chyenne was sure to kill me for doing something like this; but it was the perfect way to add some drama.

My aunt and uncle were downstairs, they would be going out tonight as well, they just wanted to hear the boys' news. I wondered how Cheyenne was going to take this day- all of her friends were going out with their partner and she was left at home. Alex was going to be the same way. I shook that from my head and stood up. The clock said that it was 6:07, the boys should be here at any time with the fate of the band. Fingers were crossed, this was what they wanted more than anything, and everybody wanted them to get it. I walked downstairs, wanting to be there when they came barreling through the door, so they wouldn't have to wait to share the news. Cheyenne was walking out of her room as I bounded down the stairs, the two of us joined my aunt and uncle in the living room.

A tapping of fingers, a jumping leg, nail biting, and continuous sighs were emitted from all of us. Playing the waiting game was never any fun, especially when you are waiting to hear the news that could make or break four boys' dreams. No words were being exchanged, the movie playing wasn't being concentrated on by any of us, there was just too much anxiety filling the room. Aunt Michelle got up and returned to the room with a bottle of water, glancing at the clock on her way in.

Credits rolled and still no sign of the boys; 6:32. I began to grow nervous, not only because Zack and I would miss the reservations, but because they hadn't come back. I walked up into my room and slipped on my dress and fixing my hair; I stepped off the bottom stair at 6:47 and still no sign of them. Brie and Kara showed up on our doorstep at 6:52, claiming they were just going to wait here for the boys to get here. With three of us dolled up and my aunt and uncle going to their room to get ready, Cheyenne sighed. I checked my phone and saw no messages. If they were going to be late they could at least call. My phone vibrated, and I smiled, it was from Zack.

I called the restaurant, rez is set for 7:30 now

Why were they going to be so late that Zack needed to make new plans for us? I told the girls what had happened and they patted my shoulder sympathetically, understadning the feeling. Then, due to the silence that had overcome the Barakat plus one residence, we heard the slam of car doors. Smiles spread onto our faces and my aunt and uncle raced downstairs, getting there just as four boys entered through the door. They took one look at the impatience looks that graced our faces and burst into grins.

"We got signed!" They yelled.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked with Brie, Kara, and Cheyenne.

"I knew you boys could do it!" My aunt congratulated.

"Good going boys!"

"I know," Alex was saying, "I can't believe this finally happened. We got fucking signed to Hopeless records!"

"I know!" Jack screamed. "It's amazing!"

They were talking in exclamations, they had good reason to, this day would be one of the best days of their lives. All four of them were jumping up and down, It was fairly odd too because Zack, and Rian were dressed rather nicely, while Jack was still in jeans and a Jack's Mannequin hoodie and Alex in a Blink 182 tee.

"This calls for celebration!" My aunt said. "Tomorrow I want you boys to invite your parents over, we're going to have a party for All Time Low's signing to Hopeless Records."

"You sure mom?"

"Of course she's sure!" My uncle boomed. "Jack, you're going to make it big in the music scene. We need to celebrate! We would have the party today, but it is Valentine's Day, and your mother and I have a date. As do some of you boys."

"Just rub it in Mr. Barakat." Alex teased. "Not all of us can have pretty ladies to treat well."

"Or gorgeous men to take a pretty lady out." Cheyenne said pointedly.

"Dan, honey," aunt Michelle said, "We got to get going, the reservation!"

"Bye kids!"

The clock on the wall read 7:19. "Zack, how long will it take to get to the restaurant?"

"About ten minutes, why?"

"Well, we have eleven minutes to get there."

"Oh," he shouted bye to the guys. "Let's go my dear."

I took his hand in mine and followed him out. His car was still parked in front of the house from earlier, he opened my door for me and helped me in like a true gentleman. Then, at the restaurant he helped me out and pulled out my seat for me.

"So today was exciting, don’t you think?" I said, looking at the menu.

"It was." He grinned at me. "First we get signed and now I am on a date with a pretty girl."

"Zack." I said, blushing.

"Zack, what?" he teased.

"You're embarrassing me."

"And how is that." He smiled. "I'm simply stating the truth. I am on a date with a pretty girl and I am sure any man in here would agree with me."

"I'm sure they wouldn't."

"Come on Soph," he looked me directly in the eye. "You're gorgeous, never forget that."

"How could I with you telling me every minute?"

"You can't." he grinned. "Just the way it should be."
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is for Joh :D
There is something about this that makes me squeal in exitement.
