‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Trienta y Dos

May 27th, 2006: Prom Night. Plans had been set in stone for this night. Brie and Kara were coming over here to get dolled up while Jack would go to Alex's. At seven, the boys would arrive to pick us up and we would go to dinner, afterwards, to the dance. My aunt was just as giddy as we were, happy to help with hair and make up disasters that were sure to happen; she never had nor will she have a daughter to do this for, so we were the next best thing. All four of us couldn't stop smiling, and giggling periodically, this was sure to be a great night.

Music was to be blared out of my speakers as we danced around, not bothered in the slightest that we were more or less, in our underwear. My aunt stood in the doorway, a smirk on her face, amusement lighting up her eyes. She stepped into th eroom and asked if we were ready to start getting ready…we had two hours left. We froze. Then the freaking began, only two hours to get dressed, do our hair, and make up, and nails. We had goofed around way too much. Aunt Michelle tutted at our actions, assuring us that we would have time. While Brie and Kara rushed to go wash their hair, Cheyenne and I unwrapped our hair from the towels and began to work on it, with my aunt's help. While Cheyenne put her hair up, in a loose, elegant bun, I opted to keep my down, waving it and giving it a bit of wavyness.

Brie and Kara came back into my room and my aunt began to help them while I started to do Cheyenne's make up. We were working as a team, so that we were ready on time, a task that hardly ever came out well when we were on a schedule. I had already finished my nails earlier, while my hair was up in the towel which was a relief because it meant that once Cheyenne finished doing my make up, and I put on my dress, I was ready. My aunt helped me gracefully step into my dress, zipping it in the back and smiled at me softly.

"Your mom would be so happy to see you right now Addison Sophia." She whispered. "I'm going to have to take tons of pictures."

"Not too many, please aunt Michelle?" I pleaded.

"Now, Addie, I'm not going to lie. I am going to take pictures until you go blind."

"No you are not! I just want to have a nice evening with Zack…please don't ruin it with tons of pictures."

"Don't worry, I won't."

My uncle poked his head in the room, his eyes shut tight. "Girls, your parents are waiting downstairs for when you decide to grace us with your presence. The boys are down there too."

"Oh my God?" Brie shrieked. "It's seven?"

"No, it's six forty five." He chuckled. "Just come down when you're ready."

Moments later, Brie, Kara, Cheyenne, and I stood nervously in my room, getting ready to make our appearences. Cheyenne was going down the stairs first, then Kara, Brie, and finally me. I heard each one of the boys present their date with a corsage and then it was my turn to walk down the stairs. I took a deep breath and walked out from around the corner, suddenly self conscious over everybody looking at me. Not only were the girls' parents there, but the boys' as well. They all smiled at me, but Zack's was the widest and the brightest, I focused on his face all the way down the stairs and when I went to pin his flower onto his tuxedo jacket, he whispered in my ear.

"You look beautiful, Soph."

I am sure that I blushed at his comment. As we pulled apart from each other, I was blinded by a flash, my aunt was attempting to seem innocent. I glared at her playfully, posing for picture after picture, in different poses, with different people. There was one by myself, one with my aunt, one with my uncle, one with both of them, two with just Zack and I, a group picture, one of Jack and I, one of me and each of my girlfriends, one of me and each of my guys. And those were just taken by my aunt and uncle. At long last, we had escaped the clutches of them and ran outside; us girls stopping in our tracks at the sight of a limo.

"Do you like it?" Rian smiled.

"You didn't tell me we were getting a limo!" we shouted.

"That's because you would have wanted to help pay." Zack said mildly.

"Yeah, consider this a gift from us to you." Alex chimed in.

"And no complaining about it." Jack added.

Not saying one word, we climbed into the limo, carefully so we didn't harm our dresses, and sat down in the large area. Brie was doing her best at biting her lip from commenting on the cost of the limo, while Kara and Rian were engaged in a deep conversation. Cheyenne was sitting by Alex, who was on one side of me, and I could feel the tension coming off the two of them. I turned to Zack, lacing my hands with his, catching his attention.

"Thank you." I told him.

"For what?"

"The limo, for making this date already be the best one of my life."

"Soph, it hasn't even started!" Zack laughed. "Save the thank yous for later, even though they are not needed."

The limo stopped and the driver opened the door for us to get out of. We were in front of a fancy Italian place, my jaw dropped slightly. There was going to be a dispute about who pays the bill when we get inside; the boys will want to pay for it all, but we'll want to help pay. Rian walked up to the host and said that we were here for our reservation; right away we were seated. The resteraunt wasn't full by any means, but it wasn't empty, and all the people sitting down in the resteraunt were looking at us and smiling, as if they knew were we were going after this.

"What are you going to get?" Alex asked me.

"Chicken alfredo," I told him. "You?"

"Spaghetti!" he squealed.

"Freak." I laughed. "If I want spaghetti, I just have to ask my aunt to make it."

"Uh, Addison, aren't you vegetarian?" Jack asked me.

"I make an exception for chicken Jack attack." I smiled. "Chicken and fish."

"So you're not completely veg?"

"Nah, I can't…it'd be too hard. Chicken is like my favorite food."

"And I'm the freak." Alex scoffed.

The waitress came out to take our orders, smiling, and came back soon there after with our food. It wasn't quiet per se, while we were eating, but Jack and Alex, and everybody else, weren't as rambunctious as usual. Most of us were just trying our hardest not to get food onto our clothing, a difficult task for people like Jack. Having dishes that have red sauce, when wearing fancy clothes, is not exactly the best idea. That is one reason as to why I opted for the chicken alfredo, because the sauce is a cheese. Brie and Kara, also choose a sauceless entrée for their meal, while Cheyenne, went for spaghetti.

"Is everybody done?" Brie asked later. We chorused back a yes, and she grabbed the bill from the waitress and started divide. "Y'all need to chip in ten thirty two."

Before the guys had even gotten out their wallets and open their mouths to protest, Brie had taken our money. The guys grumbled about us paying, and how they were supposed to be the gentleman and pay for this entire thing. However, we weren't typical, and we were far from going to let them go broke on our account; they had a band to focus on first and foremost. The driver opened the door for us once more, and we were off to the Prom, that was being held at a fancy hotel this year.

"You ready to make a great entrance?" Cheyenne asked me quietly.

"Yeah," I laughed slightly. "Maybe this will make Sarah realize that I have things she will never have."

"Like real boobs?" Alex butted in.

"What are you talking about Alex?" I asked. "Mine are fake?"


Zack started to laugh at Alex's horrified face. You would think that Alex would know that my bresasts were real…just the same as Zack. Jack and Rian were both looking confused, and (in Jack's case) slightly pissed while Brie, Kara, and Cheyenne were laughing along with Zack. Alex looked shocked for a moment longer before scowling at me.

"God, Addie, don't scare me like that!" he groaned. "I really thought you had gotten a boob job."

"Do you really think I'd do that. I'm very happy with thirty four C cups thank you."

"Damn girl, you got big boobs." Brie laughed.

"I'm gifted." I kissed Zack. "Aren't I?"

"That you are."

Again, the limo stopped, we stepped out of the vehicle and stood in front of the hotel. Linking arms with Zack, the eight of us made our way into the building and were greeted by a band performing on the stage. I smiled and bopped my head to the music, going to the middle of the floor with Zack to dance. The band switched to a slower song, my hands wrapped around his neck, while he rested his gently on my hips. My head leaned onto his shoulder as the two of us swayed to the music.

"Can I cut in?" Alex asked cheesily, some time later.

"Sure." Zack winked at me, going off to find out what Cheyenne had done.

"Enjoying prom?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah, it's been great so far."

"It's going to get better." I looked at him quizzically. "When the band takes a break, All Time Low gets to go on."

"That's great Alex!"

"Yeah." He smiled. "You and the others, are coming on stage too."


"Because we want you up there."

"Okay, whatever."

"Okay, everybody," the singer announced. "We're going to take a break. While we do that, enjoy All Time Low!"

I was back to dancing with Zack at this time, and he escorted me on stage, just like the other boys were doing for their girl. We stood on stage, unmoving, until the boys struck the first chords of a song that they had just wrote a week or so ago. I was surprised they were even playing it- the song was still in the works.

"This one is for all them hustlers!" Alex laughed. "The Girls A Straight Up Hustler!"

He broke into the song and I started prancing around on stage with Cheyenne, messing around by the boys, dancing crazier, forgetting we were putting on a show for the class of 2006's prom. They ended their song and I kissed Zack passionately, in front of everyone, and when I pulled away, I sought to find Sarah Miller, to see her reaction. Her face was red, and she looked upset- I giggled.

The other band came back on stage after two more songs, allowing us to get back to enjoying each other's companies. By the end of the dance, I had danced with each one of my best friends, and had enjoyed every moment of the night. Zack led me away from everyone right after prom king and queen were announced (Sarah Miller and Austin Mills) and showed me a keycard to a room in the hotel, I grinned and told him to the lead the way. On the elevator, up to the room, I found out that Rian, Jack, and even Alex, had all gotten a room for us. I shook my head and kissed him roughly.

I tugged at his tie, and removed his jacket the moment we stepped foot into the room, allowing him to unzip my dress, and it fall to the ground. He stepped out of his shoes and pants, before staring at me, clad in a pair of white, lacy panties, that I had bought just fo tonight. I hastily unbuttoned his shirt and pulled at his underwear, wanting him in my so badly. Zack unclasped my bra and brought my panties down to my ankles.

"Oh God, Zack, get in me babe." Watching him as he put on the condom.

"Soph," he moaned as he put himself into me.

I bit down on his lower lip, allowing his tongue to force entry into my mouth, letting my grin grow. His hands were exploring breasts as mine were running over his abs, a moan escaped from my throat and he smirked into the kiss. Zack pulled away and brought his lips down to my right breast, where he began to bite, just above the nipple. Unvoluntarily, my hips bucked as he went into me, further then he has ever gone before. He was in unmarked territory, and he liked it.

"You're a little tight Soph." he moaned.

"We haven't done this in awhile." I gasped. "You're in so far. Keep it coming Zack!"

Cooperatively, he did as I asked, and kept going in me that far, opening me up more, pleasing me. I felt him grow harder, he was climaxing; then he went limp. Zack pulled out of me apologetically, thinking that it ended to soon for me.

"It was amazing." I said, pulling the covers over my naked body.

"You're amazing." He whispered. "I love you so much Addison Sophia Rae Barakat."

"I love you so much Zachary Steven Merrick."

"Come on, we have to get out to the limo." He said. "We're expected to get home before four in the morning."
♠ ♠ ♠
Only three more left.
I only have two to write.
