‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Treinta y Uno

Prom was approaching fast and seeing as how us girls wanted to go, the guys had ended up asking us. Even Alex asked Cheyenne to go, as just friends; she had said yes. Every girl wants to go to prom, get dolled up and spend a night with their partner, for lack of better word. On a clear sunny day in May, Brie, Cheyenne, Kara, and I decided to go dress shopping; prom was in just a week and a half, and we had yet to get our dresses. Most likely the stores will be picked over, but surely the four of us can find elegant gowns. The boys opted to stay behind once we told them we would be there all day, and if they came they would have to hold all of our things. And no guy wants that.

Brie and Kara were coming over at two to pick up Cheyenne and I. We were driving to Baltimore this afternoon, in search for change. It was only one now, but I was already done with getting ready; Cheyenne however, was rushing to finish. She had gotten up just moments before, and typically it takes her awhile to get ready. My aunt came out of her room and situated herself on the couch next to me.

"So, Addie, I gave you the money your parents sent for you for prom, right?"

"Yeah, and I have Chey's too." I said back.

"Do you know what type of dress you are going to get?"

"No." I admitted. "I'll know it when I see it."

"You're using that tactic." Aunt Michelle smiled. "That's what your mother did. I had planned out exactly what I wanted and tried to help her but she was so stubborn."

"That sounds like my mother." I laughed. "Being stubborn."

"Oh, your mother can be the queen of stubborness Addison." My aunt sighed, most likely, reminiscing about the old days.

Cheyenne came stumbling out of the bathroom, tripping over her own two feet and I laughed. She shot me the bird and ran into her room to throw her pjs on her bed. When she came walking back out she looked great; her makeup had been done and she looked like she was trying to impress someone, but she knew she didn’t have to. Aunt Michelle got up and went into the kitchen, while Cheyenne took a seat next to me. She kicked her feet up onto the table, and turned to face me.


"Aren't you proud of me?" she smirked. "I got ready in like twenty minutes."

"It's a record for you." I laughed. "But you do know you have another like twenty minutes, right?"

"Are you kidding me?" she asked. "I hurried that much and I could have had an extra twenty minutes to beautify myself?"

"Chill, Chey, we're going dress shopping, it's not exactly a time to look beautiful." I said. "It's more of a time to wear clothes you can get in and out of easily in the fitting rooms."


Brie came early to get us, claiming she was too excited to wait any longer. Who could blame her?- all of us were excited for this outing. Brie drove all the way to the mall, jabbering on about how she still wasn't sure what type of dress to get, or what color. After studying her complexion, I told her to try a bright red or a pale pink; both of which, she decided to try, but would probably hate them. I rolled my eyes and began to sing along to the radio which was playing a song by Panic! At the Disco, a band that apparently was making it big.

"We're here!" Kara practically screamed.

"I can see that." Cheyenne said sarcastically. "No need to bust my eardrums K dear."

"Oh, but it's just so much fun!"

"Whatever you say, you dork."

The four of us made our way into Mariposa and began ransacking the entire store in search of dresses we liked. Once we grabbed as many that we could fit in the dressing room (six), we all took over one each, and giggled loudly. I looked at myself in the first one and shook my head, it wasn't me. I tired the second, and then third, still not feeling the dresses when Brie called out saying she had found the perfect dress. I stepped out of the dressing room and grinned when I saw Brie standing there, in a pale green dress, semi "poofy", she looked stunning.

"Wow Brie," Cheyenne said. "Don't break Jack's heart now."

"I wouldn't dare." She grinned wickedly. "So you guys really like it?"

"It's great!" I assured her. "Lucky girl."

"Okay, now you three scat, get into the dressing rooms, and try the rest of your dresses on!"

The three of us scoffed at her and darted back into the dressing rooms. Not even two minutes later, Cheyenne had claimed she found the perfect dress; Kara and I walked out of ours and saw her looking goreous in a bright red, not teered dress, that accentuated her breasts greatly. Kara and I groaned, trudging back into the dressing room to try on the last of our dresses. I hadn't even gotten the next one zipped yet when Kara announced she found hers. It was pink, and poofy, but just slightly, she looked amazing. I sighed and went to try on the last one. I looked at myself in the mirror and let out a small gasp.

"Guys, I think I found the dress."

"Come out of the damn dressing room then!" Cheyenne laughed.

"I'm coming." I mumbled.

I opened the door and stepped out in front of my friends, observing them as the looked me over. Their eyes lit up and Brie's mouth even dropped a bit. I was wearing a light purple dress, with a tutu sort of bottom, but it reached to mid calf, with spaghetti straps, also causing me more cleavage than I thought I had. It was beautiful, by far the best dress I have ever worn and when I was little, they were all I wore. I stood there silently, waiting for them to comment on how it looks.

"Well?" I prompted.

"You look beautiful!" Brie squealed.

"Seriously Addie," Cheyenne said. "You look like a punk rock princess."

"Quoting Something Corporate." I teased. "So I looke okay?"

"I would be lying if I said you looked horrendous." Kara said. "You look breathtaking. Zack isn't going to know what hit him."

"Are you sure?" I asked worriedly. "Because I really want to impress him."

"Honey every is going to envy you." Brie said. "With your hair and make up done, then that dress, you're going to be the best looking one there. Well, besides me."

"Yeah right!" Cheyenne laughed. "I'll be the best looking."

"You're both wrong, I'll be the best looking." Kara laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I honestly don't know what to say. This is amazing.
For whoever gives me my one hundredth comment, I will give them a sneak peek of a chapter of their choosing.
