‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


It was the first Saturday of the school year and even though we had just been there two weeks ago, we were all going to the mall. Well all of us technically would be there, Rian however wouldn't be with us, he would be working at the ice-cream place. All but Kara laughed at his misfortune, she just pouted slightly and said that she would come by later for something sweet. I, being the only one that heard this, groaned out in disgust, because, between you and me, she was not talking about ice cream. Rian and Kara had both laughed at her before kissing passionately. I made a face and scampered off to Zach.

"Whoa, what's the matter?" he laughed as she ran into him.

"Ri and Kar are being sickening!"

He glanced over at them and laughed. "You're right."

"I always am Zachy."

He chuckled and kissed me again. Alex, Cheyenne, Jack, Brie, Zack, and I were taking the van to the mall whereas Rian and Kara were taking Kara's. Alex wasn't as bad of a driver as Jack is, but by far he is not the best. Too much road rage fills his head. Cheyenne sat up by him, Jack and Brie sat in the first backseat and Zach and I in the way back. For awhile I stared out at the cars that were passing us and listening to Jack go on to Brie with yet another "Wouldn't it suck if…" episode. I sighed and leaned into Zach, this car ride was taking entirely too long, although I think it might just seem this way because of Jack and Alex.

"Something the matter Soph?"

"You say that a lot." I commented. "And no, just wanting to get there, then maybe Jack and Alex will shut the hell up!

I said that last part towards them and Jack looked at me with mock hurt while Alex just continued yelling at the cars. "I am hurt Addie!"

"Love you too Jack." I grinned. "So Zach how was you're lovely morning?"

"It was lovely." He mimicked.

"Not nice Mr. Merrick," I pulled out of his grasp.

"You know I love you Soph!"

"Love you too Zach."

Jack and Brie had stopped what they were doing to stare at us during this time. Jack started freaking out when Zach kissed me, something about not wanting to see his cousin engaging forms of affection like this. Brie took the liberty of smacking him for me before deciding that she wanted to start arousing him. I'm sure that if we looked out the window we would get one of three reactions: a group of guys or girls looking in on us as if they're watching soft core porn, little old ladies looking at us as if we're the devil, or friends laughing at us hysterically. Soon enough we reached the mall and Alex, of course, parked us as far away from the door as possible.

"God Alex," I whined, "could you have parked any further away?"

"Actually, I could have Addison."

"Thanks so much for being so considerate Gaskarth."

"Anytime Barakat."

"You're never going to win this one Ad." Cheyenne laughed.

"God," I laughed. "He's got my wit and your, let's say, physical ability. What have we gotten ourselves into Chey?"

"I have no clue, but I like it."

"I'd get out while I still can." Brie chuckled. Jack punced on her and kissed her cheek sloppily shouting about how she could never leave him.

"And they wonder why we make comments about rabbits around them." Zach mused.

"Zach I love you." I stated, looking up at him.

"What do you want Soph?"

"A piggyback ride to the ice-cream place!" I giggled. "Kara needs to go there anyways for her Rian pick-me-up."

"Hey," she protested. "It's not my fault Ri is so sweet!"

"Too much info Kar!" Alex shouted.

Already he and Cheyenne were heading towards Rita's at full force. Climbing on Zach's back, we darted off after them, with Jack, Brie, and Kara skipping behind us. I definitely saw some people laughing at us, scoffing, glaring, every emotion in the book seemed to be directed towards us. Rian was leaning on the counter at Rita's looking positively bored when I first saw him; he then proceeded to lift his head and see the seven of us barreling towards him and started laughing loudly. His coworker looked over to see what he was laughing at and rolled her eyes; she wasn't exactly the nicest person alive.

"I told you I would come by for something sweet, babe!" Kara said, kissing him lightly.

"That you did," He laughed. With a glance back at Abigayle, he sighed, she was looking at him expectantly. "Welcome to Rita's can I take your order?"

Alex and Cheyenne both ordered strawberry ice cream, Jack ordered chocolate, Brie ordered mint chocolate chip, Kara ordered jamoca and Zach ordered pralines and cream. They all looked at me and I said loudly and cheerily, "rainbow sherbet please". They all laughed at my choice of ice cream and me, having the maturity of a seven year old, stuck my tongue out at them; which Zach so willingly bit lightly. I giggled and stepped away, taking my ice cream from Rian and sitting down on Alex.

"Excuse me?" he said.


"You're on top of me."

"I am well aware of that Alex."

"But that's where Cheyenne is sitting."

"Nope. I'm sitting here because Zach is being a butthead and you're my best friend…and comfy."

"Glad to know you love me Addie. Where is Cheyenne going sit?"

"On top of my girlfriend of course!" she cried, sitting on top of Kara.

Kara and Cheyenne had hit off instantly just like I had done with Alex and Brie, it was great. Alex shook his head and continued to eat his strawberry ice cream with enormous bites while I took little bites of my rainbow sherbet. Zach pouted at me, sticking out his lower lip and making his eyes grow big and sad, I looked at him and couldn't resist kissing him.

"Sorry Alex, but look at this face!" I gestured to Zach. "It's just too damn cute!"

"Mine's better!"

Cheyenne took my place and Alex's lap and I sat down on Zach. I was looking around the mall and nearly choked when I saw Sarah Miller and Logan Greene walking into a Hollister. I finished my ice cream and glanced at Cheyenne, Brie, and Kara who were all grinning just the same as me. Within a flash, we had grabbed hold of three of our boys and whisked them into Hollister, ready to wreak some havoc in there. Zach, Alex, and Jack all looked confused as to why we would be in there of all places but soon they noticed Sarah and Logan and rolled their eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Jack asked.

"You'll see."

All at once, us girls began complaining about the store and dropping clothes onto the floor. The boys soon caught on to what we were doing and joined in. Sarah and Logan looked at us, astounded that we could be doing such a heinous thing in this store.

"God look at how hideous these clothes are!" Brie said loudly.

"Oh my God!" Kara cried back. "I know!"

"What type of losers would wear these things?" Alex asked us.

"Seriously, any person that wears this must have no sense of style!" Zack agreed.

"Excuse me?" someone came up to us. They were wearing a nametag, obviously they worked here. "You guys like, need to leave?"

"Is that a question or a statement?" I snorted.

"Just leave!" She shrieked.

We exited the store, complaining loudly about how crappy the workers are while stifling laughs. Sarah and Logan were still staring at us like we had all grown another head and came from Pluto. Our goal had been accomplished: freak out Sarah and Logan. As an added bonus, we even got kicked out of the store. Rian had suddenly been bombarded by people who wanted ice cream so we refrained from going over there again. Zach, Alex, and Jack soon grew bored of hearing us girls talk abut clothes and shoes and whatnot and went off towards the food court, the gluttons. To be completely honest, we didn't even notice them leave, Brie called Jack to figure it out.

"So they left us." She said. Then she smiled. "We aren't going to be held back anymore!"

"Right you are Brie." I laughed. "Let's go."

"I am so glad it's the weekend." Cheyenne said. "School is so boring!"

"I know, right?" Kara agreed. "You'd think it would be better our senior year, but no."

"Just think though, after this year we're free of all that high school drama!"

"That's true," Brie admitted. "But then we have to get ready for the real world."

"Yeah, we do, shouldn't be that hard, I don't think."

"Says the girl who is afraid of the dark."

"Hey!" Cheyenne cried. "Only when I'm outside alone, walking somewhere really dangerous."

Brie, Kara, and I started laughing at her and Cheyenne's face turned bright red as she retorted back on me. Pretty soon we were all joking around, our minds focusing back on being kids. If the guys were still with us, more than likely they would have been having a blast with us; riding little kids electronics. So mature.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually loved writing this one!
It made me all warm and fuzzy inside!
